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Mick 30-11-2017 17:40

New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
I remember now why I and 17.4 Million people voted to leave the EU.

This is bloody ridiculous.


Golden brown chips, crisps and biscuits are to become paler under new food safety guidelines issued by the European Commission.

From April, food businesses and manufacturers must prove they are reducing levels of acrylamide in foods to minimise consumers' exposure to the chemical which has been identified by the World Health Organisation as a cancer risk.

Acrylamide forms naturally when frying, roasting or baking foods with a high starch content at high temperatures (over 120C).

It can be found in a wide range of home-cooked and processed foods, including roasted potatoes and root vegetables, crisps, chips, bread, biscuits, cakes, cereals, coffee and cereal-based baby foods.

Dr Lisa Ackerley, food safety adviser at the British Hospitality Association, told Sky News: "To achieve lower levels of acrylamide, food producers may cook food at a lower temperature but for longer, meaning the colour of food may become lighter.

"Every product is different, and food producers and caterers will be expected to determine the best time and temperature models for them, to ensure they are meeting the lower levels of acrylamide."

Paul 30-11-2017 17:56

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
Life is a cancer risk, what next, regulations to limit that ? :erm:

Logan's Run, here we come.

Damien 30-11-2017 18:17

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
Life isn’t officially considered a carcinogen

papa smurf 30-11-2017 18:26

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35926983)
Life isn’t officially considered a carcinogen

no but the EU should be

Damien 30-11-2017 18:37

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35926985)
no but the EU should be

Quite unlikely tbh.

I guess there are two questions I would have:

1) How strong is the link to cancer and is it worth the golden colour for the chip?
2) Would the UK food safety agency also ban it anyway? If the EU are there is a good chance we would too

While I don’t know in this case I like the fact there are organisations that research these things. While obvious things are unhealthy , like alcohol, which we can choose to have or or I would have no idea about the ingredient of a chip.

heero_yuy 30-11-2017 18:38

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
Cook them yourself. Then you can thumb your nose at the loony rules.

papa smurf 30-11-2017 18:52

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35926986)
Quite unlikely tbh.

I guess there are two questions I would have:

1) How strong is the link to cancer and is it worth the golden colour for the chip?
2) Would the UK food safety agency also ban it anyway? If the EU are there is a good chance we would too

While I don’t know in this case I like the fact there are organisations that research these things. While obvious things are unhealthy , like alcohol, which we can choose to have or or I would have no idea about the ingredient of a chip.

two questions i ask
1 does it taste good
2 what booze goes with it

Taf 30-11-2017 19:08

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
"Colour is flavour" and I don't want bland food foisted on me by some bureaucrat who is doing it "for my own good".

---------- Post added at 19:08 ---------- Previous post was at 19:03 ----------


As of 2014 it is still not clear whether dietary acrylamide consumption affects people's risk of developing cancer.

Experimental results that are based on feeding acrylamide to animals might not be applicable to humans.

Food industry workers exposed to twice the average level of acrylamide do not exhibit higher cancer rates


Classified in Group 2A (probable carcinogens) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

This designation is applied when there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans as well as sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals.

In some cases, an agent may be classified in this group when there is inadequate evidence of carcinogenicity in humans along with sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals and strong evidence that the carcinogenesis is mediated by a mechanism that also operates in humans.

Exceptionally, an agent may be classified in this group solely on the basis of limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans.

Paul 30-11-2017 19:17

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35926983)
Life isn’t officially considered a carcinogen

Really ?

I'm pretty sure there is a very strong link, dead people dont ever seem to get cancer, only the living.

Mr K 30-11-2017 19:46

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35927001)
Really ?

I'm pretty sure there is a very strong link, dead people dont ever seem to get cancer, only the living.

yes, getting old is one of the major cancer risks unfortunately.

Mick 30-11-2017 20:01

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35927007)
yes, getting old is one of the major cancer risks unfortunately.

Not necessarily, tell this to my long term best friend, who have known since I was 5, his cousin of 42, she has just been given two weeks to live, not expected to make it to Christmas for her two young children. :(

Saying this, my younger brothers heart stopped beating when he was 3 when he was being operated on due to bowel cancer.

TheDaddy 30-11-2017 20:13

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
Didn't one of the people who set this place up die young from cancer?

