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Tezcatlipoca 08-05-2004 19:33

Rate the last movie you saw
(thread idea lifted from another forum ;) :) )

Here goes......

Last night: "Underworld" (DVD) - good, better than I expected. I'd give it....7/10

Just finished watching: "Equilibrium" (DVD) - surprisingly very good. Good story, good cast, great action & fight scenes. Easily better than the awful Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions. Score: 8/10.

bopdude 08-05-2004 19:50

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca
(thread idea lifted from another forum ;) :) )
Here goes......
Last night: "Underworld" (DVD) .

Yeah watched it a while ago and thought it was brill :tu:


Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca
Just finished watching: "Equilibrium" (DVD)

On my to see list ( vast as it is ) :pp

Just watched Toy Soldiers ( with the kids on Paramount ) A laugh a minute :D

5 / 10 for entertainment value and effects

Scrubbs 08-05-2004 19:50

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
master and commander = 7/10 better than I expected

dilli-theclaw 08-05-2004 19:52

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Last movie I watched was Aliens Special edition (the - now - old dvd release) Which I thought was quite good. 9/10

The newest one I have watched is pirates of the caribbean which I also quite liked. 8/10

Paul 08-05-2004 19:54

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
went to see Sccoby Doo 2 last week - very funny - 8/10

punky 08-05-2004 20:16

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
The Butterfly Effect was mine. about 5/10. Nice film, but filled with plot holes and stuff that spoil it.

Tricky 09-05-2004 18:45

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Italian job (latest one) 9/10 - Not a bad film for all the house although when the minis come out of the pipe and land on the front ends there is no way on earth they'd still be drivable

sir_drinks_alot 09-05-2004 19:04

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
PREDATOR 10/10: Enough said :cool:

Richard M 09-05-2004 19:14

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Human Traffic - funny, original and cool.
Of course, I like playing "spot the places I know" too. :D
(It's a film based in Cardiff)

Bex 09-05-2004 20:43

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Richard M
Human Traffic - funny, original and cool.
Of course, I like playing "spot the places I know" too. :D
(It's a film based in Cardiff)

ohhhh good friend (he plays felix) is in that :)

last film i watch was OUt of time.......with denzel washington in it (yum yum).... 7/10 was incredibly slow to begin with but turned out fairly good

yesterday i watched veronica guerin..... i would give that 9/10 was very throught provoking and powerful (and i admit i did cry)

Xaccers 09-05-2004 20:45

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by punky
The Butterfly Effect was mine. about 5/10. Nice film, but filled with plot holes and stuff that spoil it.

It really needed Al, his cigar and Ziggy

6/10 but better than Donny Darko


Originally Posted by Tricky
Italian job (latest one) 9/10 - Not a bad film for all the house although when the minis come out of the pipe and land on the front ends there is no way on earth they'd still be drivable

Definitely have to agree with that. Watched it again last night.
Too bad people thought it was a sequel or remake and so didn't let themselves enjoy it as much as they should.

andygrif 10-05-2004 10:26

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Saw Kill Bill Vol 2 yesterday - not as good as part one, but I guess you have to see it, once you've watched the first.

More dialogue than the first, less action - but good story all the same and very stylish. 6/10 for Vol 2, 8/10 for Vol 1.

Nugget 10-05-2004 10:54

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Yep - I've just seen Kill Bill Vol. 2. Disappointing compared to the first (Vol. 1 gets 10 / 10) but, in it's own right, I'd give it a 7.

Also saw Van Helsing last week - IMO, a great film. Action, adventure, comedy (oh, and Kate Beckinsale :naughty: ) - 10 / 10.

Bifta 10-05-2004 10:56

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Starsky and Hutch at the Cinema, we were the only two people watching it, it's very shallow (obviously) but it made I laugh! :D

Neil 10-05-2004 11:08

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Nugget
Yep - I've just seen Kill Bill Vol. 2. Disappointing compared to the first (Vol. 1 gets 10 / 10) but, in it's own right, I'd give it a 7.

