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OLD BOY 01-01-2021 02:07

Britain outside the EU
So, now we have left the European Union. What now? How do we navigate our way ahead? How do we make the decision of the electorate work in practice?

Frankly, I am looking forward to making deals with all these other trading blocs around the world that are purely arrangements about trade and that don’t try to force you into some sort of political union.

Does anyone have any views on what our priorities should be? Personally, I think the next big deal should be with the US, and we need to bring in those free ports that the PM referred to a few months ago as soon as possible.

Should our farmers be gearing up to produce more now that we are free of the wasteful CAP? Which new markets should we be exploiting after the US?

So many many opportunities.

TheDaddy 01-01-2021 04:35

Re: Britain outside the EU
I would like to see us develop a global agreement on services and believe it is achievable, I'd also like to see us ensure people caught evading tax through dubious avoidance schemes are properly punished

jfman 01-01-2021 04:36

Re: Britain outside the EU
Funny you should start this thread. As the previous one had closed (despite us officailly leaving the EU in January) I was considering starting one called 'England's existential crisis' but this will do.

Where does the identity crisis lead us next?

TheDaddy 01-01-2021 04:39

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by jfman (Post 36064478)
Funny you should start this thread. As the previous one had closed (despite us officailly leaving the EU in January) I was considering starting one called 'England's existential crisis' but this will do.

Where does the identity crisis lead us next?

Probably to a united Ireland and maybe an independent Scotland, still we knew that and are delighted to be waving them off :wavey:

Paul 01-01-2021 05:30

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by jfman (Post 36064478)
As the previous one had closed (despite us officailly leaving the EU in January)

Why do you always have to try and get a dig in. :rolleyes:

We officially left at 11pm Dec 31st 2020 (because that was midnight in Europe). :dozey:

Pierre 01-01-2021 10:00

Re: Britain outside the EU
There’s nothing mire amusing than seeing a media that done nothing but promote fear in regards to Brexit, trying to continue in that vein when there really isn’t anything to write about.

These are the BIG changes about to HIT Britons traveling to the EU

Which is basically no changes for most of and certainly no big ones.

Chris 01-01-2021 10:13

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36064488)
There’s nothing mire amusing than seeing a media that done nothing but promote fear in regards to Brexit, trying to continue in that vein when there really isn’t anything to write about.

These are the BIG changes about to HIT Britons traveling to the EU

Which is basically no changes for most of and certainly no big ones.

Here’s an amusing quirk of the new system:


From 1 January you might also need a GB sticker - but it depends on what sort of number plate is on your car.

If it has an EU logo next to the registration number, you will need a sticker.

Plates with GB and a Union flag on them will not require a sticker in most EU countries.
I can’t help experiencing a little schadenfreude at those who have persisted in asking for EU number plates on their new cars. If you have one of these, even though it says GB on it, you still need a GB bumper sticker. On the other hand, if you have one of the sort that replaces the star-spangled blue rag with the union flag (which Europhile New Labour tried and failed to ban about 20 years ago) then you’re good to go.

Maybe the Mail on Sunday could do a commemorative re-issue of the GB/Union Flag overlay stickers they produced after Blair and the department of transport lost their court case against those who refused to leave their EU plates unmodified :D

1701-e 01-01-2021 10:14

Re: Britain outside the EU
Of course the £350M per week to the NHS from next week will be a great help..... Unless of course it stays with the Tory cronies. Led by donkeys have released another great video on the momentus year......

papa smurf 01-01-2021 10:20

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36064489)
Here’s an amusing quirk of the new system:

I can’t help experiencing a little schadenfreude at those who have persisted in asking for EU number plates on their new cars. If you have one of these, even though it says GB on it, you still need a GB bumper sticker. On the other hand, if you have one of the sort that replaces the star-spangled blue rag with the union flag (which Europhile New Labour tried and failed to ban about 20 years ago) then you’re good to go.

Maybe the Mail on Sunday could do a commemorative re-issue of the GB/Union Flag overlay stickers they produced after Blair and the department of transport lost their court case against those who refused to leave their EU plates unmodified :D

What if you own a French car, is it given priority treatment on the dark side of the channel?

Chris 01-01-2021 10:21

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 36064491)
What if you own a French car, is it given priority treatment on the dark side of the channel?

I believe they’re just as likely to be upended and used to build a flaming barricade as any other.

1andrew1 01-01-2021 10:52

Re: Britain outside the EU
Well, Mark Francois of the European Research Group says

“Now that we have ‘cried freedom’ it must make sense for government departments to put their heads together and undertake a thorough analysis of areas where it makes sense of us to apply that freedom to diverge from EU regulation.”
Shouldn't we have been doing this research beforehand to inform our negotiations? This suggests to me that Phil Hammond's assertion "we are buying a notional right to diverge, which we will not use, at a very high economic price” may turn out to be correct. Before anyone mentions free ports - we've been able to do those within the EU and tried, but the economics don't add up.