I rather look at this positively then negatively, same as the one that orders firms to supply sunscreen if employees are working outside

Mick 30-11-2017 20:24

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35927010)
Didn't one of the people who set this place up die young from cancer?

I rather look at this positively then negatively, same as the one that orders firms to supply sunscreen if employees are working outside

Neil's friend (For those unfamiliar with the sites history from the beginning, Neil was original, ntl owned Forum Admin, like me), I do believe. Long time ago, around 2004, if I have my year correct.

Mr K 30-11-2017 21:08

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35927008)
Not necessarily, tell this to my long term best friend, who have known since I was 5, his cousin of 42, she has just been given two weeks to live, not expected to make it to Christmas for her two young children. :(

Saying this, my younger brothers heart stopped beating when he was 3 when he was being operated on due to bowel cancer.

Unfortunately I know that too well Mick. My son was diagnosed with testicular cancer at 17. Fortunately it's one of the most treatable cancers. He's fine, but it's been 5 years of scans, endless appointments, false alarms, that we could all have done without. It's screwed up his education more than anything.

There are cancer risks like age and genetics that we can do nothing about. But it makes sense to limit the lifestyle risks we can control, like diet, smoking, sunburn. An increasing number of people are going to get cancer in an ageing population, but not necessarily die from it. It'll soon be seen as a natural part of old age.

As for chips and the EU, I don't want to give either up ;)

Maggy 30-11-2017 22:13

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
Cook your own chips,or biscuits or whatever. Problem/issue sorted.

Paul 30-11-2017 22:14

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
I would think most people already do that, if they are actually at home, I dont think thats really the point here.

Gavin78 01-12-2017 00:57

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
Life is a risk they will always find something that will kill us.

might have to turn into a "BREATHARIAN" in saying that I'm surprised the EU hasn't banned air due to the toxins we release into the atmosphere

Maggy 01-12-2017 08:58

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35927037)
I would think most people already do that, if they are actually at home, I dont think thats really the point here.

Can't see what the point is..There is only so much control that H&S can have over us..even they can't follow us around and force us to eat only that which is healthy.

Anyway we are leaving so it won't be any issue for us after 2019.

Damien 01-12-2017 09:12

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Maggy J (Post 35927070)
Can't see what the point is..There is only so much control that H&S can have over us..even they can't follow us around and force us to eat only that which is healthy.

In fairness they're not really banning unhealthy foods. You can still smoke, drink, eat pure sugar and fried food.

Instead it's more about removing hidden carcinogens from the food supply. At least with the obviously unhealthy food the customer can make a choice. Processed meats seem to be a carcinogen but because there you would have the ban them entirely and because it's quite obvious what it is then instead the agencies simply go down the route of informing customers they're a risk.

In this case it's harder to identify what acrylamide is and what it is in. It's a decision made before it gets to you and since it doesn't great impact the food itself other than the colour it's easier to ban.


Anyway we are leaving so it won't be any issue for us after 2019.
Maybe not. This is just a food safety agency that's run at a European level. It's possible we might still use them rather than set up our own or we do set up our own and they largely take the same decisions at those at the EU.

Mr K 01-12-2017 09:34

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
yes, the evil Eu trying to stop us getting cancer... We're British and we'll get the disease if we want it !

They'll be trying to stop drugs companies vastly overcharging us for cancer drugs next. Is there no end to their evil !

The HSE is helping the European Commission with its investigation into whether a drug company broke EU competition rules by hiking the cost of life-saving cancer medicines by up to 600 per cent across Europe

Gavin78 01-12-2017 10:12

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
Investigating competition rules? How about charging them with mass murder because a drug that is life saving is being used to make mass profit instead.

Mr K 01-12-2017 10:35

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Gavin78 (Post 35927079)
Investigating competition rules? How about charging them with mass murder because a drug that is life saving is being used to make mass profit instead.

I'm with in you in spirit there Gavin ! If only life was so simple, however I guess they'd just stop making and researching new drugs altogether.

Mick 01-12-2017 10:48

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Maggy J (Post 35927070)
Can't see what the point is..There is only so much control that H&S can have over us..even they can't follow us around and force us to eat only that which is healthy.

Anyway we are leaving so it won't be any issue for us after 2019.

The point is, they are creating stupid rules and laws, as usual.

Regardless that we are leaving, while we are still chained to them, we have to follow some of these new stupid laws, until the leave date.

Osem 01-12-2017 11:43

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35927086)
The point is, they are creating stupid rules and laws, as usual.

