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Old 11-10-2018, 19:48   #1516
richard s
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richard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful one
Re: Government & Post Election Discussion

The financial mess was created by the capitalist banks for being greedy and totally inept. If Labour had not bailed out the banks I wonder what the situation or outcome would be today? probably an even worst recession then we have had for the past decade.
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