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1andrew1 15-03-2017 19:24

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 35890127)
Did they Damien? If you look at one of the above posts you'll see this.

The jury's still out yet. Not saying the point will be proved but don't assume until all the evidence is in.

The 20th March is a key date

Sky News The department has until 20 March to comply with a request for evidence, but could be compelled to do so by the committee if it misses the deadline.

Damien 15-03-2017 19:25

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump
However cromulent a word gotten is it's important to remember that British English, also known as proper English, evolves faster than that of our American friends. ;)

1andrew1 15-03-2017 19:27

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35890126)
The Democratic National Committee's mistake was backing the wrong horse, they were so sure she was going to win.

Big mistake, they should have had Bernie Sanders, but they robbed that chance from him, leaked emails showed Hillary, getting propped up in the Primaries Debates, by getting the questions prior to the debates when it was Sanders vs Clinton.

The Democrats probably made several mistakes. The leak showing Clinton getting the questions beforehand would have given Trump some votes.

passingbat 15-03-2017 20:17

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35890140)
However cromulent a word gotten is it's important to remember that British English, also known as proper English, evolves faster than that of our American friends. ;)

I'll take the slow train! ;)

Actually I've liked the word gotten for at least twenty years, maybe longer, long before Trump was even thinking of being president. I don't use it very much; seems like a good time to start :D I've used 'get-go' a lot, for a long time. Mr K seems to think its American; I don't have a clue; nor do I really care ;)

Stuart 15-03-2017 20:22

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by passingbat (Post 35890125)
Exactly. Anti Trump posters are missing the point, by focussing on the man and not his policies

Many people who voted for him did not like the man. But they were so fed up with 'the swamp' and the morally liberal policies perused by Obama (which would have gotten* worse under Hilary), jobs being lost to other countries through multinational trade deals, etc. etc., that they looked passed the man and voted for Trump. Unless people understand that, they will never get why Trump won. The Democrats need to focus less on trying to derail his Presidency, and focus on why they lost.

* Specially for Mr K; a word in common use in the US that has an English root.

The problem is from what I saw, very little of the US election was about policies (in fact, Trump rarely even mentioned them), and more about attacking the opponent.

Talking to friends in the US (including one fairly rabid Trump voter who I actually went to school with who made me look right wing when he lived here), the main concern seems to be loss of jobs from the US to other countries, and a secondary concern is that Obamacare apparently increased health costs for a lot of people, and reduced choice. The thing that caused offence is a raid Hillary was involved with as secretary of state, during which soldiers died.

That's simplifying things a lot. Trump largely just promised to correct those things. Lets hope he follows through on those promises. He may not. After all, he owns a major company that outsources a lot of jobs to other countries, and he may have links to the health insurance industry we are not aware of.

Note: I think Trump will prove to be bad for the US, and if he has links to any foreign power that are beyond normal diplomatic relations, then that needs investigation. My concern is not whether they influenced the election or not (although I don't like the idea they might have, it's done, nothing anyone says or does is going to change that), more that they may have something they can use to compromise him (and therefore America) further down the line.

One thing I don't like about his style of administration. It doesn't feel like much of what the current Administration is being thought through properly. Take the Immigration ban for instance. The fact that was slapped down by so many judges suggests to me that they didn't even bother to check whether the ban conflicted with existing law.

That said, as with most things (Brexit included) I am happy to be proved wrong.

pip08456 15-03-2017 20:26

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35890139)

So you agree the jury's still out then. Perhaps you can convince Damien then.

passingbat 15-03-2017 23:31

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by Stuart (Post 35890159)
The problem is from what I saw, very little of the US election was about policies (in fact, Trump rarely even mentioned them), and more about attacking the opponent.


When I realised that the BBC, were interested only in attacking Trump, rather than looking at his policies, and were pro Clinton, I decided to find out for myself, by listening to a good few full length speeches from Trump and general research, including a couple of the TV debates.

I found it quite easy to determine his policies, and they were very significant in my view. I listed these in an earlier post with comments on Trump himself


I'm prepared to judge him on whether he keeps to the promises he made in the election. Anyone who thinks Trump is free from past wrong doings is deluded.

