Thread: Amazon Lord of the Rings Series
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Old 06-09-2022, 16:03   #64
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Re: Lord of the Rings Series

Originally Posted by Paul View Post
So, Ive now watched episode 2 as well.

The season is 8 episodes, so Ive watched 25% of season 1, and almost nothing has happened, and what little has happened is just boring and confusing.

A troll got killed in some remote freezing mountain (and then, even more bizarre, the troops apparenly mutinied, and then a minute later everyone was back in some orchard as if nothing happened).

Some bloke landed inside a meteor (yep !) and was found by the local irish gipsy girl. We have no clue who (what) he is, or why weird things happen. In another bizarre twist, Lenny Henry appears as (the only ?) black gipsy, gazing at the sky.

Some sea serpant randomly attacked a boat, killed a few people, and then randomly vanished just as quickly, and some dwarves (dwarfs ?) had a rock smashing competition (seriously) - thats about it.

All this took over 2 hours. It can only improve.
Sauron killed Galadriels brother. She wanted revenge so spent centuries hunting. The Elf King called them back but she insisted they continue. Galadriel found evidence that Sauron had been there and wanted to continue. The troll attacked and this was enough for her men to decide to go back

Meteor man is most likely a Maia spirit the same species as Gandalf. He was found by Harfoots who are one of 3 breeds of Hobbits

Not sure in lore about the serpent but the main point was Galadriel refused to go back to the elven "home" kinda like their heaven where Bilbo and Frodo went at the end of LOTR

Durin was the Dwarf King who wore the Dwarf Ring of Power I believe the cave city was the same one visited in Fellowship I believe where it was taken over by goblins and Gandalf died and become The White

Hope that helps hahahaha
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