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Old 02-04-2017, 18:42   #959
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Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by Damien View Post
If there was a global conspiracy to rig everything in order to achieve the New World Order then how did Brexit and Trump even come to pass? They've been concocting their plans for 50 years and they can't even rig a referendum or election and not only that but several powerful men worked against them such as Murdoch.

How does one even count as one of the powerful leaders stitching things up or not? Presumably Oxford educated, Bullingdon Club attending, Cameron does but Oxford educated, Bullingdon Club attending, Jonhson doesn't? Or did Johnson rebel against the NWO? Murdoch, one of the more powerful media tycoons in the world, also wasn't one of these elites? (Obviously though The Guardian was).

It's lunacy. It's 'elites' fighting other 'elites'. Same with America. Donald Trump sits atop one of the most exclusive buildings in New York literally surrounded by gold. He owns exclusive golf courses which cater to the elite, $200,000 a year memberships, and he isn't a member of the elite either.

Elite only seems to mean 'people whose political objectives I disagree with'.
As I've stated before, there doesn't need to be a co-ordinated, timetabled plan to do this, just a common long term goal. It's really quite simple and logical for the rich and powerful to want to look after each other just as they try to do with tax law for example. We see it on a smaller scale throughout the world of business and politics so why not on a wider scale? Yes there will be hiccups and setbacks along the way but anyone who seriously thinks the global elite are going to just relinquish their wealth when their world is up for grabs, as it inevitably will, is IMHO naive. Anyway back to Brexit When the UK descends into widespread social/economic disorder as a result of leaving the EU as some here predict, these powerful people will, using their wealth and influence, ensure they and their ilk were insulated/protected from it will they not? It's how things used to be in the dark distant (and not so distant) past and I don't think human nature has changed. Their politics aside, the global elite have a common interest - retaining the status they believe is their entitlement.

Last edited by Osem; 02-04-2017 at 18:45.
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