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admars 01-11-2021 14:48

The Book of Boba Fett
I think it deserves its own thread now :)

roll on 29th December

Chris 01-11-2021 14:56

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Roll on indeed. This looks great.

Paul 01-11-2021 15:07

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Yes, looking forward to this (and the others). :)

General Maximus 29-11-2021 17:14

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

pip08456 29-11-2021 18:26

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I just wish it was going to be longer than 7 episodes, but I'll take what is on offer.

Paul 30-11-2021 00:01

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 36103547)
I just wish it was going to be longer than 7 episodes, but I'll take what is on offer.

Its an odd number. :D

General Maximus 30-11-2021 08:46

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Especially if we get silly 22 minute episodes. Maybe they have taken the feedback from The Madalorian and edited it in such a way that you get fewer full length episodes instead of many random length episodes.

denphone 30-11-2021 08:48

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 36103547)
I just wish it was going to be longer than 7 episodes, but I'll take what is on offer.

Me too.

pip08456 09-12-2021 15:21

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

General Maximus 13-12-2021 18:51

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Pierre 29-12-2021 15:51

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I can’t believe that I, on here, a few years ago proclaimed that subscribing to Disney + was a step too far and that I wouldn’t do it.

I’ve been wrong about many things but never as wrong as that. It is money well spent every year.

Ep 1. TBoBF was brilliant, just brilliant. The backstory (not completed yet) of how he has got to where he was when we met him in the Mandalorian is great so far.

heero_yuy 29-12-2021 16:32

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I noticed S01E01 was available through the alternative sources but I think I'll wait for the full season.

peanut 29-12-2021 19:06

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
First episode just wasn't that good, early days yet though. 4/10. I can't rate it any higher just because it's 'Star Wars'.

Pierre 29-12-2021 19:40

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by peanut (Post 36107381)
First episode just wasn't that good, early days yet though. 4/10. I can't rate it any higher just because it's 'Star Wars'.

Ooh, I disagree, but fair enough.

Chris 29-12-2021 20:13

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Absolutely flipping superb.

Paul 29-12-2021 20:15

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36107390)
Ooh, I disagree, but fair enough.

Ditto, I give it 6/10, a good start, but room to get better.

Pierre 29-12-2021 21:07

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36107397)
Ditto, I give it 6/10, a good start, but room to get better.


General Maximus 01-01-2022 18:55

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36107396)
Absolutely flipping superb.

i was going to leave this for a while because I am way behind on my tv and have loads to catch up but from talking to different people over the last two days I have found everyone either loves it or hates it and somebody who I work with made a very specific comment which I am curious to see if I agree with.

To be fair I thought it looked alright from the trailers so I am expecting to like it. I have decided I am going to bump it to the front of the queue and watch it tomorrow and I'll report back.

General Maximus 02-01-2022 15:44

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I would say I am 70/30 about it atm. I loved the locations, the costumes and the sound and the general nostalgia; it works wonders for my realism factor. The two things I have a gripe with atm are the character and some of the shots. I know it is a series which is on Disney+ and has to be suitable for everyone but atm his behaviour isn't in keeping with his character with regards to how he is dealing with situations and I would expect to see him be more ruthless. For example, I would have expected him to kill the dude the mayor sent to welcome him and then go and kill the mayor as well; installing a replacement that would be loyal to him and sending a clear message to everyone to get in line. Secondly, the wide angle long distance shots of the city look great and real but when they keep cutting to close shots on the roof chase showing you one roof at a time you can tell they are stages/sets and it just looks too fake and artificial like Thunderbirds.

I will persevere for now because atm the positives out way the negatives.

Chris 02-01-2022 17:12

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36107763)
I would say I am 70/30 about it atm. I loved the locations, the costumes and the sound and the general nostalgia; it works wonders for my realism factor. The two things I have a gripe with atm are the character and some of the shots. I know it is a series which is on Disney+ and has to be suitable for everyone but atm his behaviour isn't in keeping with his character with regards to how he is dealing with situations and I would expect to see him be more ruthless. For example, I would have expected him to kill the dude the mayor sent to welcome him and then go and kill the mayor as well; installing a replacement that would be loyal to him and sending a clear message to everyone to get in line. Secondly, the wide angle long distance shots of the city look great and real but when they keep cutting to close shots on the roof chase showing you one roof at a time you can tell they are stages/sets and it just looks too fake and artificial like Thunderbirds.

