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Osem 30-06-2014 14:23

Unstoppable migration?
How many migrants do you think the Italian coastguard retrieved from the sea this weekend? 50? 100? 500? How about 5000, 30 of whom were dead?


The Italian navy has found about 30 bodies in a fishing boat carrying hundreds of migrants between Sicily and the North African coast.

The migrants who died appeared to have been asphyxiated.

The discovery was made when rescuers boarded the vessel to evacuate a number of people said to be in distress, two of them pregnant women.

The navy says that over the weekend it rescued more than 5,000 migrants trying to cross from North Africa.

Italy cannot cope on its own. Its asylum system is already under strain. Europe has seen tens of thousands arrive this year, and - as word spreads that the Italian navy is actively rescuing people at sea - more will presumably be tempted to come.
Can anything realistically be done about this or do we just have to accept that there's going to be an unstoppable and increasing flow of migrants who'll do virtually anything to get into Europe?

Will21st 30-06-2014 14:37

Re: Unstoppable migration?

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35710842)
How many migrants do you think the Italian coastguard retrieved from the sea this weekend? 50? 100? 500? How about 5000, 30 of whom were dead?


Wow,that is quite something.... I do think that this will only get worse and do believe that our (Im)Migration Policies,need a complete makeover. What don't get is why the West seemingly makes it easy for Third World Citizens to immigrate yet amongst our Natural Allies it's virtually impossible. I wouldn't mind Canadians,Australians,NZ,US Citizens,most of the EU,Japanese,etc. to be able to have Open Borders between each other...

v0id 30-06-2014 15:12

Re: Unstoppable migration?
Shouldn't have 'retrieved' any.
The boat should've been sunk with everyone of them on board if they didn't turn around.

Taf 30-06-2014 15:32

Re: Unstoppable migration?
The gangsters who are bring them over (scuttling the boat on arrival) need to be found and stopped.

Osem 30-06-2014 15:52

Re: Unstoppable migration?

Originally Posted by Taf (Post 35710873)
The gangsters who are bring them over (scuttling the boat on arrival) need to be found and stopped.

Yes that'd be a good start - never seem to hear very much about that side of things. Perhaps if the punishments for trafficking were made much more severe these people would think twice about doing it. I dare say that for some, though, no form of punishment would stop them plying their trade and that there'll always be those who're desperate and/or naïve enough to fall victim to them.

I wonder what would happen if the Italian navy started taking them straight back to Libya and sinking the vessels involved? I don't imagine the Libyans would be too pleased. As it stands, there's every reason for these people to get on anything which floats in the certain knowledge that when they're spotted they'll be picked up and taken to their chosen destination.

Osem 01-07-2014 09:16

Re: Unstoppable migration?
It's odd isn't it. If these people turned up at a land border the authorities would do all they can to stop them going any further no matter how desperate they were.

Get on a boat, however, and the authorities are effectively forced to act to help them and the more help is offered, the more people are tempted to come. It reminds me of those scenes we've all see where food aid is delivered to the starving only to result in chaos - a mass of desperate people fighting to get it, the strongest getting more than their fare share and the weak being trampled. Help needs to be delivered properly and if it isn't it can do more harm than good I believe. What's required is a new approach to this problem before we get to the point where we're actively encouraging huge numbers of people to leave their homelands and head west safe in the knowledge that they'll be taken in.

As it stands, we have no idea who these people are, where they really come from, what they believe, what they've been exposed to and what harm it's done them. There's no way of proving their claims to be anything other than opportunist economic migrants or people fleeing persecution, and insufficient resources to even try. Whilst huge efforts are now being made trying to prevent Muslim extremists, for example, returning from wars overseas, it's highly likely that we're going to find more and more migrants turning up in the UK, via places like Italy, with no idea where their loyalties lie and what risk they may pose.

I have no idea how it's going to be done but unless we do something to stop the river becoming a flood, we're going to have to accept the significant risks to our way of life it will represent.

Taf 01-07-2014 10:02

Re: Unstoppable migration?
The Fifth Columnists are already here in Europe.

Weeding them out before they turn active is too big a job for our security services.

Stopping them at borders has become a farce due to "human rights" legislation and poor government.

We are going to get bit in the ass more than once before our leaders take enough notice to do something positive.

And then the lawyers will jump up claiming racism, religious intolerance, etc.

Qtx 01-07-2014 11:53

Re: Unstoppable migration?
Surprised some of the EU countries have not asked their US master for some help in the way of using jet fighters or drones to blow the ships out of the water and claim terrorists are being transported in every boat load.

