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Mr K 12-08-2017 20:58

US: Violent clashes Charlottesville


One person has been killed amid violent clashes between white nationalists attending a far-right march and protesters in the US state of Virginia.
It's a mad country. It seems to be going backwards with right wing facists stirred up by a mad President who preaches hate.

pip08456 12-08-2017 21:31

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35912160)
[url]President who preaches hate.


President Donald Trump condemned "in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides".

"The hate and the division must stop right now," he told reporters, speaking in New Jersey, where he is on a working holiday. "We have to come together as Americans with love for our nation."
Doesn't seem like hate preaching to me.

Mick 12-08-2017 21:34

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35912160)

It's a mad country. It seems to be going backwards with right wing facists stirred up by a mad President who preaches hate.

No they have not been stirred up by him at all, he has not said a bloody word to cause the nonsense there today, still doing the usual misinformation as usual....

This is to do with a confederate statue that is to be removed because by definition of it's link to slavery, so, long standing far right supporters have taken objection to it being removed, they were far right leaning, way before Trump became President, so you need to start getting your facts right.

Trump has actually condemned the violence there today and insisted on calm on ALL sides.

Mr K 12-08-2017 21:39

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 35912161)
Doesn't seem like hate preaching to me.

It's all very well him saying that in retrospect. Whether it's disrespecting women or making fun out of the disabled, it just encourages the alt-right nutters that worship him and increases 'hate' all round.

Mick 12-08-2017 21:49

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35912165)
It's all very well him saying that in retrospect. Whether it's disrespecting women or making fun out of the disabled, it just encourages the alt-right nutters that worship him and increases 'hate' all round.

So what about the areas in the world, let's say the middle east, where they chuck people off buildings for being gay ?

Women are not allowed to show their faces, not allowed to drive... this is disrespecting women surely by not promoting equal rights... Yes / No ?

Doesn't this increase hate 'all around' as you say ?

Don't see you condemning these issues. :rolleyes:

pip08456 12-08-2017 21:52

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35912165)
It's all very well him saying that in retrospect. Whether it's disrespecting women or making fun out of the disabled, it just encourages the alt-right nutters that worship him and increases 'hate' all round.

As he does not have a crystal ball like you how could he have known what was going to happen?

He has condemned it.

Enough said.

Mick 12-08-2017 22:12

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 35912167)
As he does not have a crystal ball like you how could he have known what was going to happen?

He has condemned it.

Enough said.

Not only this, the confederate issue was kicking off under Obama. When Confederate flags were being pulled down left, right and centre.

These are long standing, deep routed issues in America.

I do not disagree that there are some nutters with extreme views, these need to be routed out and stopped.

But for it to be suggested that Trump is the cause because he is aligned with one specific group, like the far right or the KKK, is totally wrong and inaccurate.

pip08456 12-08-2017 22:26

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville
The latest from Trump.


We must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are ALL AMERICANS FIRST.

TheDaddy 13-08-2017 00:52

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35912160)

It's a mad country. It seems to be going backwards with right wing facists stirred up by a mad President who preaches hate.

Pah the facists can't take a joke, nothing wrong with mocking police brutality, inciting violence or obstructing justice as long as it gets a laugh

However imo the Donald's best line was when he said he understood why Ms Huffington 's former husband left her for a man and that he'd made a wise decision, surprised that didn't make the shortlist

Mr K 13-08-2017 09:05

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville

David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, hailed the rally as a sign of Mr Trump’s success. “This represents a turning point for the people of this country.

"We are determined to take our country back. We’re going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump.”

These are the sort of people the Donald has inspired. Yet he refuses to point the finger at the section of society responsible.

deadite66 13-08-2017 09:21

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville
anarcho communists fighting white supremacists, don't imagine antifa are the good guys in this.
left and right extremists are feeding off each other.

Mr K 13-08-2017 09:49

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville

Originally Posted by deadite66 (Post 35912203)
anarcho communists fighting white supremacists, don't imagine antifa are the good guys in this.
left and right extremists are feeding off each other.

Yes damn these commies, peacefully protesting against Nazi/KKK white supremacists. Deliberately getting in the way of a car driven at them and getting killed/injured...
And the Donald's tweet in response to the alt right actions inspired by him - 'So sad!' . Yes that solves everything Mr President.

1andrew1 13-08-2017 09:56

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville
Anyone who likes to delude themselves that the left has a monopoly on violent protests, please avoid this thread!

Mick 13-08-2017 10:03

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35912201)

These are the sort of people the Donald has inspired. Yet he refuses to point the finger at the section of society responsible.

Both are as bad as each other. He has condemned the violence displayed by BOTH sides.

Where was your condemnation when Antifa started burning buildings, attacking police during the Berkeley, California protests. It was going largely peaceful until Antifa showed up. ?

It's always one sided with you. :rolleyes:

Onramp 13-08-2017 10:07

Re: US: Violent clashes Charlottesville
There is evidence that some of the leftist groups are being "handled" and funded by powerful figures. Since those leftists are being told through the controlled media that anyone right of centre is automatically a racist, it creates the perfect opportunity for underhanded actors to create a "Unite the Right" thing - so that they can paint everyone right-of-centre as extreme racist bigots and shut down everything to the right of the hard-left's viewpoint.

Why would they do this? So that those who control and manipulate dumb extreme left and right groups can deliver their version of order out of the ensuing chaos. Expect protests and gatherings to become illegal. The state will soon have the justification it needs to shut out anything except leftist thought, which itself is simply a tool employed deliberately to destabilize a nation.

I don't think this is just a few nutjobs on either side, I think the antifa groups are being paid in order to provoke a condemable reaction from the extreme right so that society can be remade in a different way.

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