I think you're being generous there. :erm:

KB2 was (IMHO) the biggest disappoinment of all time film wise. It was nothing like the 1st one (V little action in comparison), & just seemed to drag on.

I'm certain QT could easily have cut out all the boring monologue from KB2, & just made 1 film....:rolleyes:

andygrif 10-05-2004 11:12

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
I thought the same Neil - there was an awful lot of dialogue in Vol 2 that was uneccesary to the plot, which could have been cut - making a 2.5 hour single film.

Chris 10-05-2004 11:14

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Saw Sleepy Hollow on C4 last week. Surprisingly good - far better than I thought it was going to be. Johnny Depp put in a stonking performance and the visualisation was very atmospheric and effective. 8/10

imback 10-05-2004 11:32

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Watched Starsky and Hutch last night, cheesey as hell, loved it, thought it was great :D

Paul K 10-05-2004 21:06

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Last film I saw at the movies was "Along came Polly" :shocked: , not bad, funny in places, prior to that I saw "Love Actually" which was a good film, not that I like going to "Chick Flicks" :disturbd: but I got dragged there ;)

altis 10-05-2004 22:19

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Cliffhanger with Silvester Stalone - crap - No wonder Tescos were selling it cheap.

Tezcatlipoca 10-05-2004 22:24

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Grosse Pointe Blank - 8/10

I've seen it before, many times, but I still love it. Great film.

SOSAGES 11-05-2004 11:27

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
the movies i watched this weekend where ::
paycheck - ben afleck - typical hollywood big budget film that u feel u need to watch as someone spent a long time making it and it cost a bomb but it sucks and u know it sucks but u still watch it for the special fx and fight scenes and the ladies.


club dread:
random slaher comedy set on tropical island - low budget (fox search light) i laughed once was better than paycheck but only because it didnt try and be good- oh and the ladies were nicer had a silly silly silly ending nice ladies btw -


House of the dead:
based on the sega game of the same name even has random clips of the game - zombies eat a lot of partying people. ends just like the first game like resident evil film did. was naff in fact so crap i just had to watch it to see how rubbish it eventually got i was not disapointed but after watching it i felt happy i managed to sit through it - i have to wonder how people get paid to make movies like this - it did contain a few naked ladies but they soon died :(


Master and commander -
russel being a sailor i got to the bit where someone got shot as the doc was trying to save a bird. posibbly the most boring film of the lot but overall it was certainly better than the others i just didnt bother watching the end, what it needed was a load of sea battles and some swearing

6/10 only because it would then tie with club dread and thats a real bad film and russle would be upset.

aliferste 11-05-2004 13:01

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Van Helsing....3/10 acting awfull, story pitiful and some of the bits were funny for the wrong reasons.

Shawn of the Dead .....7/10 class film, made me laugh.

orangebird 11-05-2004 13:08

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by aliferste
Van Helsing....3/10 acting awfull, story pitiful and some of the bits were funny for the wrong reasons.


I haven't seen it, but IMO it deserves 12/10 just for the presence of Hugh Jackman... :drool:

homealone 11-05-2004 13:15

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
The Last Samurai

very moving story, beautiful scenery & it was nice to see action scenes without cgi & 'bullet time' effects.


aliferste 11-05-2004 13:17

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by homealone
The Last Samurai

very moving story, beautiful scenery & it was nice to see action scenes without cgi & 'bullet time' effects.


AAAAAAIIIIEEEEEEEEE America saves the Japanese Samurais honour
:rolleyes: ;)

aliferste 11-05-2004 13:18

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by orangebird
I haven't seen it, but IMO it deserves 12/10 just for the presence of Hugh Jackman... :drool:

Spend the money you would on the cinema by buying his calander. ;)

homealone 11-05-2004 13:22

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by aliferste
AAAAAAIIIIEEEEEEEEE America saves the Japanese Samurais honour
:rolleyes: ;)

lol - yes I carefully avoided the question of whether it was historically accurate, I just thought it was a nice film :)

Nugget 11-05-2004 13:27

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by aliferste
Van Helsing....3/10 acting awfull, story pitiful and some of the bits were funny for the wrong reasons.

