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Paul 19-05-2015 01:57

Legends of Tomorrow
Set to premiere in Jan 2016, as a 13 episode season.

ianch99 19-05-2015 13:44

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35778725)
Set to premiere in Jan 2016, as a 13 episode season.

This looks good :D Do you know how we can see it here the UK?

BenMcr 19-05-2015 14:57

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
Both The Flash and Arrow are on Sky One, so I don't see any reason why they wouldn't pick up this too.

ianch99 19-05-2015 16:39

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by BenMcr (Post 35778802)
Both The Flash and Arrow are on Sky One, so I don't see any reason why they wouldn't pick up this too.

Many thanks, I will look out for this ..

Kymmy 20-05-2015 08:15

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
hmmmm... Poor persons Justice League?? I suppose without adding a few more "expensive" DC characters there's no way they could ever use the name which would cost them in it's own right. Looks like it'll be going down the road of Marvels:Agents of Shield (a good show in it's own right) in that you here about the goings on of the big characters (in this case Superman/Batman) but you never see them in the show.

Still though not sure flash or Arrow had many more series in them so it keeps those characters alive.

BenMcr 20-05-2015 09:13

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Kymmy (Post 35778912)
Still though not sure flash or Arrow had many more series in them so it keeps those characters alive.

The Flash has only had one series so far?!

Stephen 20-05-2015 11:59

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Kymmy (Post 35778912)
hmmmm... Poor persons Justice League?? I suppose without adding a few more "expensive" DC characters there's no way they could ever use the name which would cost them in it's own right. Looks like it'll be going down the road of Marvels:Agents of Shield (a good show in it's own right) in that you here about the goings on of the big characters (in this case Superman/Batman) but you never see them in the show.

Still though not sure flash or Arrow had many more series in them so it keeps those characters alive.

Having just watched the Flash Season 1 finale, I can personally say I think you are wrong there. It shows a lot of promise. In the Flash/DC universe many of the names aren't small at all.

Also DC have stated their TV universe is seperate from the Movie one.

Kymmy 20-05-2015 17:03

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
Flash is a very poor story and nothing like the Barry from the comic books, as for Arrow I gave up on it half way through the first series. DC TV and film always seems to disappoint compare to Marvel equivalents which is strange as DC comics were always the better of the two. The only decent one was Smallville which being a prequel had more to offer as the main character grew on you as he grew up.

DC had a good success with the justice league cartoon so gawd knows why they didn't follow up with the TV show instead of bringing in a shows featuring the lower justice league members supported by some bit rate hero's.

Oh well there's already too much to watch on USA timelines

---------- Post added at 17:03 ---------- Previous post was at 17:01 ----------


Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35778947)

Also DC have stated their TV universe is seperate from the Movie one.

Never understood why they chose to do that as they could do wonders on TV as side plots to films

Stephen 20-05-2015 18:31

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
As AoS has proved, mixing TV and Movie universes can get complicated.

However I disagree about The Flash not being good. I think its one of the best comic series on TV just now and the Finale of the first season was almost perfect too. Mixing in so many other elements of the mythology and things yet to come.

The story of series 1 was very good and took many points and characters from the varies versions of The Flash and IMO did it very well.

It did also set in motion the seeds for the Legends series. So I think it will work well.

Supergirl also looks like it might be really good. Sure there will at some point be crossovers between the four series. arrow had been good but the later helf of season 3 was a bit rubbish.

Kymmy 05-01-2016 16:37

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
FYI this starts on Jan 21st

General Maximus 25-01-2016 20:42

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
I am literally just about to lie down in bed and watch it. I prefer Marvel stuff and love Agents of Shield. I really do like Arrow and Flash and I hope Legends of Tomorrow is just as good and not a cheap attempt to cash in on the expanded universe.

Paul 26-01-2016 17:58

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
I enjoyed the first episode last week.

General Maximus 26-01-2016 18:35

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
I am not too sure about this. I can see it being cancelled asap. All the characters are good in their own way and make great accessory/side characters in Arrow and The Flash but they just aren't strong enough to carry their own series. I watched it last night and I honestly wanted to turn it off half way through, I was bored. Now we understand where the show title "Legends of Tomorrow" comes from but how long are they going to be able to milk going after Vandal Savage for?