Mr K 01-01-2021 11:11

Re: Britain outside the EU
Think the OP should have asked all these questions and had the answers before he decided which way to vote !

Still we've taken back control, and given it to an incompetent bunch of millionaires. Will they be looking out for us or themselves? At least he nation's fishermen are grateful; the first of many to be let down/lied to.

Happy New Year btw :)

Carth 01-01-2021 11:30

Re: Britain outside the EU
New Year, New Thread, same negative posters :p:

Hugh 01-01-2021 11:38

Re: Britain outside the EU
I look forward to any deals, with whichever countries/trading blocs, which will improve our economy and the living standards of our citizens.

Do we have any examples of prospective deals in the near to medium future?

OLD BOY 01-01-2021 11:40

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by jfman (Post 36064478)
Funny you should start this thread. As the previous one had closed (despite us officailly leaving the EU in January) I was considering starting one called 'England's existential crisis' but this will do.

Where does the identity crisis lead us next?

I started the thread because the transitional agreement has now come to an end, so we are finally free from the dictats of the EU. An occasion well worth celebrating, in my book.

Happy Independence Day!

papa smurf 01-01-2021 11:47

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Carth (Post 36064502)
New Year, New Thread, same negative posters :p:

Same whinging drivel, wonder if they need their own mardy arse complainer thread.

jfman 01-01-2021 11:53

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by OLD BOY (Post 36064506)
I started the thread because the transitional agreement has now come to an end, so we are finally free from the dictats of the EU. An occasion well worth celebrating, in my book.

Happy Independence Day!

And happy independence day to you too Old Boy.

I look forward to the great levelling up that the Tories have promised us. Now with full powers, no Brussels bureaucracy we can forge ahead and fix the many problems in our country.

There's no European bogey man to hide behind and politicians need to step up and deliver.

Hugh 01-01-2021 11:55

Re: Britain outside the EU


Spain has reached a deal with the UK to maintain free movement to and from Gibraltar once the UK formally leaves the EU on Friday.

To avoid a hard border, Gibraltar will join the EU's Schengen zone and follow other EU rules, while remaining a British Overseas Territory.

The deal was announced by Spanish Foreign Minister Arancha González Laya, just hours before the UK exits the EU.

1andrew1 01-01-2021 12:06

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 36064507)
Same whinging drivel, wonder if they need their own mardy arse complainer thread.

It already exists. It's called the US election thread. ;)

heero_yuy 01-01-2021 12:15

Re: Britain outside the EU
The flood of illegals across the channel will not reduce but at least it'll be easier to chuck the buggers out.

Chris 01-01-2021 12:33

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by jfman (Post 36064508)
And happy independence day to you too Old Boy.

I look forward to the great levelling up that the Tories have promised us. Now with full powers, no Brussels bureaucracy we can forge ahead and fix the many problems in our country.

There's no European bogey man to hide behind and politicians need to step up and deliver.

In all seriousness this is one of the key benefits of Brexit for me. Everything passed in Westminster (and Holyrood for that matter) is now on the initiative of our own politicians and not the result of a directive from a foreign bureaucracy.

Our general elections will matter in a way more profound than any in a generation.

nashville 01-01-2021 12:43

Re: Britain outside the EU
I say Good Luck to Brexit and I wish the four nations would get together and make it a success, for the United Kingsdom , but Nicola will do her best to upset the apple cart I expect,
Happy New Year to you all,

jonbxx 01-01-2021 12:47

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 36064512)
The flood of illegals across the channel will not reduce but at least it'll be easier to chuck the buggers out.

It’s the opposite I am afraid. We’re no longer included in the Dublin Agreement;


After this year, the UK will not be able to use the Dublin Regulation to return asylum seekers who travel from EU member states

Maggy 01-01-2021 12:49

Re: Britain outside the EU
Yes but there's no blaming the EU for all that goes wrong now. We have sovereignty and there's only one place we can direct our dissatisfaction at. I hope Boris and co are ready?

Hugh 01-01-2021 13:00

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36064514)
In all seriousness this is one of the key benefits of Brexit for me. Everything passed in Westminster (and Holyrood for that matter) is now on the initiative of our own politicians and not the result of a directive from a foreign bureaucracy.

Our general elections will matter in a way more profound than any in a generation.

Unless, of course, they are like Clause 29 in the TCA, which gives the Executive the power to change existing laws without oversight by Parliament...

Executive Democracy rather than Parliamentary Democracy.

