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Old 04-06-2017, 20:40   #58
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Arthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appeal
Arthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appeal
Re: 7 Dead and 48 Injured in London Bridge Terror Attack

I don't like to say this. But we should take the same stance as Donald Trump. We have to take an stand bar on who comes into the UK.

And l totally blame ALL politicians, for allowing this to happen. Over the past ten years, we have had figures of 100.000 migrants coming into the UK, either through ships, dingy Lorries anything. And the total border control guards. They have been cut drastically.

We have stupid Theresa May saying today, that we have to change tactics against terrorists. How can you, they are already here now. Thanks to the severe cuts that have been brought. I work with Law enforcement. And officers from ALL over London were drafted into area last night. And remember that this is the SECOND attack, in THREE areas of London.

Today, silly Kay Burley from Sky spoke to a Retired Fed rep, and asked stupid questions about the officers that were there. The reps reply was that these officers had there rest days, annual leave cancelled due to this. And some of them had already completed the normal shift.

The overstretched emergency services deserve our full support, in there actions last night

And remember, EVERY service last night has had severe cut to it. And the Tories are going to cut the police by ANOTHER 4.000 pc's by 2020

IF, we get hit by another act of terrorism attack. Then, l don't like to say it. They could strike in more than ONE CITY at the same time.

What we have to do is very simply.
1) close all borders to ALL countries - UNTIL they go through thorough checks.

2) IF, you have committed a crime in another country, you will NOT BE ALLOWED INTO THIS COUNTRY

3) IF you commit a crime in this Country, you get sent straight back to your country. NO MATTER WHAT.

4) we hear sob stories that that, whether its a man or woman, or children. Will be tortured in that country. Doesn't matter, you go back.

We have to protect our own citizens, then so be it.

This anger some members. But l am totally fed up with do gooders, who say out them before a court.

You tell that to the people that have lost family members.

I don't mind paying an extra 1 or 2p in tax if we can recruit more emergency staff. For too long ANY government that is in power that states we cannot afford it. Well stop overseas aid. That will do the job
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