Kymmy 26-01-2016 19:34

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
Cross between a poor doctor who and a poor super hero group.. It's as though they've taken every sub character from Flash and Arrow that have run their course and made a show to reuse them.

General Maximus 26-01-2016 19:43

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
yup, and the problem is that they are good characters but only in moderation and when used properly. I love the Atom, his personality and the quips he comes out with but he needs to be around Oliver and Felicity for them to work properly.

Stephen 26-01-2016 21:19

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
I really liked the first episode, however this weeks second ep is actually part 2 of the first episode.

I think it would have been better had they shown them back to back.

Kymmy 09-02-2016 21:44

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
Well I tried it for 3 eps and gave up. Not got the strength of characters as seen in other shows especially as most of the characters are ripoffs from other shows.. Very surprised that the time traveller wasn't an RAF captain called Jack :rolleyes:

General Maximus 09-02-2016 21:56

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
I completely agree. I normally live crossover eps and i wondered what was going in the last one because the story and new characters were so weak. I didnt realise they were setting everything up for LoT. I read that Warner Bros were determined to have a competitor/equivalent to Agents of Shield so i imagine it will get renewed to a second season no matter what.

Stephen 10-02-2016 11:10

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
I on the otherhand have greatly enjoyed the show. Episode for was pretty good.

cimt 10-02-2016 13:28

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Kymmy (Post 35821321)
Well I tried it for 3 eps and gave up. Not got the strength of characters as seen in other shows especially as most of the characters are ripoffs from other shows.. Very surprised that the time traveller wasn't an RAF captain called Jack :rolleyes:

I wouldn't say that, especially not since the character was created in 1959. Quite a few years before Captain Jack was created.

adzii_nufc 16-02-2016 19:22

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
Watched them all so far, not that great in comparison to Arrow/Flash to be fair.

General Maximus 16-02-2016 21:30

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
I am literally just about to lie down and watch ep3. This is going to be the make it or break it ep for me. If this doesn't inspire me then I am deleting all the eps and removing it from my series list.

General Maximus 17-02-2016 17:49

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
I have given up. It is hard to explain but I enjoy stuff the more serious and realistic is because I can believe it is real. Two things are bugging me with LoT; firstly, if you know the Flash and Arrow have previously defeated Vandal Savage then why don't you do the research as a time lord, find out the perfect moment in time to take him out and team up with the Flash and Arrow and get rid of him once and for all. Instead we have got an undisciplined rag tag band of ming mongs jumping backwards and forwards in time screwing stuff up.
That was my main series gripe. Going back to realism though, my gripe with last nights ep was Captain Cold and Heatwave deciding to go off on a jolly. Even if the time lord hadn't setup more stringent security measures other than a security key (which I am sure he would have done given the precarious nature of his guests) he didn't flinch when he found out they had taken a ship and gone off on a jolly. I know they need to do character development eps but that was just a joke. If the mission of saving the world and retrieving the remains of the Carter Hall were that important then he would have flipped out and at the very least initiated some lock out security protocol which set the ship to automatically return to the mothership.

It is little things like that that don't make sense that bug me. It is defo a series for younger teens where they aren't expected to think about things like that and just sit in awe at the action and special effects. I can defo see the show being cancelled but it is going to take 2 seasons to do it because Warner Bros is desperate to raise the DC universe to the level Marvel has achieved.

Stephen 17-02-2016 19:06

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
I am enjoying it for wahat it is, a FUN series based on COMIC BOOK characters travelling through time.

I don't know how anyone can have expected it to be serious or based in realism.

adzii_nufc 17-02-2016 19:07

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
The Flash/Arrow are doing great alone and in crossovers. It's gotta be just plain fact that Firestorm and Atom are crap, I have no better way of putting it. Captain Cold and heatwave are better making their appearances throughout The Flash. Rip Hunter I can live with but these characters just don't work. As put though, Flash/Arrow have better stories going on in their respective shows. I'll keep watching it but I just can't get into this as much as their other shows. Rip Hunter, Cold and Heat are about the only three I can enjoy.

