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Old 24-09-2017, 01:32   #202
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Re: Brexit discussion

As usual, one sidedness rears its ugly head.

I repeat, it is not a lie. The UK gives the EU a "gross" contribution of £350 million a week, of that amount, most of it which "could" be spent on the NHS if the UK Government so wished. These are usually touted as lies, but this stems from ‘Remainers' being unable to tell the difference between the words ‘gross’ and ‘net’ as well as the difference between the words ‘could’ and ‘will’.

But if we want to discuss voter influence, no problem, as for lies, there were plenty told by Remain campaign...

Such as....
  • David Cameron implied in a speech about the “serried rows of white headstones” that World War 3 would be upon us if Brexit occurred.
  • European Council President Donald Tusk, said western political civilisation would be destroyed if the UK voted ‘Leave.
  • George Osborne predicted tax rises and spending cuts would be implemented in an emergency budget straight after referendum if leave won.
  • “A dangerous fantasy” is how Nick Clegg described Nigel Farage’s claim of EU plans to create an army. Barely three months on from the Referendum, Juncker had proposed an EU Army.
  • David Cameron said he wouldn’t resign as Prime Minister if he lost the Referendum vote. He said at a PM questions session when asked if he would be around to enact the result of the referendum on June 24th. He replied "Yes.".
  • President Obama indicated we would be at the back of the queue if leave won, this was single handed, the most dirty trick the Remain camp used to try sway votes, but I actually think Obama convinced more Brits to vote leave. Either way, by the time brexit happens he would no longer be the serving President, perhaps he was hoping for Crooked Hillary to do his bidding, had she actually won, after his departure.

    Perhaps this not a lie but more of a big issue allowing a foreign leader to influence a British Democratic Process. We can see how upset the US got when it does not like foreign countries influencing their election process. Why should we not feel aggrieved at Obama's intervention during our referendum ?

How many of the above lies attributed to the undecided folks going with voting Remain....?

So I'm sorry, this voter influence works both ways I'm afraid.

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