But as far as I was concerned, the policies Trump was putting forward are essential to America. They were, in key areas, opposite to the policies that Obama pursued and Hillary would have taken further. Examples are:

Standing against globalism and upholding the sovereign nation state.
Strong borders and doing whatever is necessary to prevent radical Islamic terrorists entering the country.
Controlling Immigration
Taking definitive action against Mexican drug cartels (who also smuggle in ISIS terrorists)
Re-building US industry and the jobs attached to it, which had been outsourced to other countries for cheap labour reasons.
Trying to halt the liberal moral decline that had gone on under Obama and would have got worse under Hillary
His promise to sort out problems in the inner cities.
His intention to strengthen the military and increase support for Veterans.
His support for Israel
Draining the Washington swamp.
Rejecting multinational trade deals (back-door globalism, TPP. TTIP etc.)

Trump is an egotist and outspoken (clumsily at times). But I think in some ways you need someone 'full of himself' to drive through the above agenda.

Make no mistake, people who voted for him were fully aware of his faults (especially the Evangelical Christians) but decided that America needed so badly, the policies that Trump was advocating that they decided to look past the man himself.
American healthcare, I know little about. The gist I gleaned was that premiums were rising and providers were dropping out under Obama care. Some Republicans seem to be moaning about the new proposal because they see too much Federal financing still going on rather than a completely free market. Personally, I'm just glad I live in the UK, where we have the NHS. It's not something that I will follow closely, as I don't live in the US. The policies I posted previously have far more significance for me and globally in the coming years.

1andrew1 16-03-2017 00:41

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump
Oops I did it again!
Making Philip Hammond and Jeremy Corbyn look like nimble political operators, Trump's second travel ban is um, banned before it even starts!


Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 35890161)
So you agree the jury's still out then. Perhaps you can convince Damien then.

The jury's doing nothing at the moment as it's been given zero evidence to review. Let's see if it gets anything by the 20th.

Mick 16-03-2017 02:00

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35890206)
Oops I did it again!
Making Philip Hammond and Jeremy Corbyn look like nimble political operators, Trump's second travel ban is um, banned before it even starts!

This is pure political motivated BS. The Federal Judge in Hawaii, was appointed by Barack Obama in 2012. Enough said. :rolleyes:

martyh 16-03-2017 07:08

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 35890161)
So you agree the jury's still out then. Perhaps you can convince Damien then.

I rather think that if it was true then Trump would have been the first to show proof ,he would have wasted no time at all in splashing the proof all over his twit machine and spicer would have been able to show some real facts instead of his 'alternative facts'As it stands there is no proof because it did not happen .Trump lied ...again

---------- Post added at 07:08 ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 ----------


Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35890211)
This is pure political motivated BS. The Federal Judge in Hawaii, was appointed by Barack Obama in 2012. Enough said. :rolleyes:

So what ? it doesn't matter who appointed him he still has to enforce the law and if the law says that Trumps Muslim ban is illegal then it is illegal .Maybe if Trump paid more attention to his policies instead of making stuff up and lying to cover up his own cock ups he would have more success

1andrew1 16-03-2017 08:04

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35890211)
This is pure political motivated BS. The Federal Judge in Hawaii, was appointed by Barack Obama in 2012. Enough said. :rolleyes:

Mick, that's a pretty poor defence. A judge can't just ban something without a robust legal reason, even in the more politicised US.
Most of his supporters acknowledge that as a political outsider, Trump may not be as au fait with due processes as his predecessors. But it's up to Trump to assemble a team that complements his strengths and weaknesses.

TheDaddy 16-03-2017 08:21

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35890226)
Mick, that's a pretty poor defence. A judge can't just ban something without a robust legal reason, even in the more politicised US.
Most of his supporters acknowledge that as a political outsider, Trump may not be as au fait with due processes as his predecessors. But it's up to Trump to assemble a team that complements his strengths and weaknesses.