I will persevere for now because atm the positives out way the negatives.

I think the idea is that he’s on a Journey. The cut scenes showing his time with the sand people are showing his gradual transformation from bitter lonely orphan to something else, likely much more empathetic. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they have him forming a relationship with a juvenile of the tribe.

Besides all of the above, we actually know a lot less about him than we think we do, given how little canon screen time he’s actually had. He was never Empire - he was a freelance bounty hunter, and despite being a clone he lacked the military modifications given to the original clone army derived from his father. Star Wars liked to paint in broad brush strokes, almost invariably black or white, but even in the original films the grey shades are there if you want to see them.

heero_yuy 04-01-2022 09:31

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Watched it last night. The flashback scenes were a little confusing at first. It's good enough to look out for the next episode.

heero_yuy 06-01-2022 18:09

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Watched the second episode last night. Concentrating on relations with the sand people. Not sure about this.

peanut 06-01-2022 18:25

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
He should have stayed in the Sarlacc pit.

Chris 06-01-2022 18:27

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
They’ve clearly decided that the more interesting story is his escape from the sarlacc and how he came to be who he now is - both of which are pretty important given a/ his apparent grisly death in RotJ and b/ how little we knew about him, other than “bounty hunter **** who captured Han Solo”.

This week’s episode is pretty immersive. There’s a little forward momentum but as you say, it spent a lot of time fleshing out who the sand people really are. A couple of things of note are Fett’s choice of name for them, simply “Tusken” and not “Tusken raiders” or “sand people” which could be deemed perjorative, and the way in which he asserts their “ancestral rights” to the Dune Sea.

Star Wars never spent much time exploring the cultures it portrayed. It was always pretty black and white, so the sand people were “bad” because they clonked Luke on the head and Boba Fett was “bad” because he picked up the job of bringing in our action hero, who had offended one of the galaxy’s leading crime families (which in the Star Wars universe now begins to look like a more-or-less legitimate grievance).

If the franchise is going to have a future beyond the central Skywalker/Palpatane family saga and its related events then it is going to have to attend to the uncomfortable fact that its universe is pretty two dimensional a lot of the time. I think this new series is addressing that and personally, I really enjoyed just spending time with the Tuskens last night.

Pierre 06-01-2022 22:11

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36108320)
I really enjoyed just spending time with the Tuskens last night.

That was one of the most enjoyable 45mins of television I have sat through in a long time, and it just happened to be Star Wars, not because it was Star Wars.

As you say, this is fleshing out elements of the Star Wars lore, that couldn’t be done in the film series. In the films sand people just were sand people, we knew nothing about them other than they moved in single file to hide their numbers and liked taking pot shots at pod racers, that was it. But now we know a bit more about who they are. I love it, just love it at the moment.

Paul 06-01-2022 22:55

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I have to say, I did quite enjoy it as well.

General Maximus 06-01-2022 23:08

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 36108318)
Not sure about this.

me neither. It would have worked well as a coming of age/right of passage story for random Joe Bloggs who had been kidnapped but for a skilled Mandarlorian who is a seasoned veteran and assassin it is absolute joke that he has to learn hand to hand combat from a peasant tribesman. He should have been able to floor him.

Chris 06-01-2022 23:18

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36108358)
me neither. It would have worked well as a coming of age/right of passage story for random Joe Bloggs who had been kidnapped but for a skilled Mandarlorian who is a seasoned veteran and assassin it is absolute joke that he has to learn hand to hand combat from a peasant tribesman. He should have been able to floor him.

It wasn’t any old hand to hand combat - it was the particular skills and techniques of fighting with a gaderffii. When the tribal elders judged him ready, they sent him on a dream quest in which he also collected the wood from which he then crafted his own weapon. It’s not for nothing that he ends up in a traditional campfire dance in which he ritualistically performs many of the moves he’s learned. This absolutely is a rite of passage story, with classic rebirth overtones seeing as he literally burst out of his supposed grave.

If you think that episode was just supposed to be about a mandalorian learning to fight then there’s an entire layer of it that’s just completely passed you by.

General Maximus 06-01-2022 23:55

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36108359)
there’s an entire layer of it that’s just completely passed you by.