Shawn of the Dead .....7/10 class film, made me laugh.

D'oh - I forgot Shaun of the Dead - great film, 10 / 10, and best of all, British!

Salu 11-05-2004 15:05

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Taking lives....with Angelina Jolie.

As if that wasn't reason enough, it was a very good psychological thriller which wasn't plainly predictable. About a serial killer who after killing his victims stole their identity and lived their lives until he outgrew their age.


Mr_love_monkey 11-05-2004 15:22

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
I watched 'Runaway Train' last night on TV - and was left wishing I hadn't - talk about pile of pants. 2/10

In the cinema last film I saw was 'Passion of the Christ'... unsure what to rate this one, certainly a moving film, visually shocking, and relentless in it's presentation. 8/10 for that - 1/10 for leaving me feeling incredibly depressed/shocked afterwards.

Chris 11-05-2004 15:27

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Mr_love_monkey
I watched 'Runaway Train' last night on TV - and was left wishing I hadn't - talk about pile of pants. 2/10

Is that the one with the UN agency led by Captain Picard trying to catch a train stolen by terrorists?

Tezcatlipoca 11-05-2004 18:58

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by towny
Is that the one with the UN agency led by Captain Picard trying to catch a train stolen by terrorists?

LOL, no. I believe the one you are thinking of is "Alastair MacLean's Death Train"

Chris 11-05-2004 19:09

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca
LOL, no. I believe the one you are thinking of is "Alastair MacLean's Death Train"


Whatever it's called, I can remember wasting a couple of hours I could have been in bed watching it on C5. :disturbd:

So what was your disastrous train film about?

Tezcatlipoca 11-05-2004 19:50

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by towny

Whatever it's called, I can remember wasting a couple of hours I could have been in bed watching it on C5. :disturbd:

So what was your disastrous train film about?

Well, it wasn't actually me who posted about watching it, but.....

I have seen it before, & it is indeed very boring.

From the IMDB:


Originally Posted by Runaway Train plot summary
A hardened convict and a younger prisoner escape from a brutal prison in the middle of winter only to find themselves on an out-of-control train with a female railway worker while being pursued by the vengeful head of security.

"Alasair MacLean's Death Train" - yep, awful film. The original book was...OK, but hardly great (it wasn't actually written by MacLean - it was written by someone else, after he died I think, based on a story of his). V bad film.

Chris 12-05-2004 10:13

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca
Well, it wasn't actually me who posted about watching it, but.....

I have seen it before, & it is indeed very boring.

From the IMDB:

Wups, brainless me :dunce:

Thanks for answering anyway, that'll save me watching it if it ever comes round again...

smegs 12-05-2004 20:08

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
The last film i saw was The Butterfly Effect thought it was very good i'd give it 7/10 :)

kink 12-05-2004 20:27

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
A couple of nights ago i saw a film i've been planning to see for a long time now....... Memento

Have to say it's been a very long time since a film has held my attention till the very end and this one did :)
I found it amusing, stylish and cleverly made...... it drew me in and held my interest...... leaving me with questions to ruminate after it had ended.
Having said that...... it's actually just a fun film too which just happens to work on a couple of different levels.

You can be a couch potato or a film buff watching it..... from either angle i thought it was cool :D

Silent Wings 12-05-2004 20:50

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Last film I watched was "Monster" excellent performance by Charlize Theron.
and last night I watched the documentary of the real Aileen Wuornos.9/10

dilli-theclaw 12-05-2004 20:55

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
...waits for a review of dreamcatcher.....

...Hint hint :).....

gary_580 12-05-2004 20:55

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Carry on Up the Jungle. what can i say? CLASSIC!!!!

