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Old 26-05-2013, 16:05   #131
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re: The Xbox One Thread

Originally Posted by Matt D View Post
I still think it's poor value, even if the multiplayer is better. You should not need to pay a subscription simply to be able to use apps that are free to use on other platforms. If you already pay because of playing online then it's fine, but what about those who don't actually play online, they still need to pay for Gold just to use Netflix or 4oD etc. etc.?

Still, as you say, having dedicated servers is going to be a huge thing once the Xbox One is out... That will justify the sub IMO, for those who play online... But I still think the apps should be available for those on Free/Silver accounts.

True, but I still find them annoying. I pay for XBL Gold, why do I also have to have adverts cluttering my dash? The XMB doesn't...
Yeah okay , I can agree that the apps should be available to all , tbh I didn't even know they didn't work unless you had a gold subscription !! .

@ jameseh if you can say hand on heart that psn is on the same level as Xbl then your on a different planet , psn is just a very cheap copy of Xbl because Sony have always been playing catch up. We all know Microsoft can write software and unlike windows Xbl is mostly bug free , psn just does not cut it , they don't charge a subscription and it shines through how much they spent on developing the dashboard , if Sony do not go the dedicated servers route (which I'm sure they won't if they don't charge) how can real gamers justify buying a ps4 when they're gonna put up with the same laggy rubbish they have since ps3 was released ? , I've wanted dedicated servers on consoles since the release of the 360 , that time has arrived and its gonna be huge. You stick with your 8 vs 8 at best with no lag , dedicated servers would allow 16 vs 16 , 32 vs 32 , even more if they wanted , it opens a whole new avenue to gaming on consoles
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