No. My point is that he wouldnt have done it and he didnt need to do it. It isnt in keeping with the character.

Chris 07-01-2022 00:02

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36108360)
No. My point is that he wouldnt have done it and he didnt need to do it. It isnt in keeping with the character.

And my point is that if you pay attention to the story they’re telling, you can see that he absolutely did do it, and why. We know almost nothing about Boba Fett prior to this - certainly not enough to make such assertions about what’s ’in keeping’ with the character. Besides, what’s ’in keeping’ with a character in a single, specific situation is quite a different matter to the way characters change and grow through their experiences. Sure, the Boba Fett who took Han Solo from Bespin probably wouldn’t have joined a Tusken tribal dance, but then the Boba Fett who danced with the sand people had lived with them, and grown attached to them, having escaped certain death in the sarlacc pit. That sort of thing changes your outlook on life.

Paul 07-01-2022 05:58

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36108360)
It isnt in keeping with the character.

So you think you know more about his 'character' than the writers, producers & directors at Disney ? :erm:

I think not ......... ;)

General Maximus 07-01-2022 20:53

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36108365)
So you think you know more about his 'character' than.......Disney ?


We are only 2 eps in so I am willing to acknowledge that there is plenty more to see and something may happen which results in him regressing and returning to a more ruthless Mandalorian but I can't see it happening. They have taken a character which has a certain background, image and reputation and are trying to completely change him and do something different with the character. It is just doesn't work and would be better suited to a previously unknown character so we can get to know him and watch him grow every week but if they did that they wouldn't be able to put "Bobba Fett" in the title and far fewer people would watch it.

BenMcr 07-01-2022 21:34

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Before The Mandalorian Boba Fett had 5 minutes of screen time. So what do you mean by a certain background, image and reputation?

Chris 07-01-2022 21:34

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36108480)

We are only 2 eps in so I am willing to acknowledge that there is plenty more to see and something may happen which results in him regressing and returning to a more ruthless Mandalorian but I can't see it happening. They have taken a character which has a certain background, image and reputation and are trying to completely change him and do something different with the character. It is just doesn't work and would be better suited to a previously unknown character so we can get to know him and watch him grow every week but if they did that they wouldn't be able to put "Bobba Fett" in the title and far fewer people would watch it.

He isn’t going to regress. They have very heavily trailed the key line of dialogue “I intend to rule with respect” which exists in the “now”, and they are exploring lengthy flashbacks to his recent “then”, which show exactly why he’s even interested in ruling a portion of Tatooine at all, and why he is interested in doing so respectfully.

I don’t understand why you think you know anything about Boba Fett that prevents his story being developed in this way. Prior to his appearance in The Mandalorian, he had had less than 7 minutes of screen time and spoke just 4 lines of dialogue. And, as a bounty hunter, he was more tolerable to the authorities than Han Solo was as a smuggler and quick-shooter, so even within the two-dimensional characterisation he is given in the original trilogy there’s actually a whole massive grey area to explore.

admars 07-01-2022 22:36

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
years ago, my dad had a season ticket, used to go to every home match, renewed it every summer for my entire childhood, didn't matter what team, what the weather was like, he went and watched, would watch motd, would take his radio with him to listen to other scores at half time etc. I remember when I was a kid him sitting in the dining room watching football on the small tv, any match that was on normal tv.

One summer, he didn't renew his ticket, he said he was paying a lot of money for something he wasn't enjoying any more. nowadays he never watches a full football match on tv, he may watch the highlights or motd if he can be bothered.

General Maximus - you should be like my dad, call it a day, Mandalorian and Boba Fett don't seem to be your cup of tea, you've grown apart, it is what it is, Star Wars has changed, you've changed, time to move on, or just stick with the stuff from the past, Han did shoot first, that's fact, nothing will change that :)

I'm loving book of Boba so far, I enjoy playing SWGoH - there's talk Jawas should be made dark side and Tuskens Light side now ;)

Pierre 07-01-2022 22:38

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36108480)
yes something may happen which results in him regressing and returning to a more ruthless Mandalorian

Is Boba Fett a Mandalorian? I don’t think he is. Was Jango Fett a Mandalorian?