TheDaddy 01-01-2021 13:06

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 36064495)
Well, Mark Francois of the European Research Group says

Shouldn't we have been doing this research beforehand to inform our negotiations? This suggests to me that Phil Hammond's assertion "we are buying a notional right to diverge, which we will not use, at a very high economic price” may turn out to be correct. Before anyone mentions free ports - we've been able to do those within the EU and tried, but the economics don't add up.

Ugh uber cretin Mark Francois has resurfaced now those "allegations" have gone away

denphone 01-01-2021 13:09

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Maggy (Post 36064523)
Yes but there's no blaming the EU for all that goes wrong now. We have sovereignty and there's only one place we can direct our dissatisfaction at. I hope Boris and co are ready?

Exactly as they own all the consequences now be them good or bad as they cannot blame the boogeyman anymore as the buck stops with them and them only.

gba93 01-01-2021 13:11

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 36064532)
Exactly as they own all the consequences now be them good or bad as they cannot blame the boogeyman anymore as the buck stops with them and them only.

Which is exactly how it should be (and should always have been).

Damien 01-01-2021 13:12

Re: Britain outside the EU
I just hope things move on and am glad there is a deal.

Paul 01-01-2021 13:23

Re: Britain outside the EU
Here’s an amusing quirk of the new system:


From 1 January you might also need a GB sticker - but it depends on what sort of number plate is on your car.

If it has an EU logo next to the registration number, you will need a sticker.

Plates with GB and a Union flag on them will not require a sticker in most EU countries.
So what if your plates have neither, like mine

Hom3r 01-01-2021 13:34

Re: Britain outside the EU
I'm looking forward to the resignations of Nicola Sturgeon & Ian Blackford.

Both have blinkers on and think Scotland is behind them, well they are with the cutlass pushing them along the plank.

joglynne 01-01-2021 13:34

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36064537)
Here’s an amusing quirk of the new system:

So what if your plates have neither, like mine

Before we joined the EU we were required to have a GB sticker if we took our car abroad. I remenber getting one from the RAC who also provided our Green Card.

pip08456 01-01-2021 13:35

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36064537)
Here’s an amusing quirk of the new system:

So what if your plates have neither, like mine

You will need a GB sticker if you take your vehicle into Europe, otherwise nothing changes.

Damien 01-01-2021 14:09

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 36064541)
I'm looking forward to the resignations of Nicola Sturgeon & Ian Blackford.

Both have blinkers on and think Scotland is behind them, well they are with the cutlass pushing them along the plank.

Have you seen their polling numbers? That's not going to be happening anytime soon.

1andrew1 01-01-2021 14:40

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 36064541)
I'm looking forward to the resignations of Nicola Sturgeon & Ian Blackford.

Both have blinkers on and think Scotland is behind them, well they are with the cutlass pushing them along the plank.

Is that perhaps based more on what you want to happen and less on what you think will happen? ;) Certainly, for the Scottish Parliament, the SNP is polling well ahead of the opposition parties.

mrmistoffelees 01-01-2021 15:44

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36064537)
Here’s an amusing quirk of the new system:

So what if your plates have neither, like mine

Fairly sure this isn’t new, when I was on a motorbike tour to Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Italy a couple of years ago my bike needed a GB sticker as it had ‘plain’ plates

Chris 01-01-2021 15:49

Re: Britain outside the EU
Yes, GB stickers have never gone away because only a minority of UK registered vehicles have ever displayed the approved blue rag within the number plate with GB overlaid. Cars with plain number plates have always needed a sticker. Technically cars with GB in the number plates alongside anything other than the blue rag needed a sticker as well, although I’m not sure how seriously enforced that was in EU states.

jfman 01-01-2021 15:52

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 36064549)
Is that perhaps based more on what you want to happen and less on what you think will happen? ;) Certainly, for the Scottish Parliament, the SNP is polling well ahead of the opposition parties.

The old British Establishment has a few aces up their sleeves for the run up to the election.

Fully expect the BBC (and others) to be upping the ante on covid in care homes, Salmond and potentially covid in schools.

Chris 01-01-2021 16:04

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by jfman (Post 36064558)
The old British Establishment has a few aces up their sleeves for the run up to the election.

Fully expect the BBC (and others) to be upping the ante on covid in care homes, Salmond and potentially covid in schools.

Heaven forbid that the party in power for nearly 14 years should be challenged on its record ...

Incidentally, and contrary to popular belief, a ridiculously large number of creative and news staff at BBC Scotland are raving separatists. I can assure you I have first hand knowledge of this. The idea that BBC Scotland is somehow biased against the SNP is nonsensical, and drawn entirely from nationalists’ incomprehension and rage against being challenged at all.

