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Old 06-09-2009, 19:00   #5
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Re: What rights Do I have?

Originally Posted by lymara View Post
thanks for your comments arcamalpha2004, but sending the phone back isnt in dispute, I want to know what rights i may have as this is virgin mobile who have screwed this up. All i want is for them to honour the contract! Ive spent £100 on accessories for this phone! Would you send it back? I dont think so... The whole value is the contract

Looks like a trip to the CAB for you then.
Explain to them exactly what you have here and see what they say.
If it was me that felt agrieved over it I would just get onto them, give them a date that they can send someone out to collect if from me and at the same time ask to be put through to cancellations, after all, if my money for the mobile is not good enough, neither is the money for the other services.
I am sure they will see sense and come up with something.
Just a thought, they sent you the phone, if they want it back they should arrange for its return, and aslong as you have looked after it there should be no issue.
But it might be worth either a phone call or visit to the CAB, by the way, I totally understand how you must be feeling over having spent £100 on bits for the phone, but where you stand wont be answered here I am affraid, you could try calling their bluff as I suggested.
Good Luck.
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