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Osem 19-07-2017 11:24

BBC salaries - good value for our money?
Well here it is, the list of slary's paid to the Beeb's top talent:

Bear in mind some of these salaries relate to what amount to part time work and those who're paid via third party companies aren't on the list so we don't know what Chris Evans' salary, for example, actually relates to.

Anyway it's nice work if you can get it eh.

Taf 19-07-2017 11:33

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?
Oh to be a "star" and get paid for just turning up.

papa smurf 19-07-2017 11:40

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?
i'm just glad that my humble contribution can provide such lavish lifestyles

Damien 19-07-2017 11:43

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?
Apart from Chris Evans and maybe Gary Lineker none of it is that surprising I think.

I.E Graham Norton is paid just under a £1 million for this show but that's a popular and successful show and less than Ant and Dec make from ITV

papa smurf 19-07-2017 11:47

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?
this is when the infighting starts now everyone knows what their fellow worker is earning

Osem 19-07-2017 11:49

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?
Well supposedly there's a 60/40 split in favour of men in this list. How about we get some idea of each 'star's' political views as well? That'd be useful in determining how biased, or not, the BBC actually is likely to be. Maybe we could extend that across the entire organisation just so we get a clear idea of what sort of people tend to work for them... :D

denphone 19-07-2017 12:05

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35908420)
i'm just glad that my humble contribution can provide such lavish lifestyles

Crikey it seems everybody owes you something it seems.....;)

papa smurf 19-07-2017 12:11

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35908430)
Crikey it seems everybody owes you something it seems.....;)

your so right i do seem to be paying for other people's life choices and none of it benefits me .:shrug:

Osem 19-07-2017 12:39

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?
Apparently some people seem to think there's going to be a private sector stampede for all this undervalued BBC talent. Quelle horreur. :eeek:

We're always being told that BBC presenters see their role as a public service so given that none of them is exactly hard up, why would they leave? That'd be against their principles surely... :confused:

What would we all do without these people on the public payroll I wonder. Maybe the BBC will revert to the test card when all these stars up and leave en masse. Apparently Gary Lineker reckons he's had better offers but loves his work for the public service BBC so much that he turned them down. Quite why, in this age of poverty and austerity, he feels comfortable being paid c. £1.8m pa for doing something he loves for such a worthy institution is beyond me. I mean if he was a greedy banker or Tory fat cat I could understand it. I dare say he has nightmares about it..

Paul 19-07-2017 13:03

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?
If someone offered to pay me 1.8 million to do a job I liked I would take it, and not care what anyone thought :D

papa smurf 19-07-2017 13:07

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35908449)
If someone offered to pay me 1.8 million to do a job I liked I would take it, and not care what anyone thought :D

guzzling dr pepper is not a talent ,don't give up the day job ;)

Osem 19-07-2017 13:42

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?
I think it's great that he feels cool about earning so much for so little. He's clearly doing us all a great big favour by staying at the Beeb where he's only earning nearly £2m pa. Life must be tough at Lineker Towers eh what with having all that money and preaching about refugees.

Anyway now we know what these folks are being paid we can better judge the degree of hypocrisy in the things they say and do just as we can when we get to find out their tax arrangements...

Mick 19-07-2017 15:40

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35908421)
Apart from Chris Evans and maybe Gary Lineker none of it is that surprising I think.

I.E Graham Norton is paid just under a £1 million for this show but that's a popular and successful show and less than Ant and Dec make from ITV

Lineker is a pain in the arse. Tweets left wing crap practically 24/7.

As for presenting MOTD. He is a sure fire way to treat insomnia. :zzz:

Osem 19-07-2017 16:57

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35908473)
Lineker is a pain in the arse. Tweets left wing crap practically 24/7.

As for presenting MOTD. He is a sure fire way to treat insomnia. :zzz:

I truly detest multimillionaires who preach lefty 'morals' to the rest of us about . when they're totally insulated from the effects. Maybe they do it because it makes them feel better about the ever increasing share of the nation's wealth and property that they've grabbed for themselves. Those who're not happy enough with the millions they have to the point that they try to avoid paying any more tax are deserving of even more contempt IMHO.

denphone 19-07-2017 18:15

Re: BBC salaries - good value for our money?

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35908473)
Lineker is a pain in the arse. Tweets left wing crap practically 24/7.

As for presenting MOTD. He is a sure fire way to treat insomnia. :zzz:

l don't like him much neither but its no different to tweets by the right wing twitterers as some of them talk crap as well.:)

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