Regardless that we are leaving, while we are still chained to them, we have to follow some of these new stupid laws, until the leave date.

It's a modern curse sadly and the EU might be the worst but isn't alone in this. More rules/regulations/laws all of which add to the weight of bureaucracy and create a wonderful ongoing revenue stream for the various organisations charged with enforcing them, not to mention the lawyers who'll inevitably be handsomely paid for challenging their legality. Nice work if you can get it...

jonbxx 01-12-2017 11:50

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
What is stupid about a law aiming to limit the amount of a toxic compound that is also a potential carcinogen in food?

Maggy 01-12-2017 12:17

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by jonbxx (Post 35927099)
What is stupid about a law aiming to limit the amount of a toxic compound that is also a potential carcinogen in food?

The word that concerns me is 'potential'..there is a possibility..means there maybe a chance of getting cancer.

However it's not so hard and fast as long as it's possible,maybe,potential.

At least this article uses the phrase strong evidence.

As we are living longer I suspect cancer will be on the increase whatever we consume.The only advice I will ever give about carcinogens is do not ever,ever smoke tobacco as that is a proven route to lung cancer.

Paul 01-12-2017 15:08

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by jonbxx (Post 35927099)
What is stupid about a law aiming to limit the amount of a toxic compound that is also a potential carcinogen in food?

The relevant word is highlighted for you.

Any food can potentially harm you, should we just ban all food ?

daveeb 01-12-2017 15:18

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35927128)
The relevant word is highlighted for you.

Any food can potentially harm you, should we just ban all food ?

Water is on the official poisons list so better stick to the hard stuff.

denphone 01-12-2017 15:28

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35927128)
The relevant word is highlighted for you.

Any food can potentially harm you, should we just ban all food ?

If we listened to the experts we would be having grass and water.

jonbxx 01-12-2017 16:02

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35927128)
The relevant word is highlighted for you.

Any food can potentially harm you, should we just ban all food ?

If that food has been shown to be carcinogenic in animals as acrylamide has, then there would be some suspicion that it might be carcinogenic in humans. When it comes to chemical safety, you work on guilty until proven innocent.

I used to use acrylamide in the lab years ago and we were gloved and masked up due to potential carcinogenicity and the fact that it is a cumulative neurotoxin. It's nasty stuff.

Damien 01-12-2017 16:20

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35927128)
The relevant word is highlighted for you.

Any food can potentially harm you, should we just ban all food ?

It's considered a 'probable' carcinogen.

papa smurf 01-12-2017 16:22

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35927132)
If we listened to the experts we would be having grass and water.

right now i'm having chips cooked in pork dripping to a more than golden color with extra dark crispy bits -cod -mushy peas heavily buttered brown bread and a mug of tea

Taf 01-12-2017 16:46

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler
No more toast or fried bread in the greasy spoon?

The end of the Tandoori oven for Naan breads?

No more crumpets?

And what about all that dihydrogen oxide that is all over the place!?

heero_yuy 01-12-2017 17:48

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35927145)
right now i'm having chips cooked in pork dripping to a more than golden color with extra dark crispy bits -cod -mushy peas heavily buttered brown bread and a mug of tea

You're dead. :D

It's all soggy pap from now on.

Paul 01-12-2017 19:43

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Taf (Post 35927146)
And what about all that dihydrogen oxide that is all over the place!?

I think you mean dihydrogen monoxide, and yes, very dangerous stuff. :erm:

1andrew1 01-12-2017 19:55

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35927086)
The point is, they are creating stupid rules and laws, as usual.

Regardless that we are leaving, while we are still chained to them, we have to follow some of these new stupid laws, until the leave date.

Probably during the multi-year transition period as well. :)

papa smurf 01-12-2017 20:22

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35927174)
Probably during the multi-year transition period as well. :)

a few more years under the thumb must make your heart swell with joy ;)

1andrew1 01-12-2017 21:55

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35927184)
a few more years under the thumb must make your heart swell with joy ;)

You've met 'er indoors then? ;)

TheDaddy 01-12-2017 22:10

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35927203)
You've met 'er indoors then? ;)

Keep feeding her the golden brown chips and biscuits is my advice

Mick 01-12-2017 22:30

Re: New EU Rules dictate chips must be cooked paler

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35927205)
Keep feeding her the golden brown chips and biscuits is my advice


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