Been watching all the carry on movies recently

Indians 12-05-2004 21:08

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
The Cruel Sea, a classic, 8/10

SOSAGES 13-05-2004 08:41

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by dilligaf1701
...waits for a review of dreamcatcher.....

...Hint hint :).....

was bored last night my web had died so i figured id watch a film - went through my list saw dreamcatcher figured it would be naff as it didnt do well at the cinema, but it was a stephan king film so i figured if give it a go.

aliens - a mad general - flashbacks - more aliens. it was "ok" some people liked it personally i wasnt scared or entertained acting was alright but it was a strange film i wouldnt watch it again (ever) so i say: 5/10

dilli-theclaw 13-05-2004 08:43

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by SOSAGES
was bored last night my web had died so i figured id watch a film - went through my list saw dreamcatcher figured it would be naff as it didnt do well at the cinema, but it was a stephan king film so i figured if give it a go.

aliens - a mad general - flashbacks - more aliens. it was "ok" some people liked it personally i wasnt scared or entertained acting was alright but it was a strange film i wouldnt watch it again (ever) so i say: 5/10

Thanks for that :) - I've read the book so I guess I'll borrow it and watch it with the hope it does the book justice.

Mr_love_monkey 13-05-2004 08:51

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Tezcatlipoca
Well, it wasn't actually me who posted about watching it, but.....

I have seen it before, & it is indeed very boring.

You forgot to add badly written, badly acted and badly directed :)

Wish I'd watched Battle Royale on the other side now.

Stuart 13-05-2004 12:48

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Last film I saw at the cinema: Scooby Doo 2. An OK film, but I have to admit the main reasons I watched it are Linda Cardinelli (plays Velma, and Sam in ER) and Sarah Michelle Geller (plays Daphne, and Buffy in Buffy). 7/10.

Last film I saw on DVD/video: Can't really remember. It's Underworld or League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and I thoroughly enjoyed both.

Tezcatlipoca 14-05-2004 02:26

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
"Dungeons & Dragons: The Movie" (DVD - only a fiver, LOL)

Script & acting...not great, but I've seen much worse.

FX & action were OK.

The main hero (played by Justin Whalin - Jimmy Olsen from "Lois & Clark") was...OK.

The female lead (Zoe McLellan) was...quite nice, in a "smart & sexy" way ;) (I have a weakness for brainy brunettes)

The "Empress" character (played by Jane Burnham - the daughter in American Beauty) was a bit of a poor "Queen Amidala wannabe".

The "comedy sidekick" character was annoying & unfunny...which is to be expected from any character played by Marlon Wayans IMO.

The main bad guy, however, was played by a wonderfully OTT Jeremy Irons. Each scene with him was great, just for his cheesy & OTT acting. His main henchman (Bruce Payne) was also good in a cheesy & OTT way.


Not a great movie, but not crap.


darkangel 14-05-2004 02:40

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
van helsing 8/10
good film some dodgy acting but interesting ideas had a bit of a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen feeling about it.

dawn of the dead 2004 6/10
hollywood remake enough said really, not bad acting nothing stood out script wise etc, not as good as the original film

Tezcatlipoca 15-05-2004 01:35

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
"Thirteen Days" (DVD) - 8/10

Very good dramatisation of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Well made, with a good cast (despite Kevin Costner's baffling accent).

Well paced, & manages to increase the tension despite you knowing how it ends.

Bex 15-05-2004 10:12

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
"Equilibriam" (no idea if i spelt that correctly) interesting film, bit matrixesque in parts, with a bit of a moral to the story 7/10

Mr_Burns 15-05-2004 10:45

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Kill Bill Vol2 at the Cinema a couple of weeks ago (7/10).....much preferred Vol1. Far too much dialogue about her daughter, etc. and just wanted to see Uma kick ar$e. A bit disappointed with the ending as well.

Sense and Sensibility on DVD a couple of nights ago 9/10.