BenMcr 07-01-2022 23:06

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36108500)
Is Boba Fett a Mandalorian? I don’t think he is. Was Jango Fett a Mandalorian?

Yup, but depends how much of this is still in universe history

Paul 08-01-2022 00:13

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36108480)

I'm afraid you do not.
Thinking you know a previously very minor character better than the shows writers is astounding. :dozey:

Get your head out of whatever fantasy land you are in, and just enjoy the show for what it is. :angel:

---------- Post added at 00:13 ---------- Previous post was at 00:10 ----------


Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36108500)
Is Boba Fett a Mandalorian? I don’t think he is.

He was adopted as a Mandalorian I believe.

admars 08-01-2022 13:43

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Jango was, Boba says he's not when talking to Mando, but Mando lets him have the armour as it was his father's.

heero_yuy 13-01-2022 08:28

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Watched E3 last night. This picked up the pace a bit. Good.

downquark1 13-01-2022 09:45

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
The writing really irritates me, no one seems to understand what being a crime boss means or how the economics works. Bobba Fett doesn't actually seem to want to be a crime boss, make you wonder why he killed the last guy.

admars 13-01-2022 10:40

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I think that's the point, he's learning, and I think it's nice he hasn't just walked right into it, and it's not easy with everything handed to him on a plate.

I guess it's what happens in real life, ppl get promoted to manager after being a grunt for x years as they've "earned" it, and then have to learn that being a manager is different to doing the actual work ;)

Chris 13-01-2022 14:29

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by downquark1 (Post 36109196)
The writing really irritates me, no one seems to understand what being a crime boss means or how the economics works. Bobba Fett doesn't actually seem to want to be a crime boss, make you wonder why he killed the last guy.

We may yet discover a link between Bib Fortuna and the killing of the Tusken tribe Fett adhered to. Who knows.

What's clear is that in this series we are getting a deep-dive into some of the cultures and traditions of Tatooine, that are actually central to the entire Star Wars saga but which we have been asked to take at face value so far.

Anakin Skywalker and his mother were slaves on Tatooine. Shmi Skywalker was eventually kidnapped by Tuskens who tortured her; this directly led to Anakin's first taste of the dark side and his interest in necromancy that then caused him to become a disciple of Darth Sidious. Luke Skywalker was raised by moisture farmers on Tatooine. His family dealt with Jawas and Tuskens from day to day. Plus, the Hutt family operation on Tatooine drew Han Solo into the fray.

In this series, Boba Fett (who has only ever known bounty hunting, and only because it was his father's trade) is learning how to live and move amongst these cultures, and through him we learn too.

Also, last night I loved that we got a decent in-universe explanation for the distress of the rancor keeper after it was killed by Luke Skywalker. All that stuff about the creatures bonding with their owner was quite lovely. I can't wait to see where they go with it.

admars 13-01-2022 14:40

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36109237)

Also, last night I loved that we got a decent in-universe explanation for the distress of the rancor keeper after it was killed by Luke Skywalker. All that stuff about the creatures bonding with their owner was quite lovely. I can't wait to see where they go with it.

a baby rancor turned up in Bad Batch as well

General Maximus 13-01-2022 23:40

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by downquark1 (Post 36109196)
The writing really irritates me, no one seems to understand what being a crime boss means or how the economics works. Bobba Fett doesn't actually seem to want to be a crime boss, make you wonder why he killed the last guy.

hallelujah :tu:


Originally Posted by admars (Post 36109240)
a baby rancor turned up in Bad Batch as well

i watched that episode this evening :)

peanut 19-01-2022 20:22

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Boba Fett is dead: how Disney+ ruined Star Wars’ coolest character...

Even though I really liked Mando, Sadly I have to agree with this.

pip08456 19-01-2022 20:43

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by peanut (Post 36110304)
Boba Fett is dead: how Disney+ ruined Star Wars’ coolest character...

Even though I really liked Mando, Sadly I have to agree with this.

Well, according to Ming-Na Wen there's some surprises coming up before series end that will explain everything.

I'd rather believe her than the Groaniad.

General Maximus 19-01-2022 20:43

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Thanks to its treatment of the once badass, nihilistic bounty hunter, The Book of Boba Fett has turned out to be just another piece of bitterly disappointing, franchise-tarnishing tosh. Proof, if you ever needed it, that some parts of the galaxy are best left unexplored.
my point exactly

Chris 19-01-2022 21:01

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by peanut (Post 36110304)
Boba Fett is dead: how Disney+ ruined Star Wars’ coolest character...