I could also see it going the way of Constantine (Which was good -_-)

Besides The Dark knight trilogy I think these DC TV shows are better than their movies. That's a serious opinion too, I've never enjoyed DC stuff as much as I have their recent TV productions.

General Maximus 17-02-2016 19:32

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35822477)
I am enjoying it for wahat it is, a FUN series based on COMIC BOOK characters travelling through time.

I don't know how anyone can have expected it to be serious or based in realism.

when I say realism I mean the reactions from the characters to different situations needs to be realistic. You have got this guy who is supposed to be a time lord and charged with maintaining the integrity of the timeline. He has travelled into the past and he finds out two guys has stolen one of his ships and gone off somewhere and he doesn't know where or what they are doing. You wouldn't say "oh never mind, I'll carry on with the plan by myself". Stuff like that really bugs me. When they do stuff like that it just spoils the show, luckily they haven't done anything like that in Flash or Arrow that I can remember.

Stephen 17-02-2016 21:18

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
You mean time master.

Timelords are a different show ;)

General Maximus 17-02-2016 22:13

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
:rolleyes: they are both the same to me, I can't stand either of them ;)

adzii_nufc 07-05-2016 04:09

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
I'm done after this season. Whoever wrote that latest episode killed it for me, the creativity was completely non existent and went for plot twists you saw a mile off and cliché villain escapes followed by the continuation of a quite annoying love story that for whatever reason needs to be inserted into anything these days.

I watched for minor interests sake but I've been drawn in by Zoom from Flash a lot more than Savage of LoT. Ray Palmer and Atom have no draw whatsoever and are again continuously pushed into an absurd and dull love triangle that bloats an already bloated show further.

That entire episode should be retconned.

General Maximus 07-05-2016 10:15

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
I have just typed out a lovely long post and pressed the wrong button on my house by accident and closed my browser window :bigcry:

---------- Post added at 10:15 ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 ----------

I have had a drink and calmed down


Originally Posted by adzii_nufc (Post 35836165)
I watched for minor interests sake but I've been drawn in by Zoom from Flash a lot more than Savage of LoT.

I completely agree. I hadn't even heard of LoT when they aired the two part crossover ep on Arrow and Flash to set it up and at the time I thought "why on earth have they done this (story wise) but I gave it a pass because I thought they did it as an excuse just to make a crossover ep. Putting the story and the other characters aside, Vandal Savage is a weak and unbelievable bad guy. Yes he is ruthless, powerful and hard to take down but there is no depth to his character. It is a shame it has already been renewed for a second season because I can't see it lasting unless they get a new group of writers in and completely change it. If you have a look at the ratings they are going down and down.

adzii_nufc 17-05-2016 09:31

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
Naturally with Miller returning to Prison Break he's been killed off but can still make sporadic appearances due to the time travelling nature. One of the stronger characters in a group that just doesn't work, at least the last episode wasn't as poorly predictable as the episode before.

Stuart 17-05-2016 10:07

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 35821383)
I wouldn't say that, especially not since the character was created in 1959. Quite a few years before Captain Jack was created.

Doesn't mean he wasn't at least influenced by Captain Jack. It's not as if that hasn't happened before. Apparently in the past, there has been friction between the BBC and Paramount over the similarities between the concepts of the Borg and the Cybermen, particularly from the BBC side. Now, all of a sudden, in the new Doctor Who series, the Cybermen are no longer created by using huge machines to add parts to humans, but by using nanobots to add parts and convert parts, in much the same way as the Borg.

adzii_nufc 21-05-2016 01:42

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
The Hawks leave! Two of the most boring and dull attempts at the character's. They have such rich and potentially massive back stories to explore but stuck with an incredibly stupid love triangle.

A quite satisfying ending though to a hit and miss series. The ending set up the Justice Society crossovers.

Side note. They used this episode to confirm LoT will not be used to revive Laurel Lance at any point assuming they apply decent continuity. They used Laurel Lance as a means to sync the timeline with Flash and Arrow due to both series being in May. They explained this away by Rip explaining they can't save Laurel because he already altered the timeline by removing Sarah from it thus preventing what would have been her death. Leaving the Laurel dies or Sarah, Laurel and their father all die.