Defiant 15-05-2004 12:12

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Watched Agent Cody Banks 2 with my son last night. I'd give that 6/10

Russ 15-05-2004 12:21

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Left Behind ( - I suspect not many people here will have heard of it, it's a modern day take on Revelations. It started off as a series of books which were awesome (sold more than 50 million) and it was only going to be a matter of time before they made a film.

Saying that.....the film is truly awful. Terrible acting, VERY low budget effects, poor casting, sub-plots which don't make sense....

I bought the DVD as it was on special offer - this doesn't even come up to the standard of a made-for-tv film, which is a shame as it should have been a LOT better.


sir_drinks_alot 15-05-2004 14:55

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Van Helsing

well what can i say van boring this movie sucked big time there was just not enough story to keep it going at any sort of pace whatever plot there was just made the picture even worse and as for kate backinsale's fake transylvanian accent don't go there !!!

half of one point/10

Miss C 15-05-2004 17:24

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Finally saw Pirates of the Caribbean a couple of weeks ago after avoiding it for a long time because I was worried I wouldn't enjoy it. Great fun though and with some very pleasing men in it :D . An 8/10.

Saw Lost in Translation at the cinema earlier this week. Wonderful film. A 10 for me.


dilli-theclaw 15-05-2004 17:45

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Just watched dreamcatcher - 7/10

Good - but the book is better :)

MadGamer 15-05-2004 17:56

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Bifta
Starsky and Hutch at the Cinema, we were the only two people watching it, it's very shallow (obviously) but it made I laugh! :D

Was it good? Ive been meaning to go and see it.

abailey152 15-05-2004 18:14

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
"The Big Fish" on DVD - 8/10 but phew! It's weird!

Bex 15-05-2004 18:16

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Russ D
Left Behind ( - I suspect not many people here will have heard of it, it's a modern day take on Revelations. It started off as a series of books which were awesome (sold more than 50 million) and it was only going to be a matter of time before they made a film.

Saying that.....the film is truly awful. Terrible acting, VERY low budget effects, poor casting, sub-plots which don't make sense....

I bought the DVD as it was on special offer - this doesn't even come up to the standard of a made-for-tv film, which is a shame as it should have been a LOT better.


i agree the film was a complete let down. The characters, i thought, were badly cast, however i tried buying a copy but apparently it is american so not compatible over here :confused:

saw dreamcatcher a while ago too and i agree with miss c it was fantastic

Defiant 15-05-2004 18:25

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by abailey152
"The Big Fish" on DVD - 8/10 but phew! It's weird!

I'd say. Its Micheal Jackson weird

Tezcatlipoca 15-05-2004 20:37

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by WNA
Was it good? Ive been meaning to go and see it.

Not aimed at me, but...

I think it [Starsky & Hutch, the movie] is pretty good. It started a bit slow, but got better. I didn't think it was "non-stop laughs", but it's got some *very* funny bits in it.

bb31 15-05-2004 21:05

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
intolerable cruelty (DVD)

3/10 :td:

rather be watching the eurovision

Defiant 15-05-2004 21:07

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Worse movie I've ever seen is solaris. It goes on and on. I kept watching it though thinking its just got to get better soon lol


abailey152 15-05-2004 21:35

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Yep, I'd second that. I watched Solaris the whole way through, thinking "something is going to happen soon", but no. It's one long drag. I'm not a big Clooney fan, although my g/f is :rolleyes: . I only bought the Solaris DVD on the name of the director (Steven Soderbergh), and the fact he'd directed Traffic which I'd liked. Oh well!

On a more positive note, we've just seen "The Missing" on DVD - 9/10 V.Good

TheBlueRaja 15-05-2004 22:53

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Aw man, maybe im mad, but i actually thought that Solaris was one of the best movies i've ever seen.

It's soo subtle and the music is awesome. The scene when he "flashbacks" to meeting his wife for the first time at his friends party is just superb. I cant think of another movie when you could feel the atmosphere and tension so much.

It is a film that you have to watch for what it is, i think a lot of people got confused and thought it was some sci-fi Aliens type thing and didnt get what they expected so marked it down because of it.