Even though I really liked Mando, Sadly I have to agree with this.

I was going to post a reply here to that review but someone on the Graun website has already written a better one, so here it is:


Absolute bitter, drivelling nonsense. If the eight year old version of me could have known that the future would be such a cool place that there would one day be a series all about how Boba Fett survived the Sarlac and got to be The Boss he would have been mightily pleased. It sounds very much like the author of this article is amongst the approximately 50% of former Star Wars enthusiasts for whom 'The Empire Strikes Back' was, is and always will be automatically and necessarily the absolute High Water Mark, in defiance of how much Star Wars gets made and completely irrespective as to how good it may be. I would invite such individuals to just simply stop watching it and pretend that none of this is happening rather than urinating upon everybody elses' fire. 'The Book Of Boba Fett' is objectively awesome.

pip08456 19-01-2022 21:32

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Good find Chris.

admars 19-01-2022 23:26

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I reminds me of when episode 1 came out, it was "cool" to hate on Star Wars, I'd swear some reviews were written in advance ;)

I remember a friend found an interesting piece back then about how George Lucas hadn't ruined Star Wars, Star Wars fan boys had ruined Star Wars with their rose tinted glasses :(

I think it's the same now, ppl blame Disney for ruining Star Wars, but it's giving ppl more content, which they think they want, they forget there's an off button.

It's like a friend said, about remakes, sure most are crap, but when a remake comes out, the old version doesn't vanish, you can still watch it, and just not watch the new one, it's really not that much a problem :)

Clone Wars was good, Rebels was good, Bad Batch was good, Resistance wasn't, never mind, lets move on, no one forced me to watch each one, hoping it would get better, didn't seem much point moaning after each episode to anyone :) (I needed closure which is why I kept watching and was curious to see how it tied it with the films, spoiler, it doesn't really expand on anything, so don't bother, it's more of a kids cartoon than the others)

Paul 19-01-2022 23:27

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Resistance was ok, but not the best. ;)

cimt 19-01-2022 23:37

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
That's a proper bullshit article if I ever read one. He has an agenda and wants to make sure it is accomplished. If he needs to be soft he will be, but he won't hesitate to kick someones ass if needed. That article is basically saying that he should be a one dimensional character and Disney is bad for expanding on him.

pip08456 19-01-2022 23:38

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by admars (Post 36110339)
I reminds me of when episode 1 came out, it was "cool" to hate on Star Wars, I'd swear some reviews were written in advance ;)

I remember a friend found an interesting piece back then about how George Lucas hadn't ruined Star Wars, Star Wars fan boys had ruined Star Wars with their rose tinted glasses :(

I think it's the same now, ppl blame Disney for ruining Star Wars, but it's giving ppl more content, which they think they want, they forget there's an off button.

It's like a friend said, about remakes, sure most are crap, but when a remake comes out, the old version doesn't vanish, you can still watch it, and just not watch the new one, it's really not that much a problem :)

Clone Wars was good, Rebels was good, Bad Batch was good, Resistance wasn't, never mind, lets move on, no one forced me to watch each one, hoping it would get better, didn't seem much point moaning after each episode to anyone :) (I needed closure which is why I kept watching and was curious to see how it tied it with the films, spoiler, it doesn't really expand on anything, so don't bother, it's more of a kids cartoon than the others)

Pretty much agree with what you say but The Book of Boba Fett is developing a character that no one ever really knew except he was a bounty hunter for a brief part of the films.

Is everyone saying no-one can change and not want to settle down? Doesn't make the character any less and that change can open up a whole new world.

A lot complained because he said he was going to rule with respect (not in his limited known character), does that mean he won't be ruthless with those who don't respect him?

That said I'm off to watch ep 4.

Hugh 20-01-2022 00:19

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Just watched Ep. 4 - I like how the flashbacks from the Bacta Tank explain how/why he is now, rather who he was then; it’s a journey, rather than a fixed position in the past.

As a SF author (Gareth L. Powell) who I follow said

One of the things I like about #TheBookOfBobaFett is that they've let his character age and mature; he's not the cynical bounty hunter he used to be, his experiences have changed him and he wants something new. That's a braver storytelling choice than I expected.