Whatever the arguments for separation, there is a significant portion of the nationalist movement for whom its an article of religious faith. To them, any form of challenge is bias.

jfman 01-01-2021 16:10

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36064559)
Heaven forbid that the party in power for nearly 14 years should be challenged on its record ...

Incidentally, and contrary to popular belief, a ridiculously large number of creative and news staff at BBC Scotland are raving separatists. I can assure you I have first hand knowledge of this. The idea that BBC Scotland is somehow biased against the SNP is nonsensical, and drawn entirely from nationalists’ incomprehension and rage against being challenged at all.

Whatever the arguments for separation, there is a significant portion of the nationalist movement for whom its an article of religious faith. To them, any form of challenge is bias.

Nothing against holding parties to account - I'm only pointing out to Andrew that the May election is far from a done deal. That said if these things are newsworthy now it's certainly questionable from an ethical journalism perspective to hold on to them until pre-election.

While I'm sure all workplaces have a mixed crowd the impartiality of the BBC Scotland News editorial line is certainly open to question. As you say though bias, like beauty, can often be in the eye of the beholder.

Sephiroth 01-01-2021 19:02

Re: Britain outside the EU
OB, you were right to start this thread. There's still plenty of fun to be had!

papa smurf 01-01-2021 20:49

Re: Britain outside the EU
Rejoin campaign launches ‘EU ID card’ to ‘resist Brexit’s effects’ and ‘stay European’
THE newly formed "rejoin" campaign has launched an EU identity card to fight against the impacts of Brexit.

“Joining the campaign is in itself a declaration of your wish to be considered European and to apply to become an associate citizen of the EU.

“Once the campaign is large enough to gain wider attention, we will lobby the EU to create a formal scheme that we can sign up to.

Aw that's so sweet bless.

Paul 01-01-2021 21:38

Re: Britain outside the EU
Yeah, I wont be applying for one.

Maggy 01-01-2021 22:10

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by gba93 (Post 36064534)
Which is exactly how it should be (and should always have been).

But did Boris and co actually think it through? The buck now stops with them.

pip08456 01-01-2021 22:39

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 36064607)
Rejoin campaign launches ‘EU ID card’ to ‘resist Brexit’s effects’ and ‘stay European’
THE newly formed "rejoin" campaign has launched an EU identity card to fight against the impacts of Brexit.

“Joining the campaign is in itself a declaration of your wish to be considered European and to apply to become an associate citizen of the EU.

“Once the campaign is large enough to gain wider attention, we will lobby the EU to create a formal scheme that we can sign up to.

Aw that's so sweet bless.

I would have thought most remainers would have been in the "NO ID card" camp but happy to be wrong. Will the ID cards have Biometrics included?

All that aside. We have a section of the population who think that by producing their own EUID cards will persuade the EU to throw away their membership rules just to suit them.

Anybody know what they're on and can you send me a sample???

pip08456 01-01-2021 22:58

Re: Britain outside the EU
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 36064607)
Rejoin campaign launches ‘EU ID card’ to ‘resist Brexit’s effects’ and ‘stay European’
THE newly formed "rejoin" campaign has launched an EU identity card to fight against the impacts of Brexit.

“Joining the campaign is in itself a declaration of your wish to be considered European and to apply to become an associate citizen of the EU.

“Once the campaign is large enough to gain wider attention, we will lobby the EU to create a formal scheme that we can sign up to.

Aw that's so sweet bless.

Actually papa you've misrepresented this. The article does state:


The scheme has so far received 159,890 registrations to apply for EU citizenship at the time of writing.
Anyone can apply for EU citizenship as long as they meet EU requirements.
A non story really but laughable showing how gullable remainers can be.

Then there is a picture of a card which again is laughable.

Seems a bit disjointed.

Just had a thought I can knock those cards out at the discount price of £1 each, free p&p. Anyone interested?

Sephiroth 01-01-2021 23:28

Re: Britain outside the EU
Sturgeon tramped over to Brussels thinking she'd be warmly given assurances about Scotland only to be treated with distant politeness and getting absolutely nothing from the EU.

Scroll forward: the EUID card! The British Sausage has a better chance!

Sephiroth 01-01-2021 23:51

Re: Britain outside the EU
1 Attachment(s)
Here's one I made earlier!

pip08456 02-01-2021 01:45

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 36064622)
Here's one I made earlier!

I'm sure he will treasure it. If he wants I can do it on credit card sized plastic so he can put it in his wallet. £1 + p&p

Damien 02-01-2021 08:31

Re: Britain outside the EU
They could have at least designed a nicer card.

It does feel quite sad though, like children creating an imaginary world. People going around with these meaningless European ID cards as if they're anything other than a fake bit of plastic.