Essentially its a love/loss story set in the future.

abailey152 15-05-2004 23:36

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
I wasn't expecting an Alien type movie, but something more of a ghost story set in space. However, it fell well short of my expectations. It never seems to do anything. Yes it is atmospheric, but nothing happens. It even ends without any sort of conclusion. No, sorry, but it's on my :td: list.

abailey152 15-05-2004 23:41

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Does anyone here like Gatacca? I like it, but my g/f hates it, my friends hate it. My g/f says I must be SAD if I like it. Am I really that sad? :( :( :( :cry: ;)

Miss C 15-05-2004 23:48

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by abailey152
Does anyone here like Gatacca? I like it, but my g/f hates it, my friends hate it. My g/f says I must be SAD if I like it. Am I really that sad? :( :( :( :cry: ;)

I think it's a terrific film. And I'm not sad - so neither are you. Get yourself a girlfriend who appreciates a decent film. ;)

Miss C 15-05-2004 23:53

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by abailey152
"The Big Fish" on DVD - 8/10 but phew! It's weird!

Tim Burton's film? I don't think there are any other films called Big Fish are there? If it is the Tim Burton one I was really looking forward to it, being an admirer of Tim burton and Ewan McGregor - but found it a bit disappointing. Still, that can happen when you've built something up in your mind. Sometimes it's better to go thinking you'll hate something and then you end up enjoying it. :)

abailey152 16-05-2004 00:03

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Miss C
I think it's a terrific film. And I'm not sad - so neither are you. Get yourself a girlfriend who appreciates a decent film. ;)

Thanx. I can now hold my head up high. It's good to know I've got an ally who appreciates a good film about an intelligent topic!! :)

TheBlueRaja 16-05-2004 10:50

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Yeah, agreed Gatacca is a good flick, kinda like a futuristic film with a 60's twist.

Bex 16-05-2004 12:28

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by abailey152
Does anyone here like Gatacca? I like it, but my g/f hates it, my friends hate it. My g/f says I must be SAD if I like it. Am I really that sad? :( :( :( :cry: ;)

gatacca was a fantastic film...... i actually used it as a modern day illustration of eugenics when i was writing a paper on it :pp

philip.j.fry 16-05-2004 12:49

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by theblueraja
Aw man, maybe im mad, but i actually thought that Solaris was one of the best movies i've ever seen.

Solaris was the sort of film that I like, quiet and more about atmosphere and emotion than action. However, I thought it was complete pants, mainly because it just seemed to be one long George Cloney ego-fest and his acting is so wooden that there was no emotion in the film. I'd really like to see the original version.

abailey152 16-05-2004 12:52

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
We should all start a CF Gatacca Fan Club and try to change the views of the non-believers like my friends! :D

abailey152 16-05-2004 13:01

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Miss C
Tim Burton's film? I don't think there are any other films called Big Fish are there? If it is the Tim Burton one I was really looking forward to it, being an admirer of Tim burton and Ewan McGregor - but found it a bit disappointing. Still, that can happen when you've built something up in your mind. Sometimes it's better to go thinking you'll hate something and then you end up enjoying it. :)

It's a shame you were disappointed. The film was definitely a lot different than I thought it was going to be, and it's is certainly weird, but I thought the ending was brilliant. I suppose it will hit a note with some but not with others.

Miss C 16-05-2004 13:30

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by abailey152
Thanx. I can now hold my head up high. It's good to know I've got an ally who appreciates a good film about an intelligent topic!! :)

Absolutely, and now you know it's not just me too! :)


Miss C 16-05-2004 13:36

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by abailey152
It's a shame you were disappointed. The film was definitely a lot different than I thought it was going to be, and it's is certainly weird, but I thought the ending was brilliant. I suppose it will hit a note with some but not with others.