Paul 20-01-2022 02:18

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
He shot up all the those bikers in revenge ... not exactly a sign of going soft.

heero_yuy 20-01-2022 09:59

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I was happy enough with that episode: The bikers got their commuppance and the Sarlacc got a bad case of indigestion.

I had to laugh at the kitchen scene where they were chasing that robot around.

Paul 20-01-2022 15:11

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I loved the way that little robot turned itself off when told who he was. :D

Pierre 20-01-2022 16:49

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Book of Boba Fett is brilliant. I ca also strongly recommend the Boba Fett documentary also on Disney+, it came on automatically after I'd finished watching the episode and it great.

The Boba Fett costume was originally all white and was supposed to be the new Storm Trooper uniform!

Pierre 26-01-2022 20:26

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
The only problem with tonight’s episode, which was brilliant, is that it highlighted that the Mandalorian is a much better character than Boba Fett.

But when you watch the doc “Boba Fett-Behind the mask”, you immediately see that the Boba Fett from Empire and Jedi, is basically the Mandalorian, and the Boba Fett we have now is something else.

Anyway, another great episode.

Hugh 26-01-2022 21:53

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Loved the fact they had a Ringworld in this episode - one of my favourite books by Larry Niven.

Chris 26-01-2022 22:19

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Tonight’s episode was Easter egg heaven. They even put a womp rat in Beggar’s Canyon. :D

General Maximus 26-01-2022 22:43

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
what a joke. Was it supposed to be an episode of The Mandalorian or an episode of The Book of Boba Fett?


Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36111272)
it highlighted that the Mandalorian is a much better character than Boba Fett.

you said it


Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36111272)
you immediately see that the Boba Fett from Empire and Jedi, is basically the Mandalorian, and the Boba Fett we have now is something else.

sounds like shit planning to me and explains why my realism factor is most unhappy. Surely it would have made sense to do it the other way round.

Chris 26-01-2022 22:51

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36111280)
what a joke. Was it supposed to be an episode of The Mandalorian or an episode of The Book of Boba Fett?

You did see the episode title, yes?


sounds like shit planning to me and explains why my realism factor is most unhappy. Surely it would have made sense to do it the other way round.
Do you get a particularly good realism factor when it’s the other way round?

Hugh 27-01-2022 00:43

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Both series are about the protagonist’s journey - we all change from our experiences.

Paul 27-01-2022 01:20

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36111280)
what a joke.


Why do you watch it if you dislike it so much. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36111280)
what a joke. Was it supposed to be an episode of The Mandalorian or an episode of The Book of Boba Fett?

The.Book.of.Boba.Fett.S01E05 :dozey:

Good episode, and presumably means he'll be back.
(and maybe the story will continue in the Mandalorian Season 3).

heero_yuy 27-01-2022 09:30

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36111287)
Good episode, and presumably means he'll be back.
(and maybe the story will continue in the Mandalorian Season 3).

Hopefully a season 3 for The Mandalorian. I was happy with this episode and suitably entertained.

Jaymoss 27-01-2022 15:41

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Grogu and Luke Skywalker in episode 6 I hope

Paul 27-01-2022 15:48

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 36111301)
Hopefully a season 3 for The Mandalorian.

Season 3 of The Mandalorian was confirmed a while ago. :D

pip08456 27-01-2022 16:12

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 36111301)
Hopefully a season 3 for The Mandalorian. I was happy with this episode and suitably entertained.

Season 3 has already been confirmed.

Paul 27-01-2022 17:12

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Jaymoss (Post 36111364)
Grogu and Luke Skywalker in episode 6 I hope

Thats unlikely as it will switch back to being about Boba.
Grogu will almost certainly be in Mandalorian S3, and its rumoured Luke will as well.

However, we are veering off topic here - this should all be discussed in the Mandalorian topic, rather than this one.

Mick 27-01-2022 17:53

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I think the next episode will focus back on Boba. But I don't mind an opportunity to see more of the Mandalorian or and indeed little Grogu.

cimt 28-01-2022 11:55

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I loved this episode. I was only expecting to see maybe a few mins of Mandos adventure before Fennic or Boba turned it, so a full episode was a surprise.