Their efforts would be better spent creating the reverse version of UKIP. A party which agitates for a referendum to join the European Union. They would get a head start with the numbers they claim are dedicated enough to spend money to indulge themselves in the fiction that they're still EU citizens with this little card.

jfman 02-01-2021 10:05

Re: Britain outside the EU
There’s got to be something worth investigating with the cards. Like Trump not conceding there’s money being made somewhere.

papa smurf 02-01-2021 10:11

Re: Britain outside the EU
I now know how my cat feels when he has been flead and wormed, ridding ourselves of 27 parasites is enough to make one feel giddy;)

Hugh 02-01-2021 12:01

Re: Britain outside the EU
1 Attachment(s)
Interesting viewpoint from the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.

heero_yuy 02-01-2021 13:08

Re: Britain outside the EU
Presumably these new rules include driving on the wrong side of the road. :D

Carth 02-01-2021 13:13

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 36064668)
Presumably these new rules include driving on the wrong side of the road. :D

Certainly looks that way from the picture :D

Pierre 02-01-2021 19:04

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36064659)
Interesting viewpoint from the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.

Well interesting and blatantly obvious, N.I. Finds itself in a unique position, truly the best of both scenarios and it’s citizens automatically British and EU citizens.

I know if there was a referendum on the N.I. Keeping the status quo would be what I would vote for if I was Northern Irish.

1andrew1 02-01-2021 19:21

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36064659)
Interesting viewpoint from the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.

I'm old enough to remember when England enjoyed those benefits too.

1andrew1 03-01-2021 00:09

Re: Britain outside the EU
Spain will decide who enters Gibraltar. Not the conventional defintion of taking back control, unless you're Spanish. ;)


Spain will have the last word on who enters Gibraltar under a preliminary deal on border arrangements for the U.K. territory, Foreign Minister Arancha Gonzalez Laya told El Pais in an interview.

Responsibility for overseeing the new passport-free Schengen agreement terms for entry to Gibraltar’s port and airport, as envisaged in the accord, would be Spain’s, Gonzalez told the newspaper.

“Evidently, there must be a Spanish presence to carry out the minimum tasks of Schengen control,” she said.

Chris 03-01-2021 00:16

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 36064820)
Spain will decide who enters Gibraltar. Not the conventional defintion of taking back control, unless you're Spanish. ;)

I’m pretty sure you’ve not actually read beyond the bit you quoted (or if you did, you didn’t understand it).

Sephiroth 03-01-2021 00:24

Re: Britain outside the EU
What Andrew naughtily failed to quote was this:


Separately, Fabian Picardo, Gibraltar’s first minister, said that only the Gibraltarian authorities would decide who enters the territory.

“Under the New Year’s Eve Agreement only Gibraltar will decide who enters Gibraltar & Spanish officers will not exercise any controls in Gibraltar at the Airport or Port now or in four years time,” he said on Twitter. “This is our land.”

Pierre 03-01-2021 08:53

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 36064824)
What Andrew naughtily failed to quote was this:

He should get a job a Sky News with those editorial skills of taking a story and then changing it to Fit his narrative, very well done.

papa smurf 03-01-2021 09:27

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36064834)
He should get a job a Sky News with those editorial skills of taking a story and then changing it to Fit his narrative, very well done.

Sky news Australia will employ him :tu:

1andrew1 03-01-2021 09:54

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 36064824)
What Andrew naughtily failed to quote was this:

Nothing naughty happening. That wasn't there on the version I read. It was added later as the article makes clear at the end.


(Updates with comment from Gibraltar’s first minister in seventh paragraph.)

Chris 03-01-2021 09:58

Re: Britain outside the EU
So, no actual story then.

Spain’s “final say” occurs because the Frontex officers deployed to help Gibraltar integrate into Schengen will be Spanish ones. It’s their job to teach Gib’s own officials how to interpret Schengen rules. It is not their job to point at individuals arriving at Gibraltar Port or the airstrip and tell Gibraltar immigration officials to deny them entry.

1andrew1 03-01-2021 11:01

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36064842)
So, no actual story then.

Spain’s “final say” occurs because the Frontex officers deployed to help Gibraltar integrate into Schengen will be Spanish ones. It’s their job to teach Gib’s own officials how to interpret Schengen rules. It is not their job to point at individuals arriving at Gibraltar Port or the airstrip and tell Gibraltar immigration officials to deny them entry.

Gibraltar or the UK won't have access to the Schengen database so Spanish police officers will work behind the scenes hence Spain's final say claim.

Only the customs officers of Frontex will be public-facing. This is not a one-off training exercise to pass on knowledge to Gibraltans, it is a four-year contract which will either continue under Frontex or directly with Spanish officers.

The key benefit for using Frontex for now and not Spanish officers directly is that travellers arriving in Gibraltar are approached by agents in EU uniforms, not Spanish uniforms. After four years, Frontex members are anticipated to be replaced by Spanish officers. However, the agreement incorporates a consultation process which could extend Frontex's presence.

