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Mr K 14-03-2016 08:45

Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

What would it take for world leaders (and us) to take this seriously ? This is the biggest threat to our future security and prosperity, not ISIS, the EU, migrants etc.

Politicians just look ahead to the next elections, and we continue to vote them in. They'll have a token summit now and again, to which they'll all fly , to set targets which they have no intention of meeting. 'Flooding' - yes, we'll have to do something - soon all forgotten about.

The worry is that it is too late already, this is going to spiral out of control whatever we do, and we'll end up like our sister planet Venus (which is rather hot).

Anyway, have a nice warm day and maybe leave one of your cars at home...

richard s 14-03-2016 09:02

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Not mention all other mechanical engines using fuels.

Mr K 16-04-2016 09:03

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
The warmest global Feb on record is followed by the warmest March.
To the next generation, all this waffle on the EU, immigrants and terrorists is going to seem piffilingly irrelevant. They'll ask why we didn't concentrate on the main threat, which it'll be too late for them to do anything about.

TheDaddy 16-04-2016 16:12

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Wonder what it'll do for migration when countries flood or or are in permament drought

nomadking 16-04-2016 16:19

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
If records actually went back a lot further, I'm pretty sure a warmer February has happened long before now.

The climate has changed long before Man came into being and long before Man was around in large numbers. Otherwise we would still be in an Ice Age.

papa smurf 16-04-2016 16:29

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by nomadking (Post 35832753)
If records actually went back a lot further, I'm pretty sure a warmer February has happened long before now.

The climate has changed long before Man came into being and long before Man was around in large numbers. Otherwise we would still be in an Ice Age.

Taf 16-04-2016 17:19

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35832747)
Wonder what it'll do for migration when countries flood or or are in permament drought

The big Indian / Pakistani collapse of food production is not far off according to several "experts".

And the world's condition is not going to get any better whilst the West allows India and China to burn more and more coal to satiate the West's demand for so many things. After shifting production over there.....

Damien 16-04-2016 18:17

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by nomadking (Post 35832753)
If records actually went back a lot further, I'm pretty sure a warmer February has happened long before now.

The climate has changed long before Man came into being and long before Man was around in large numbers. Otherwise we would still be in an Ice Age.

This is a meaningless trope that people bring out though. We do not want to live in an Ice age and the world, as far as we know, heated over thousands of years not 100 years. The truth is that the earth will probably be ok but our existence on it will be perilous if the climate changes radically.

Pierre 16-04-2016 18:26

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Lovely, let's hope it's a nice warm summer.

nomadking 16-04-2016 18:29

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35832776)
This is a meaningless trope that people bring out though. We do not want to live in an Ice age and the world, as far as we know, heated over thousands of years not 100 years. The truth is that the earth will probably be ok but our existence on it will be perilous if the climate changes radically.

And how do we "know" if it was a gradual incremental increase or jumps back and forth, a "two steps forward, and one step backwards" type of thing? To get to the Ice age in the first place, the planet had to cool down all by itself.

Damien 16-04-2016 18:38

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by nomadking (Post 35832779)
And how do we "know" if it was a gradual incremental increase or jumps back and forth, a "two steps forward, and one step backwards" type of thing? To get to the Ice age in the first place, the planet had to cool down all by itself.

I am not a geologist so I am forced to take their findings as they tell them. From what I know though it's to do with the formation of sediment and rock. They can tell how they were formed, under what conditions, and how long they took given a degree of leeway. They know for example when the asteroid that wiped out (or probably wiped out) the dinosaurs hit because of a sudden and dramatic but small layer in large rock formations.

The planet does cool down itself. There are a number of natural processes that allow this but which I don't understand. It's why they changed the name from global warming to climate change because the effect isn't even.

Pierre 16-04-2016 21:21

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
The earth is circa 6 billion years old, we have accurate records of a couple of hundred years or so.

So we have accurate records for 0.000000033% of the lifetime of the planet and are trying to extrapolate the future from that. Good luck, I think there may a margin of error.

I'm not a climate change objector. The climate is changing, it is evident. Are humans influencing that change? Yes of course we are. How much are we influencing it? Well now that is the question.

The earth has been warming and sea levels rising for millennia. The are ruins of great ancient cities underwater around the globe, discovered below the waves way before man started pumping out large volumes of CO2.

Should we actively try to reduce our CO2? Of course we should, but neither should we disable our ability to compete globally by saddling ourselves with expensive electricity produced solely from "green" sources.

nomadking 16-04-2016 21:36

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
It used to be all about Acid rain. But all the predictions were wrong and it was found that most of it originated from natural uncontrollable sources. Then it all switched to Global Warming and again the predictions didn't match.

Renewable energy sources cannot be relied upon. Just look at Venezuela.

A severe drought is affecting the Guri reservoir that provides two-thirds of Venezuela’s power needs, and water and electricity outages are frequent.
The time change accompanies a flurry of other power-saving measures, including three-day weekends for public sector employees, rationing at malls and exhortations for women to use hairdryers less.

Hugh 16-04-2016 22:02

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
If only there was some form of scientific consensus, say, perhaps, something like 97% of Climate Scientists agreeing on the causes of Climate Change....

Fortunately, we have the plucky little oil and energy companies, who have no axe to grind whatsoever, to watch our back against the evils of those biased scientists...

papa smurf 16-04-2016 22:33

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35832813)
If only there was some form of scientific consensus, say, perhaps, something like 97% of Climate Scientists agreeing on the causes of Climate Change....

Fortunately, we have the plucky little oil and energy companies, who have no axe to grind whatsoever, to watch our back against the evils of those biased scientists...

thats like 97% of rabbi's saying god exists [they would their job depends on it ];)

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