Or just assemble a team that can write an order that's actually legal, I'm surprised we can't hear the alarm bells ringing in the American publics ears from here, to get it wrong again after last time shows a breath taking level of incompetence imo

1andrew1 16-03-2017 08:37

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump
Trump puts too more effort into his comfort zone of Twitter to explain away/distract from his lack of policy success.
He needs to invest his time in making sure his policies are implemented correctly and not moaning about the media and legislature. If he hasn't got the skills himself that's understandable, he needs to assemble a team around him that does. You would think he has done this in the business world so why not the political world?

Mick 16-03-2017 08:58

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by martyh (Post 35890221)

So what ? it doesn't matter who appointed him he still has to enforce the law and if the law says that Trumps Muslim ban is illegal then it is illegal .Maybe if Trump paid more attention to his policies instead of making stuff up and lying to cover up his own cock ups he would have more success

Wind your neck in. :rolleyes:

He has not made any 'stuff' up AND more importantly, his Executive Order that was due to start today, went through thorough legality checks.

The EO was released well over a week ago. I find it too convenient that this Hawaiian Federal Judge brought in by Obama in 2012, put a halt to it, hours before it's due to start, why not last week? Why not 3 or 4 days after EO was signed?

This was done for maximum embarrassment impact, i.e a totally politically motivated action clearly by an Activist Judge. The fact that two of his orders have been blocked is nothing short of a judicial coup against President Trump.

The President of the United States has EXCLUSIVE and SPECIFIC authority, to do what Trump's EO did and the Constitution does not grant any State any authority over immigration.

The US District Court Authority, to issue orders outside of their own geographical/jurisdictional venues, that affect the nation at large, are an over stretch of their respective jurisdiction. Only the Supreme Court should be able to issue nationwide decisions. e.g: The Circuit Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, has nationwide jurisdiction only in SELECTED cases.

There are 13 Circuit Courts of Appeals. When there is disagreement between circuits, it's finally up to the Supreme Court to decide what the law is.

President Trump is well within his authority under 8USC, Sec. 1182 to exclude ALL non-citizen aliens who may pose a threat to the USA for whatever period of time he so desires and I would say those countries that do not do thorough checks on who enters and leaves their borders or share specific intelligence, he has a right to ban those citizens of those countries, whatever race or religion they are.

---------- Post added at 08:58 ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 ----------


Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35890226)
Mick, that's a pretty poor defence.

No it's bloody not. I stand by it.

1andrew1 16-03-2017 09:17

Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35890230)
Wind your neck in. :rolleyes:

He has not made any 'stuff' up AND more importantly, his Executive Order that was due to start today, went through thorough legality checks.

The EO was released well over a week ago. I find it too convenient that this Hawaiian Federal Judge brought in by Obama in 2012, put a halt to it, hours before it's due to start, why not last week? Why not 3 or 4 days after EO was signed?

This was done for maximum embarrassment impact, i.e a totally politically motivated action clearly by an Activist Judge. The fact that two of his orders have been blocked is nothing short of a judicial coup against President Trump.

The President of the United States has EXCLUSIVE and SPECIFIC authority, to do what Trump's EO did and the Constitution does not grant any State any authority over immigration.

The US District Court Authority, to issue orders outside of their own geographical/jurisdictional venues, that affect the nation at large, are an over stretch of their respective jurisdiction. Only the Supreme Court should be able to issue nationwide decisions. e.g: The Circuit Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, has nationwide jurisdiction only in SELECTED cases.

There are 13 Circuit Courts of Appeals. When there is disagreement between circuits, it's finally up to the Supreme Court to decide what the law is.

President Trump is well within his authority under 8USC, Sec. 1182 to exclude ALL non-citizen aliens who may pose a threat to the USA for whatever period of time he so desires and I would say those countries that do not do thorough checks on who enters and leaves their borders or share specific intelligence, he has a right to ban those citizens of those countries, whatever race or religion they are.

If you read why he lost the case, it's because he campaigned for a "Muslim ban" in his Presedential election and this is seen as that. And as I've posted before, the advice he was given is that these countries do not pose more of a terrorist threat than others so there was seen to be no case for this ban.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

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