I don't see how this ruins a realism factor either, surely this should help it as you see that he is actually doing stuff outside of his main adventures.

Chris 28-01-2022 12:12

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I’m still genuinely puzzled by the idea that a crossover episode is somehow unrealistic.

pip08456 28-01-2022 13:01

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 36111458)
I loved this episode. I was only expecting to see maybe a few mins of Mandos adventure before Fennic or Boba turned it, so a full episode was a surprise.

I don't see how this ruins a realism factor either, surely this should help it as you see that he is actually doing stuff outside of his main adventures.

It also answered a lot of questions about the Mandalorian that may have distracted from the premis of the plot. 'A Tribe to belong to'.

Mando was kicked out of his tribe by the armourer for revealing his face. Also where did he get his new ship from? Are just two.

Chris 28-01-2022 13:16

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 36111463)
It also answered a lot of questions about the Mandalorian that may have distracted from the premis of the plot. 'A Tribe to belong to'.

Mando was kicked out of his tribe by the armourer for revealing his face. Also where did he get his new ship from? Are just two.

I’m not sure I caught all the dialogue, but was that N-1 star fighter claimed to have been Padme Amidala’s personal ship?

Jaymoss 28-01-2022 14:44

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

At least after this weeks episode we finally know what they used as a brace

Chris 28-01-2022 14:48

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Jaymoss (Post 36111471)

At least after this weeks episode we finally know what they used as a brace

I thought I recognised it ... I said so to the missus, who sadly does not appreciate my utter geekery.

Jaymoss 28-01-2022 14:49

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36111473)
I thought I recognised it ... I said so to the missus, who sadly does not appreciate my utter geekery.

hahahaha I did not notice it but a good mate of mine did

it is a cryogenic density combustion booster

pip08456 28-01-2022 15:21

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36111465)
I’m not sure I caught all the dialogue, but was that N-1 star fighter claimed to have been Padme Amidala’s personal ship?

Not quite. "Made for the Royal Guard and commissioned personally by the Queen of Naboo."

Paul 28-01-2022 15:55

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36111465)
I’m not sure I caught all the dialogue, but was that N-1 star fighter claimed to have been Padme Amidala’s personal ship?

No, I think it was just the type used by her royal guard.

---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 15:54 ----------

Edit: Ha, see above ;)

Jaymoss 02-02-2022 10:00

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36111376)
Thats unlikely as it will switch back to being about Boba.
Grogu will almost certainly be in Mandalorian S3, and its rumoured Luke will as well.

However, we are veering off topic here - this should all be discussed in the Mandalorian topic, rather than this one.

Cough cough

I nailed it

Pierre 02-02-2022 21:47

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
It was ok. The digital Luke, whether fully digital or Mark Hamil de-aged was very good, much much better than the previous effort. ( although they didn’t manage to replicate his facial scars)

But it was a bit boring. Lots of call backs to the first two films, but I found the the Luke /Grogu scenes - although at first brilliant because of the new better Luke- tedious, and I’m afraid that it was because of Grogu not Luke. I’m over baby Yoda, the cuteness factor has worn off.

Mick 03-02-2022 00:36

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I thought it was an amazing episode. One of the best yet.

Paul 03-02-2022 02:52

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Jaymoss (Post 36112002)
I nailed it

Ummm, all you said was "you hope" they are in Episode 6, all I said was its unlikely.
However, unlikely as it was, they were, so you got your wish (and yes, it was good to see them).

It did seem like setting up more of Season 3 of Mando, and probably Asoka as well.

Shame to see the sheriff get killed though, I liked him.

They did a better job of Luke visually, but his voice didnt seem quite right.

Chris 03-02-2022 09:07

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
I think we tend to remember excitable Luke from Ep IV rather than chilled Jedi Luke from VI. If you compare last night’s performance against Return of the Jedi I think it was pretty spot on. And when my daughter came into the room last night while he was on screen she gasped and asked “is that CGI? It’s amazing!” Which it was. A major improvement on his last appearance in Mando.

