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Old 25-06-2004, 10:52   #14
Earl of Bronze
Location: Belfast
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Re: Football Video Referee !!!!

Originally Posted by iadom
And who is going to police the fourth official/video ref ? If the video ref was English would his decision have been the same as say a Portugese one. So "have neutral ones", I hear you say. How do you think a French, Turkish, Irish etc referee would have viewed this situation.

So you think England can never get a decision given for them because everyone is out to get England.

Now I cant remember how may yellow cards where given last night, but I think it was 4 or 5. With a pretty even split as to which teams got the cards. But the game last night flowed more than any previous game in the tournament.

Put the persecution complex away mate, it wont do you any favours on there.
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