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Old 18-06-2017, 20:09   #135
Posts: n/a
Re: Huge fire at West London tower block

Trouble is right now we don't know if the company that refurbished this tower actually stuck to the specs they submitted or changed them for cheaper materials once they got the contract not exactly unheard of and the answer to just that question could take weeks to answer. The council and it's record will now come under scrutiny and heads will hopefully roll given the quality of the council where i live it isn't a big stretch that they were little more then a council tax collection point with no interest in the rest of their duties and responsibilities.

There are many questions that have to be answered about all of this but they need to be asked by qualified people with the knowledge to understand what's happened here and the ability to lay blame where it truly belongs. No situation like this should be highjacked by **** political oppurtunistic sleaze and victims shouldn't be used in that way and that's what has happened here we even get a lily allen visit. These type of incidents used to bring out the best in everyone and while it has in a good number of people who have been fantastic in the help they have offered we now have whole groups who look at things like this as a means to further their agenda.
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