I loved last night’s episode. It felt like we had dropped in on a segment of a much bigger adventure. Those sequences wouldn’t have looked out of place in a Saga film set at this point in the cycle. I know one or two folks are confused and asking whether this isn’t meant to be a series about Boba Fett, but actually there’s a pretty major clue as to what they’re up to in the way the series title is formed. It’s “The Book of Boba Fett” which is quite deliberate in its Bible-like construction. When you look, for example, at the Book of Samuel in the Old Testament* you will find that on one level it tells the life story of a prophet called Samuel, but it is as interested in events that surround him or are triggered by him and persist after his death. Whole episodes of that story pass without the eponymous prophet making an appearance at all.

In the Star Wars universe it is clear that Tatooine is far more significant to the history of the galaxy than its apparent status as a backwater on the galactic rim. We’re being shown that what Boba Fett is building at Hutt Castle is likewise of much more significance than a simple turf war between gangs. If nothing else, the showrunners are giving us a taste of the theme of interconnectedness which is often inferred in the Saga films without ever being explored in depth. The Star Wars universe is finally getting some depth and breadth and I for one am absolutely loving it.

* The modern Christian Bible splits the book into ‘1 Samuel’ and ‘2 Samuel’ but in the original Hebrew scrolls, and in modern Jewish Bibles (which only contain what we call the Old Testament) it was simply one book, the ‘Book of Samuel.’ Among its significant events are the union of the 12 tribes into a single coherent kingdom under David, who was anointed to the task by Samuel under God’s direction, and David’s fight with the giant, Goliath. The book is foundational to the concept of Israel as a coherent nation state.

BenMcr 03-02-2022 09:53

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36112172)
A major improvement on his last appearance in Mando.

They hired the guy that did the improved deepfake of last time on Youtube

heero_yuy 03-02-2022 10:14

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by BenMcr (Post 36112188)
They hired the guy that did the improved deepfake of last time on Youtube

Well it's certainly a better effect.

Pity the sheriff had to die.

Hugh 03-02-2022 10:49

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Not sure if he is dead - the townsfolk looked as if they were trying to treat the wound, and he was only shot once because the gunman then shot the deputy four times.

Jaymoss 03-02-2022 10:54

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36112162)
Ummm, all you said was "you hope" they are in Episode 6, all I said was its unlikely.
However, unlikely as it was, they were, so you got your wish (and yes, it was good to see them).

It did seem like setting up more of Season 3 of Mando, and probably Asoka as well.

Shame to see the sheriff get killed though, I liked him.

They did a better job of Luke visually, but his voice didnt seem quite right.

I do not think he is dead

Chris 03-02-2022 11:41

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Yeah I think it was left ambiguous. They did look like they were patching a wound on his left shoulder. A hand blaster in the Star Wars universe wouldn’t necessarily inflict a fatal wound on that part of the body (fortunately for Princess Leia while storming the shied generator on Endor).

Paul 03-02-2022 19:17

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Jaymoss (Post 36112199)
I do not think he is dead


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36112207)
Yeah I think it was left ambiguous.
They did look like they were patching a wound on his left shoulder.

Well I hope you are both right. :)

Apparently if you turn on subtitles you get a better idea that he has survived as the villages are noted as saying ;


we need help, can someone call the doctor!

get a medpac.

there’s something wrong with the marshall… let’s get him inside.
Not tried this myself yet, but they are all indicators he survived.

Jaymoss 09-02-2022 16:48

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Last one done

We already knew the choice Grogu was going to make cuz Luke had already told us Kylo was his first student... And we were right about Vanth

heero_yuy 09-02-2022 17:19

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
We've got it ready to watch this evening. 58 minute episode so hopefully tidies things up.

1701-e 09-02-2022 18:13

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Excellent finish.. dinner had to wait lol.

Chris 09-02-2022 22:26

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Paul 10-02-2022 04:02

Re: The Book of Boba Fett
Yep, an excellent finish, and the post credits finally revealed the fate of the sherrif.

Hugh 10-02-2022 10:47

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36113010)
Yep, an excellent finish, and the post credits finally revealed the fate of the sherrif.

Did you recognise the other guy?

He had been in an earlier episode (the person who fixed up Fennec Shand)

Jaymoss 10-02-2022 11:21

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36113028)
Did you recognise the other guy?

He had been in an earlier episode (the person who fixed up Fennec Shand)


Vanth is getting some upgrades hahaha

Paul 10-02-2022 16:00

Re: The Book of Boba Fett

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36113028)
Did you recognise the other guy?

Not particilarly.

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