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Old 08-02-2017, 14:19   #58
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Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by Hugh View Post
Hypocrisy Hugh, at it again.....

Obama has told way more Alternative Facts, here is a sample of a few:-

1. Obama painted a rosier picture of the economy than it really is. "After the worst recession in 80 years, we’ve fought our way back," Obama said. "We’ve seen deficits come down, 401(k)s recover, an auto industry set new records, unemployment reach eight-year lows, and our businesses create 15 million new jobs."

Here's why each of these claims is false, in respective order:

Ronald Reagan inherited a worse economy than Obama.
  • According to USA Today, while deficits have declined under Obama, "they are expected to rise again soon under his proposed budget." Additionally, as The Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro explains here, Obama completely "blew out" the deficit to $1 trillion in first year in office and created a $4 trillion budget, doubling the $2 trillion budget preceding him. He then reduced the budget to $3.5 trillion–not as much, but absurdly high. The overall debt is now over $19 trillion in debt.
  • It is natural for 401(k)s to recover on their own after a recession. But the Obama administration is pushing regulations that would drive people into government-run retirement accounts.
  • The Federal Reserve's "easy money" practices have resulted in an artificially inflated auto industry that's being set up for disaster.
  • The unemployment figure is incredibly misleading since it's not including those that have dropped out of the workforce. The 15 million jobs number is also misleading without context, and there's actually a 14 million "jobs gap," according to Investor's Business Daily.

2. Obama lied about the troops. He said that "we brought more of our troops home to their families." Problem is, 75 percent of U.S. soldier deaths in Afghanistan have occurred under Obama.

3. He also lied about the success of his diplomacy. Obama bloviated that his diplomacy "shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program" and "opened up a new chapter with the people of Cuba."

Actually, the Iran deal has paved the way for the terror state to obtain nuclear weapons sooner than expected, and his relations on Cuba have further tightened the iron fist of the Castro brother's tyrannical regime.
For more Alternative Facts from 4 to 9 from Obama, see:-

Oh and what's this also..... ???

Bill Clinton LIED under OATH regarding his affair with Monica Lewinsky...

WASHINGTON - President Clinton escaped indictment yesterday by surrendering his Arkansas law license for five years and admitting that he made false statements under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

"I hope my actions today will help bring closure and finality to these matters," he said in a statement read by his press secretary after the deal was cut.

It was an abrupt but fitting capper to the endless Gothic saga of expensive investigations that led from a grubby land deal to a sordid Oval Office sex farce.
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