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Old 13-01-2017, 17:50   #1470
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Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by Hugh View Post
He's not put them in a blind trust, he's transferring them to his children, and promised never to discuss business with his sons, or watch any news about the businesses, so he wouldn't be influenced by them....
No rule or law says he has to put them in a blind trust and if I had a Billion Dollar empire, I would not just skip my kids and neither would a lot of other people.

Also, you missed the bit where a Business Ethics Committee person is to be appointed on to the Trump Staff team who will ensure no Conflict of Interest occurs.

Originally Posted by TheDaddy
Is Mick a fan then, I thought he said he only supported him because he didn't like Mrs Clinton, she's no longer relevant so no need to stick up for the donald anymore
I am Still here. It is not about being a fan of Trump, it's about not following such a ridiculous anti-bias press, which throws up silly stories about him, just because it's him. The absolute favoritism of the US Media, for Hillary Clinton, during the campaigns was ridiculous, given her poor track record as Secretary of State and other 'bent' traits here and there.

It's also about people who jump on the hate bandwagon, far too easily just because they see a negative Trump headline and then jump to the conclusion, that he is going to be crap, guess what? Barack Obama is considered a crap President, that's why Trump essentially won, because they (Americans) did not want another four years of Obama, and this was highly likely with Hillary Clinton.

So other Presidents who were considered crap.... George W. Bush was a Seriously Crap President, Bill Clinton, not that impressive, George Bush Snr, served only one term so that speaks for itself and need I mention Nixon here?

So if Trump is going to be a crap President, he will be joining quite a list.

But all these Presidents before him said what they wanted to do before they went in to office, only to do some of what they said or the opposite or take us in to illegal wars or completely shake up the entire Middle East and cause mass migration, not seen since World War II.
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