I think I'd just built it up in my mind and expected something more obviously "Tim Burton" - I think I expected it to be more fantastical, if you see what I mean. You're right though, the end is great and very final scence did bring a tear to my jaded old eye! :D

I had a similar thing with Dark City a few years ago. Saw the trailer, thought it looked brilliant, waited months for it to be released and came away feeling a bit deflated. But the friend I went with who hadn't known a thing about it before that night thought it was great.


TheBlueRaja 16-05-2004 13:56

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
I watched a movie last night called Spirited Away, its basically an Japanese animated cartoon (not sure if its classed as Anime), but it is very beautifully done, Disney should take a look put it that way. It also won the Oscar in 2002 for the best animated feature.

It have one of the weirdest storylines i have ever seen, about a family that come across this strange tunnel near their new home, walk through and end up in a bath house for the spirits (yeah - i told you) but i thouroughly enjoyed it.

I'd give it an 8/10 at least.

Check it out here..., gets 8.5 /10 out of 15,000 votes.

You do need to disengage any rational thought for it though.

philip.j.fry 16-05-2004 15:01

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by theblueraja
You do need to disengage any rational thought for it though.

Like most Japanese cimema then :)

I watched Battle Royale II the other day which looked quite good. Problem was it hadn't been dubbed or subtitled and I don't know any Japanese so I had to keep looking at a movie guide whilst watching it :D

Graham 16-05-2004 18:37

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by abailey152
Does anyone here like Gatacca? I like it, but my g/f hates it, my friends hate it. My g/f says I must be SAD if I like it. Am I really that sad? :( :( :( :cry: ;)

I think it had some damn good points to make about genetic engineering/ selection/ eugenics etc. There was a lot to make you think in it.

SOSAGES 16-05-2004 19:04

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
troy - 5/10 worth a watch could be better xena like music and legolas with a bow and arrow bit boring lack of speaking between the trojans

Richard M 16-05-2004 19:59

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
I watched a movie called "thirteen" last night.
It was highly disturbing and uncomfortable to watch and anybody who has parents who split when they were young or who had a troubled childhood will be able to relate to it straight away.
The acting, particularly from Evan Rachel Wood is breathtaking and she is hugely successful in drawing the viewer deep into the story.

I haven't watched a film that affected me that much since Gia.

9/10. :(

Jerrek 16-05-2004 22:24

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Troy - 9/10.

Richard M 17-05-2004 02:42

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Pirates of the Caribbean
Well tonight I cracked open a bottle of wine and sat down to watch this DVD that I've owned for ages but haven't watched yet.
I really liked this film and it makes the perfect late night movie, it's nice and lighthearted, instead of all the dark films I usually prefer to watch.
Depp and Knightley are superb, their acting is just breathtaking.

The first time you see the pirate flag sent shivers down my spine but I draw much of my experience from playing a game called "The Secret Of Monkey Island" many years ago on the Amiga (I believe that you can still buy this for the PC) and it's pretty similar in the way it was done (the ghosts/zombies etc).

I'd give it 7/10, just because it's an enjoyable movie.

Anyone who likes Keira, either her acting or her erm, "physical attributes" :D, should watch "The Hole" also starring Thora Birch. :)

philip.j.fry 17-05-2004 12:36

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Richard M
Anyone who likes Keira, either her acting or her erm, "physical attributes" :D, should watch "The Hole" also starring Thora Birch. :)

Or watch the trailer to the forthcoming King Arthur movie. It is supposedly a 'fact-based historical epic' but they seem to have got Guinevere mixed up with Boudica ( :rolleyes: ).

Bifta 17-05-2004 12:40

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Hudson Hawk, on tele. last night .. I've never seen it before and have no intention of watching it again, what a waste of time.

Tezcatlipoca 19-05-2004 00:28

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Bifta
Hudson Hawk, on tele. last night .. I've never seen it before and have no intention of watching it again, what a waste of time.

Agh. I saw that when it came out. Awful film.

Tezcatlipoca 19-05-2004 00:31

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Blade 1 (DVD) & Blade 2 (DVD) - both 8/10

Seen the 1st before, but not the 2nd.

