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Old 13-09-2005, 22:47   #29
Location: Midlands
Services: NTL Phone/Cable
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Re: Cannot connect to

Originally Posted by levig
ps..... why do I always have calls like this at work not alot of info, and the whole shabang
Probably because it reflects the experience of so many 'everyday' users. They market this stuff as if it's all plug and play, even though it often isn't. And when it isn't, then the options offered are just bewildering.

BTW - if the router isn't new I'm not sure how helpful USR will be - particularly if it's faulty.

Originally Posted by levig
...otherwise at the back of your US robotics router is a little hole that you can press with something thin like a paper clip...
Hope you've got the model figured, otherwise that might not work. lol.

(Or do ALL their products have this feature?)
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