Many EU countries are don't have enough houses for normal population growth now, let along more immigrants and their future families too. So it makes sense to just say they are letting no more immigrants or asylum seekers in and stick to it. The boat loads of people will stop coming once they know they will be deported every time.

Osem 01-07-2014 12:39

Re: Unstoppable migration?

Originally Posted by Taf (Post 35711077)
The Fifth Columnists are already here in Europe.

Weeding them out before they turn active is too big a job for our security services.

Stopping them at borders has become a farce due to "human rights" legislation and poor government.

We are going to get bit in the ass more than once before our leaders take enough notice to do something positive.

And then the lawyers will jump up claiming racism, religious intolerance, etc.

Very likely true. It's not just budding terrorists we have to worry about though is it. Many of these people will have been exposed to events which could have caused all sorts of psychological, behavioural and other issues, precluding them from adjusting to life and work in a totally different culture in which very different rules and standards apply.

We can continue to ignore this problem but my fear is that doing so will simply result in much harsher attitudes and, sooner or later, enforcement action. The question is will the authorities act decisively before it goes too far and large scale unrest results.

TheDaddy 05-07-2014 04:44

Re: Unstoppable migration?
What surprises me is that these people cross war torn countries and choppy seas but when the get here from my experience (whilst not being vast isn't exactly minimal either) seemingly loose the ability to wipe their own backsides, really starting to wind me up having to work with some of these guys and assist with seemingly every aspect of their lives tbh.

Osem 19-07-2014 16:14

Re: Unstoppable migration?

Nineteen migrants have died, reportedly by suffocating, aboard a crowded boat travelling from North Africa to Italy.

The migrants are thought to have choked on fumes from an old engine while they were confined below deck, Italian news agency Ansa reports.

Rescuers found 18 people in a tangle of bodies. Another person is said to have died during the evacuation. The boat was carrying some 600 people.


There has recently been a huge rise in the number of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean to Italy.

EU border agency Frontex says almost 60,000 migrants have already landed in southern Italy this year.

Most are from Africa or the Middle East and pay large sums to smugglers in Libya and Tunisia, who transport them in unsafe fishing vessels.
And so it continues.

Osem 04-09-2014 08:43

Re: Unstoppable migration?

Scores of illegal migrants in the French port of Calais have tried to force their way onto a ferry bound for England, officials and witnesses say.

Passenger John Bailey told the BBC that the migrants tried to get access to the vessel by running up the main ramp.

But he said they were prevented from gaining entry when the crew raised the ramp and turned a fire hose on them.

Time to do something meaningful about this problem methinks. How long can we allow thousands of people to hang around our borders trying repeatedly to enter the UK illegally? IMHO most of these people aren't interested in safety or asylum, they're economic migrants interested in getting to the UK where they know the immigration system is full of holes and benefits/welfare system is far easier to access and abuse. They know that if they get in they will be allowed to disappear and even when they're caught, quite possibly years later, they'll be treated to appeal after appeal in order to prevent their removal. Furthermore they know that if they manage to make someone pregnant, the chances of their removal ever are remote in the extreme and the key to the welfare system have been handed over to them.

Continuing to bang on about secure borders and terrorist threats is meaningless rhetoric while we allow this to happen.
I have some sympathy for the French too, if our systems were as robust as theirs these people wouldn't be in France trying to get here.

Qtx 04-09-2014 09:33

Re: Unstoppable migration?
We have known for about 10 years that they travel through many countries including France to get here and we know it's to do with benefits yet in all those years, nothing has changed. They still travel through all these countries to get here. Why do the politicians insist on doing nothing?

Osem 04-09-2014 09:55

Re: Unstoppable migration?

Originally Posted by Qtx (Post 35726393)
We have known for about 10 years that they travel through many countries including France to get here and we know it's to do with benefits yet in all those years, nothing has changed. They still travel through all these countries to get here. Why do the politicians insist on doing nothing?

One thing is for sure, that is if we don't clamp down on this hard they will continue to up the stakes and become ever more daring. I'd be tempted to make it clear to all these people that they will all be fingerprinted and permanently excluded from any possibility of long term asylum and citizenship irrespective of what some judges somewhere dictate counter to our wishes. They've broken the rules by not claiming asylum elsewhere and we cannot continue to allow that behaviour to be rewarded with life, welfare, benefits and ultimately citizenship of the UK.

rhyds 04-09-2014 10:01

Re: Unstoppable migration?
I doubt the problem is solely down to benefits.

I'd wager a large proportion of it is down to the English language and its international penetration, especially in the middle east and eastern Europe (Hungarian motorway electronic signs display English as a matter of course).

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