Both great fun. Great action, excellent fight scenes, good production. Very enjoyable comic-book adaptations. I'm hoping Guillermo Del Toro's take on HellBoy will be at least as good, and as fun, as his Blade2.

altis 19-05-2004 11:18

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Last night we saw Touching The Void with a load from our mountaineering club. This was the second time I'd watched it and I found it even more gripping than the first. It's a docu-drama based on the book of the same name by Joe Simpson. The film cuts back and forth between the real Joe, Simon and Richard talking to the camera and the actors replaying their story on the mountain. And what a story. The world of mountaineering abounds with epic tales but this is simply one of the best - highly recommended.

Stu038 19-05-2004 12:31

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Rented SWAT at the weekend and wasn't impressed.
It seemed to take forever to put the background/sub plot together and went down hill from there. It was a bit too predictable. I haven't really got a problem with predictable story lines providing they can still keep you interested, this didn't manage to though.


Bit of a shame really cos I normally like Samuel Jacksons stuff

Chris W 19-05-2004 13:15

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
last night i watched Full Metal Jacket- first half 10/10, second half 6/10 and Kill Bill - 6/10

Bex 19-05-2004 13:35

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
just watched triple x......really enjoyed....bit silly and unbelievable in places but hey its only a film 9/10

and van diesel gets an 8/10.... nice bod bit to muscular for me though ;)

Bex 19-05-2004 16:00

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
i just watched "calender girls" on DVD.....didn't think i would enjoy it but i thought it was actually fantastic 9/10

yes i know im watching too many movies.......:pp

Defiant 19-05-2004 16:03

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Watched the Titanic some time ago now but someone told me the ending and ruined it ;) :pp :D

Graham 19-05-2004 18:28

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Defiant
Watched the Titanic some time ago now but someone told me the ending and ruined it ;) :pp :D

And they cut out the scene of the Polar Bear asking if there was any news of the iceberg...! :D

Miss C 19-05-2004 19:25

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Last night I watched Croupier (well most of it - missed the first half hour, which might have been important) - 6/10 and Almost Famous 9 3/4 /10. I'm taking 1/4 off because I'm not sure the ending should have been quite what it was - but that's me being overly critical. Oh what the hell, it deserves a 10. :D

Miss C 19-05-2004 19:30

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by altis
Last night we saw Touching The Void with a load from our mountaineering club. This was the second time I'd watched it and I found it even more gripping than the first. It's a docu-drama based on the book of the same name by Joe Simpson. The film cuts back and forth between the real Joe, Simon and Richard talking to the camera and the actors replaying their story on the mountain. And what a story. The world of mountaineering abounds with epic tales but this is simply one of the best - highly recommended.

Oh Altis, it's a stunning film, isn't it? Amazing, incredible, awe inspiring true story of Joe Simpson's survival. I saw it twice at the cinema and now have it on DVD. If I feel sorry for myself I put it on and he inspires me to stop being "wet"!!:D Not a mountaineer myself but you don't have to be to appreciate this film.

Definitely highly recommended by me too.


Miss C 19-05-2004 19:31

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Graham
And they cut out the scene of the Polar Bear asking if there was any news of the iceberg...! :D

:D Pity the polar bear didn't savage the entire lot of them before they got the chance to make the god awful thing in the first place.


Miss C 19-05-2004 19:33

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...
Meant to say, saw Fight Club for the first time at the weekend. Hadn't realised Edward Norton was in it or I'd have watched it before. :D Thought it was very good. A 7/10 I think.


abailey152 19-05-2004 21:09

Re: Rate the last movie you saw...

Originally Posted by Miss C
Almost Famous 9 3/4 /10. I'm taking 1/4 off because I'm not sure the ending should have been quite what it was - but that's me being overly critical. Oh what the hell, it deserves a 10. :D

I've got the Directors Cut DVD. It's got some extra stuff, including the radio interview which is meantioned in the normal cut but not seen. A shame since this part is brilliant, and very funny.

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