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Old 27-05-2014, 20:22   #1972
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Re: what game are you playing

Watch dogs is GREAT!!!! Simple, an I'm always right. Of course the PS4 version is described as the definitive version. Sneaking into someone else game and hacking them whilst I'm hidden parked up in a car watching them running around trying to find me before I hack them is the best fun ever. As the hack zone gets smaller an smaller an you're trying to walk around like a normal NPC. It's just amazing fun, so much here HAS NOT BEEN DONE BEFORE!!!

Or someone comes into your game un-noticed an starts hacking a backdoor into your phone, you're desperately trying to find them before the hack gets to 100%. It's just really great fun. You know he can see you, but they look just like a normal NPC to you.

Wolfenstein is so on rails it's unbareable.
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