General Maximus 21-05-2016 09:12

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
sounds interesting and I am glad they cleared everything up (for those that watch the series) because I know there was a lot of a confusion and speculation around Laurel's death. I am still not going to watch it though (LoT).

Stephen 21-05-2016 13:59

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
The finale was great and the last 30 seconds was jaw dropping. Great way to introduce the JSA :-)

adzii_nufc 25-05-2016 20:52

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
There was nothing at the end of the Flash to link in with the JS crossover, I'm assuming they finished filming it before they gave it the go ahead so Arrow may be the same.

Note: What a finale though for The Flash. Just thought I'd say that rather than create a new thread. The plot twists were deep, we knew it was Jay Garrick in the mask but the twist was the mask reveal as well as Barry rescuing his mother which would wipe out various timelines I presume and possibly bring back the Reverse Flash. Who says she doesn't end up being the Villain.

General Maximus 25-05-2016 22:24

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
going back in time and changing things is very interesting and opens it up big time for next season. I love time travel and alternate realities and I can't wait to see what they do with it. The one thing which really -mod edit- bugged me because it was completely stupid and unrealistic is that

1) Wally walks right in to Star Labs (and it seems like anyone can these days without being detected).
2) he voices his concern over the teams actions and makes it clear he wants to get Joe back with Barry's help

so what do they do? They let him have complete free reign of the place without supervision knowing that he is going to go the cells and let Barry out :banghead:


Originally Posted by adzii_nufc (Post 35839670)
Who says she doesn't end up being the Villain.

maybe she is and wouldn't it be great if at the end of season 3 he has to go back in time to stop himself from doing what he has just done so the time line is restored?

Please rember to watch your language

General Maximus 01-12-2016 22:38

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
damn shame the crossover story is concluding in LoT because I ain't watching it. I properly laughed at them in Flash. "We have all just got our asses kicked by Supergirl but lets so and attack the Dominators by ourselves anyway".

Stephen 01-12-2016 22:45

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
Well I will watch so that I finish the crossover. Its been great so far.

Series 2 has been really good.

Paul 02-12-2016 01:43

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35873137)
damn shame the crossover story is concluding in LoT because I ain't watching it.

Your loss. :shrug:

pip08456 02-12-2016 02:25

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
What's the point of only watching 3 parts of a 4 part crossover?

adzii_nufc 02-12-2016 03:17

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 35873165)
What's the point of only watching 3 parts of a 4 part crossover?

I thought there was only three. Flash, Arrow and LoT. Supergirl episode was unrelated and just had her cross at the end. Unless that's what you just meant anyway.

Ray Palmer though, She looks like my cousin :D it took me a second to remember that movie.

Flashpoint made it essential to watch all three prime earth shows. Naturally that'd be frustrating for people that dislike legends which is more common than people disliking arrow or the flash. Flashpoint was rubbish to be fair, bet WB stopped them using some major players of the original story too. Its picking up now though. Ultron/Megatron/Savitar looks amazing.

So, is Savitar the supersonic pilot? Or is he/she a creation of Barry Allen from Flashpoint. Or is it someone we know using Julian to bring meta's from Flashpoint. It really did take off when Savitar showed up.

Expect some crazy crossover finales to close off Flashpoint. Not 100% certain but I belive Reverse Flash is post Flashpoint now rather than a past version thus an anomaly of time and could be killed again in LoT. Darhk is definitely a past version and couldn't be killed without retconning season 4 of Arrow. Although many wouldn't be caught complaining about that.

General Maximus 02-12-2016 08:34

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35873139)
Series 2 has been really good.

I think the new season of all the series have been good so far and an improvement on the previous one. I think the best though is Supergirl, the characters are really moving forward.

Stephen 02-12-2016 09:14

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by adzii_nufc (Post 35873167)
I thought there was only three. Flash, Arrow and LoT. Supergirl episode was unrelated and just had her cross at the end. Unless that's what you just meant anyway.

It was all four.

Supergirl is set on a different Earth so it was really just to bring her into Earth Prime to help out. Would not really have made sense to have her Episode included unless it aired after Flash and they then they went to get her and the Dominators had invaded her Earth too.