RichardCoulter 03-01-2021 14:26

Re: Britain outside the EU
It's a good job we didn't adopt the Euro. We'd have had to change all our money again as I don't suppose the EU would allow anyone to use their currency without being in the EU itself.

jfman 03-01-2021 14:35

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by RichardCoulter (Post 36064904)
It's a good job we didn't adopt the Euro. We'd have had to change all our money again as I don't suppose the EU would allow anyone to use their currency without being in the EU itself.

While there's plenty of good reasons to not join the Euro, and plenty of really good reasons to not to outside the EU either, the idea that we'd have to have changed currency isn't correct.

1andrew1 03-01-2021 17:31

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by jfman (Post 36064905)

While there's plenty of good reasons to not join the Euro, and plenty of really good reasons to not to outside the EU either, the idea that we'd have to have changed currency isn't correct.


As an FYI, Montenegro uses the Euro hut is not in the EU.

pip08456 03-01-2021 17:45

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 36064955)

As an FYI, Montenegro uses the Euro hut is not in the EU.


The states of Kosovo and Montenegro in the Balkans are not members of the EU. The two countries adopted the euro unilaterally in 2002 and have since used it as their de facto currency. This means that the euro is not legal tender there, but is treated as such by the population. Before 2002, Kosovars and Montenegrins used German marks.
All the others on the list are autonimous dependencies {or similar} of EU states.

RichardCoulter 03-01-2021 19:11

Re: Britain outside the EU
Interesting that, had we adopted it, we could have carried on using the Euro currency after we left the EU.

I imagine that the present Government would have wanted to stop using it though as a means to send a signal to the electorate eg blue passports.

pip08456 03-01-2021 19:22

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by RichardCoulter (Post 36064968)
Interesting that, had we adopted it, we could have carried on using the Euro currency after we left the EU.

I imagine that the present Government would have wanted to stop using it though as a means to send a signal to the electorate eg blue passports.

I would think we would have gone back to the pound in the same way we switched to decimal. You can't replace all the country's currency overnight.

Paul 03-01-2021 22:47

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 36064955)
As an FYI, Montenegro uses the Euro hut is not in the EU.

They inherited it because they were using the German Mark, which obviously got replaced by the Euro.
We were in Montenegro for a day trip last year, you could spend Croation Kuna there as well.

1andrew1 08-01-2021 13:56

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36064995)
They inherited it because they were using the German Mark, which obviously got replaced by the Euro.
We were in Montenegro for a day trip last year, you could spend Croation Kuna there as well.

Great country with a lovely combination of beaches and mountains and cheaper than Croatia.

---------- Post added at 13:56 ---------- Previous post was at 13:47 ----------


Now DPD halts ALL EU deliveries as British firms blast 'perfect storm' of Brexit bureaucracy, IT woes and confusion as fishermen complain of a 'brick wall' in ports
- They lashed out at new 'obstacles' slowing exports via Calais and Boulogne
- Some consignments delayed 48 hours, running the risk of being rejected
- Came as retailers warned that a new wave of red tape and tariffs is hitting trade

A major parcel courier halted deliveries to the EU today as firms complained of a 'perfect storm' of post-Brexit changes hitting business.

DPD UK said today it was pausing its road delivery services into Europe, including Ireland, until at least Wednesday, citing issues resulting from the EU-UK trade deal agreed last month, which came into effect on December 31.

It came as retailers warned that a new wave of red tape and tariffs was hitting trade.

The British Retail Consortium (BRC) said that 'at least 50' of its members face potential tariffs for re-exporting goods following the agreement of the Trade and Co-operation Agreement (TCA).

Marks and Spencer boss Steve Rowe also warned that, despite the UK signing a free trade agreement with the EU, new rules and regulations are set to 'significantly impact' its overseas ventures in Ireland, the Czech Republic and France, although he insisted the company is 'actively working to mitigate' the issues.

Meanwhile UK fishermen lasted out, saying British-landed fish are being left to rot because of a post-Brexit 'brick wall of bureaucracy in French ports.

Hugh 11-01-2021 22:29

Re: Britain outside the EU
GHIC now available

Same coverage as the EHIC

Maggy 12-01-2021 10:09

Re: Britain outside the EU


A Dutch TV network has filmed border officials confiscating ham sandwiches and other foods from drivers arriving in the Netherlands from the UK, under post-Brexit rules.

The officials were shown explaining import regulations imposed since the UK formalised its separation from the EU.

Under EU rules, travellers from outside the bloc are banned from bringing in meat and dairy products.

The rules appeared to bemuse one driver.

