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Old 29-03-2017, 10:14   #737
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Osem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered stars
Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered: TODAY!

Certainty? Life outside the EU is uncertain? Well yes it is but the world's an uncertain place. Just look over the pond! Where's the certainty in the EU? The only certainty is that they will continue to press for the creation of a single European state at all costs since it's their entire raison d'etre. It's inconceivable that a UK which had remained within the club could have prevented that or remained outside it. Little by little, by hook or by crook we'd have been drawn in just as we were - further entwined until there could be no leaving. Just look how complicated Brexit already is? Does anyone think that's an accident? No, it's a design feature intended to prevent nations deciding to quit and doing that is not going to be made easier. Brexit will be used as an excuse to further tighten the rules. Where's the certainty inside the EU for the likes of Greece or the Italian banking system? Just look at the social and financial cost of that experiment and the mass unemployment in so many S. European nations. Far far worse than here by the way. Just look at the migration chaos. Does anyone think that's all going to be forgotten and end painlessly? It's funny how some folks will harp on ad nauseam about every little event in the UK that they can possibly cite as a negative consequence of Brexit yet they never seem to have anything to say about what's going on in the EU they want to be grafted onto, including the rise of the right in places like Holland, Austria, France and Germany. These people like to compare Nigel Farage and even some Tories with Hitler yet tell us their response to Brexit will be to move to places like France where Marine Le Pen is in the ascendant. Then there's the massive problems the EU is facing with Turkey which currently holds the key to the migration door and is being run by a clone of Putin. Their wonderful EU has been kicking so many cans down the road it's lost count and the disagreements within the EU aren't going to disappear - just look at what's going on in Hungary.

Those seeking 'certainty' need to realise there is precious little to be had anywhere. I'd rather my country be master of its own destiny and able to act quickly in its own interests than reduced to a tentacle tip on a German run EU octopus. It's not going to be easy and there will be costs and problems as a direct result of what we're doing but IMHO the costs, problems and uncertainties associated with staying part of the dysfunctional club are far greater. It's in everyone's interests for the UK and EU to work towards a mutually beneficial outcome and the measure of the EU's madness will be to what extent it accepts that fact. If they can't accept a member state leaving their club and are so intransigent that they'd rather make a very costly point than come to a reasonable agreement, what sort of organisation are they and why would we wish to be part of it?

Last edited by Osem; 29-03-2017 at 10:19.
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