Not sure if LoT has been good this season due to the lack of Rip Hunter? Allowing the rest of the cast to get on better.

adzii_nufc 03-02-2017 03:25

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
Arthur was filming something else I believe and is still part of LoT as we've seen recently.

The air dates have changed as confirmed by CW. LoT airs directly after the Flash on Tuesdays or Wednesday morning UK.

Once again its near essential to keep informed of this show if you're watching the other two prime universe shows Flash and Arrow. Both Damien Darhk and Merlyn alongside Reverse Flash are participating in events that could retcon certain Flash and Arrow events. The latest episode of LoT marked both the return of the proper Rip Hunter and the dead speedster Hunter Zolomon (Zoom) who's role is the Black Flash - The speed force equivalent of Death. See Hunters death in The flash S2 finale for reference on how he becomes Black Flash.

General Maximus 04-02-2017 00:13

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by adzii_nufc (Post 35883736)
Once again its near essential to keep informed of this show if you're watching the other two prime universe shows Flash and Arrow.

I think they are doing it on purpose to force people to watch LoT so they know what is happening story wise in the other series and by doing so it temporarily boosts the LoT ratings with the hope that they will gain extra viewers long term. I am not falling for it though. When they did crossovers in series like Buffy, Star Trek and Star Gate you could really enjoy the crossover if you watched both series but at the same time the stories were cleverly done so that if you only watched the one, it still made sense what was happening.

I think this is just DC grasping at straws and if they are not careful they are going to alienate the tv fans just like they have with the movie fans.

General Maximus 27-03-2019 10:49

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
a little teaser for you, season 4 returns from its mid-season break on 1st April

General Maximus 06-12-2019 18:42

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

General Maximus 25-02-2021 10:23

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
Season 6 starts on Sunday 2nd May

Hom3r 25-02-2021 18:15

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Paul 25-02-2021 21:10

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

This is pretty much my favourite one now.

General Maximus 22-04-2021 08:23

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
Dominic Purcell is leaving after season 6

Paul 22-04-2021 23:52

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
But still returning for guest appearances.

General Maximus 28-04-2021 18:47

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow will return to The CW this weekend with its sixth season, and there are big things ahead for the quirky superhero series. This season, viewers will see a solo story for Constantine (Matt Ryan), an animated episode, and a “Clue” type episode.

Paul 29-04-2021 15:55

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
Whats a 'clue' type episode :confused:

Stephen 29-04-2021 16:07

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36078320)
Whats a 'clue' type episode :confused:

Clue is what the USA calls Cluedo. So a who dunnit type episode.

BenMcr 29-04-2021 19:46

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36078320)
Whats a 'clue' type episode :confused:

Hopefully a homage to this too


Clue is a 1985 American black comedy mystery film based on the board game Clue. The film was directed by Jonathan Lynn, who collaborated on the script with John Landis, and stars an ensemble cast of Eileen Brennan, Tim Curry, Madeline Kahn, Christopher Lloyd, Michael McKean, Martin Mull, and Lesley Ann Warren. The film was produced by Debra Hill.

General Maximus 29-04-2021 20:11

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36078320)
Whats a 'clue' type episode :confused:

they are hoping you are curious enough to watch the episode and find out :D Cryptic description = 10% ratings boost.

Chris 30-04-2021 10:20

Re: Legends of Tomorrow
The board game Clue is called Cluedo here. The film was a comedy murder mystery inspired by the board game.

Paul 01-05-2021 00:41

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36078358)
they are hoping you are curious enough to watch the episode and find out :D Cryptic description = 10% ratings boost.

I watch all the episodes anyway, its about the most entertaining of the CW bunch these days. :)

General Maximus 07-10-2021 18:40

Re: Legends of Tomorrow

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow will celebrate its 100th episode during its upcoming seventh season, and one big name from the DC superhero show’s past is returning for the special episode. Wentworth Miller will return for the series after leaving the series as a regular during its first season. The actor recurred in seasons two and three.

Per Deadline, the 100th episode of The CW series will air on October 27th. The episode will look back at the superhero team’s past through the eyes of the Waverider ship’s artificial intelligence Gideon, played in human form by Amy Louise Pemberton.

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