"Since Brexit, you are no longer allowed to bring certain foods to Europe, like meat, fruit, vegetables, fish, that kind of stuff," a Dutch border official told the driver
It begins.

Sephiroth 12-01-2021 10:12

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Maggy (Post 36066338)

... and it's petty revengism.

papa smurf 12-01-2021 10:14

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 36066340)
... and it's petty revengism.

Just bribe them with a couple of Cod;)

1andrew1 12-01-2021 10:41

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 36066340)
... and it's petty revengism.

Revenge for all those high-paid jobs moving to the Netherlands? ;)

nomadking 12-01-2021 10:45

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Maggy (Post 36066338)

IIRC The only risk comes from where the meat ends up in something like pigs swill.
The perverse thing about it, is that things like Foot and Mouth start off as being airborne and brought into the UK from mainland Europe(eg France), not the other way around.
Horse meat masquerading as beef, also came from Europe, along with Scrapie in sheep.
Whether food, people, or products, the risk is more FROM Europe, than from the UK. Which is likely to be safer, Eastern Europe or the UK?

mrmistoffelees 12-01-2021 10:47

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 36066340)
... and it's petty revengism.

Is it? do these rules only apply to the UK ?

You wanted this, you don't get to cherry pick or complain when we are treat as any other country outside of the EU.

Sephiroth 12-01-2021 11:18

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by mrmistoffelees (Post 36066347)
Is it? do these rules only apply to the UK ?

You wanted this, you don't get to cherry pick or complain when we are treat as any other country outside of the EU.

Are you sure about this? Anyone entering Poland from Belarus has their sandwiches confiscated? Anyone entering Malta from Israel has their sandwiches confiscated? You sure?

And no - I didn't want this when I championed Brexit. The pettiness should appal you rather than send you back into Remainer mode.

Same goes for @Andrew.

Carth 12-01-2021 11:24

Re: Britain outside the EU
It's not petty at all, rules are rules.

Just because there was a TV crew ready and waiting to film UK lorry drivers getting a slap doesn't mean it was orchestrated beforehand. ;)

Chris 12-01-2021 11:37

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by mrmistoffelees (Post 36066347)
Is it? do these rules only apply to the UK ?

You wanted this, you don't get to cherry pick or complain when we are treat as any other country outside of the EU.

As per Seph’s response. Are we really to believe border officials are being this fastidious at the EU’s various non-UK entry points? This is petty point scoring, nothing more. I predict these border officials won’t be able to sustain this level of scrutiny for any length of time. Perhaps they were only able to sustain it for the duration of the TV crew’s visit.

---------- Post added at 11:37 ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 ----------

In other news, reciprocal medical treatment has now been agreed with the EU. Holders of a UK-issued Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) will get the same cover previously obtained via the EU’s EHIC card. EU citizens will be covered on the same terms when visiting the UK.

HMG’s aim appears to be to have the GHIC act as the necessary proof of entitlement in all countries where the UK has reciprocal agreements, although this is not yet the case (presumably existing arrangements need formal agreement before they can be changed).

Of course, there was never any doubt that arrangements like this would be made. Reciprocal access to state health services was not invented by the EU and is not unique to it. The UK has such agreements with 16 non-EEA countries.

Yet another remainer bogeyman shot in the head.

BenMcr 12-01-2021 12:01

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 36066353)
Are you sure about this? Anyone entering Poland from Belarus has their sandwiches confiscated? Anyone entering Malta from Israel has their sandwiches confiscated? You sure?

They should do


Travellers are not allowed to bring in meat, milk or their products, unless they are coming with less than 10 kilograms of these products from the Faeroe Islands or Greenland
as we have done for when we were part of the EU


If you're flying in to the UK from outside the EU, there are certain foods you are not allowed to bring with you, even if they are for your personal use.

These foods include:

Meat products
Milk and dairy products
Some fresh food products, such as fruit, fish, eggs and honey, may be allowed from some countries.

Sephiroth 12-01-2021 12:11

Re: Britain outside the EU
They plead the proximity of the UK to the EU for level playing field purposes. But for sandwiches purposes, that proximity carries no weight.

It's petty application of the rules to punish us.

papa smurf 12-01-2021 12:19

Re: Britain outside the EU
Plenty of Dutch truckers around here, all we need to do is introduce full deep body cavity searches for Dutch truckers.

1andrew1 12-01-2021 12:22

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 36066360)
They plead the proximity of the UK to the EU for level playing field purposes. But for sandwiches purposes, that proximity carries no weight.

It's petty application of the rules to punish us.

I'm afraid Ben's links tell it as it is but the officers do seem a bit keen! Perhaps it was to make a necessary point as many have been carrying on as if we were still members causing delays and hold-ups.

A bit of background.


The trouble is most of those of working age have little experience of life before the EU. We have traded tariff-free for as long as most people can remember and free of any checks at all since the implementation of the single market almost three decades ago. The single market was in place by the time the channel tunnel opened in 1994, so the UK has traded under its terms for as long as there has been a land border with the EU. On 31 December 2020, the trade framework that existed for much of people’s working lives was torn up. It seems that many have not yet grasped what this means.

It is unlikely that any of this will change significantly. Whatever ‘sorting out’ business groups hope the government will do is unlikely to make much difference. The bureaucracy involved in our new trading agreement with the EU is not a bug. It’s a feature. It is meant to be like this. Outside the single market and customs union, things are more difficult than when you are inside them. That’s the whole point.

Lobbying government or MPs won’t do much good as there is not much they can do about it. It’s not like before, when we could complain about EU rules and exert some influence to get them changed. This is now an agreement with an external trading bloc signed by our sovereign government. That, too, was the whole point.

Sephiroth 12-01-2021 13:09

Re: Britain outside the EU
Are some of you Remainers blind? It's punishment.

Chris 12-01-2021 13:12

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 36066365)
Are some of you Remainers blind? It's punishment.

To be fair, we Brexiteers had to grumble about pettifogging European bureaucracy for decades before we managed to secure and then win a referendum. I guess we just have to give the Europhiles their space to complain about it now.

Sephiroth 12-01-2021 13:26

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36066366)
To be fair, we Brexiteers had to grumble about pettifogging European bureaucracy for decades before we managed to secure and then win a referendum. I guess we just have to give the Europhiles their space to complain about it now.

By "it" you presumably mean "Brexit". I'm sure that nothing the Brexiteers can say on this forum will stop the Europhiles from standing up for EU bureaucracy.

What really irks me is that they don't condemn the EU's pettiness in singling out traffic from the UK.

Does anyone know whether or not they check on sandwiches at NI entry points?

1andrew1 12-01-2021 13:27

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 36066365)
Are some of you Remainers blind? It's punishment.

Time to move on. Nigel Farage who has been moaning for 40 years has stopped and accepted the deal.

You literally can't have your cake (or sandwich) and eat it! :D

Hom3r 12-01-2021 13:54

Re: Britain outside the EU
Here's a question, would they take these specific butters from you? Lurpak, and President? As these are made in Denmark and France

papa smurf 12-01-2021 14:07

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 36066371)
Here's a question, would they take these specific butters from you? Lurpak, and President? As these are made in Denmark and France

The ham in his sandwich may have come from the EU;)

Sephiroth 12-01-2021 14:09

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 36066373)
The ham in his sandwich may have come from the EU;)

It gets pettier and pettier - not to mention vindictive.

1andrew1 12-01-2021 14:21

Re: Britain outside the EU
1 Attachment(s)
More Bregrets from Scottish fishermen. Another nail in the coffin for UK remaining intact or just whingeing from those who should know better?


This is what BREXIT means, north coast of France is French vessels fishing. Next picture is west coast Scotland NO vessels fishing! WHY because we have no transport to France due to paperwork control being over the top! This is a DEAL situation, also French vessels landing in UK.

papa smurf 12-01-2021 14:37

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 36066375)
More Bregrets from Scottish fishermen. Another nail in the coffin for UK remaining intact or just whingeing from those who should know better?

Oh bugger we forgot to ask if Scott's could read and write so they could do the paperwork :omg:

Chris 12-01-2021 14:45

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 36066375)
More Bregrets from Scottish fishermen. Another nail in the coffin for UK remaining intact or just whingeing from those who should know better?

A lot more complex than the binary Brexit/remainer whingeing you appear to want it to be ...

There are delays implementing an IT system that issues documentation - from what I can find out, correct barcodes are key. This is a Scottish government responsibility. They might well (and not entirely unreasonably) say that the trade deal came so late that they need time to catch up. However, the Scottish Government and Marine Scotland very recently lost a court case against the Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation after unlawfully trying to put a moratorium on inshore trawling for shellfish. The Scottish Government may find it lacks motivation to hurry up and sort out creel fishermen’s IT woes. It may also find it is motivated not to do anything to smooth the implementation of the post-Brexit trade deal.

But of course we all know the SNP never does anything to create friction with UK government policies, so it can’t be that.

Hugh 12-01-2021 14:55

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 36066377)
Oh bugger we forgot to ask if Scott's could read and write so they could do the paperwork :omg:

At least they can spell and be grammatically correct...;)

papa smurf 12-01-2021 14:58

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36066380)
At least they can spell and be grammatically correct...;)

Do you have any proof of that.

Sephiroth 12-01-2021 15:26

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 36066377)
Oh bugger we forgot to ask if Scott's could read and write so they could do the paperwork :omg:


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