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admars 23-12-2017 22:25

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
this will restore our faith in the force :)

Paul 23-12-2017 23:51

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
That is brilliant. :D

General Maximus 24-12-2017 16:39

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
lol, I love it. I think it is great when people have the skill and passion to do stuff like that.

Chris 24-12-2017 20:55

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Excellent, excellent film. Very well made, and a thoughtful piece as well, which explores issues that have previously been taken for granted in the Star Wars universe, such as the interface between destiny and self-determination. Does history inevitably repeat itself? If the Force chooses you, what can you do about it? In many ways it’s summed up by what I think is my favourite line in the entire film, which challenges so many of the assumptions we bring to a Star Wars film. Probably going to misquote it as I’ve only seen it once (so far), but here goes nothin’:

Kylo Ren, to Rey: “You have no place in this story. You're nobody. But not to me...”

Oh and I also love that we got to see Ben Kenobi’s wise saying about points of view played out in the three retellings of the story of Luke and Ben Solo.

Just brilliant. I’m looking for excuses to go again before the holidays are over.

Kabaal 26-12-2017 22:33

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I really liked it too. I started reading the Thrawn Trilogy books recently (currently just started the third) so maybe that had something to do with it. If anything i wish it had been longer and spent more time on the political and learning parts.

Anonymouse 27-12-2017 18:00

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I've just seen and loved it. There were quite a few twists, such as what Luke did with the lightsabre Rey offered him (I was totally WTF?! about that), and Kylo taking a leaf out of the book of the Sith, i.e.:
<SPOILER REMOVED - oops, sorry, didn't catch the 'no spoilers' warning until I read the rest of the thread, my bad!>
I honestly didn't see that coming. I'm amazed Snoke didn't, either...

But I'd still like to know who Snoke actually was, and where he'd been in the heyday of the Empire...and why Darth Sidious didn't sense his power. Plus I am not convinced Kylo told Rey the truth about her parents; if they and she were "nothing", how is it that she's so powerful with no training whatsoever, possessing an almost instinctual grasp of her abilities - as she showed in The Force Awakens; how did she know how to pull off the Jedi Mind Trick? How did she even know she could do that?

It seems too obvious an answer, but I'd like to think she's either Luke's daughter, or Leia's (perhaps conceived during her estrangement from Han). That ability with the Force had to come from somewhere. Or maybe there were a few Jedi survivors other than Obi-Wan and Yoda who had the sense to go underground and bide their time, as Olee Starstone did in the novel Dark Lord: The Rise Of Darth Vader...

I wonder what Rey will think when she starts seeing Force ghosts, as I'm sure she will? Knowing her, she'll likely try to brain 'em with that staff of hers! :p:

Go, BB-8, go!!! He put Artoo to shame in this film!

One more question I really wanted answered: how did Maz acquire Luke's lightsabre?!

General Maximus 27-12-2017 18:13

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
You beat me too it. You just need to put spoiler tags around the relevant bits you want to mention

Paul 28-12-2017 00:23

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
The film has been out for two weeks now, the time for spoiler tags has passed.

if you havent seen it by now then you should not be reading threads on it, you cannot expect details to be hidden.

Stuart 28-12-2017 15:12

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Originally Posted by Anonymouse (Post 35930115)
But I'd still like to know who Snoke actually was, and where he'd been in the heyday of the Empire...and why Darth Sidious didn't sense his power. Plus I am not convinced Kylo told Rey the truth about her parents; if they and she were "nothing", how is it that she's so powerful with no training whatsoever, possessing an almost instinctual grasp of her abilities - as she showed in The Force Awakens; how did she know how to pull off the Jedi Mind Trick? How did she even know she could do that?

It seems too obvious an answer, but I'd like to think she's either Luke's daughter, or Leia's (perhaps conceived during her estrangement from Han). That ability with the Force had to come from somewhere. Or maybe there were a few Jedi survivors other than Obi-Wan and Yoda who had the sense to go underground and bide their time, as Olee Starstone did in the novel Dark Lord: The Rise Of Darth Vader...

I wonder what Rey will think when she starts seeing Force ghosts, as I'm sure she will? Knowing her, she'll likely try to brain 'em with that staff of hers! :p:

Go, BB-8, go!!! He put Artoo to shame in this film!

One more question I really wanted answered: how did Maz acquire Luke's lightsabre?![/FONT]

I think the film made it obvious that Rey's parents are significant. It spent far too long telling us they aren't. If they weren't, why go to such lengths?

I suspect that her father is possibly Luke, or one of her parents is a descendant of Obi Wan (Obi Wan himself would be too old).

Damien 28-12-2017 21:07

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Maybe there was disagreement between the two directors on Ray's parents. Rian Johnson does seem to have jettisoned JJ Abrams' story arcs. Snoke? Dead. Ray's parents? Not important.

I like the choice, assuming it sticks, for Ray's parents not to be another Skywalker/important figure. It also frees up the franchise to move beyond the initial three films and universe. Why does every important figure have to be related? The theme of the film is to spread it out the force and story behind Luke, Han and Leia. The choice not to have Ray's parents 'be' someone, the whole 'let the past die' stuff, the 'we're the spark that lights the fire' line and the kid at the end.

They've deviated from the formula of a Star Wars film and from the story. It lets them do what they want without having to find a way to shoehorn the old characters into it.

Hom3r 30-12-2017 19:33

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I just got back from seeing it with my Nephew.

I loved the Porgs. especially when Chewie looked like he was eating one, the ones in the Falcon.

I am very disapointed it didn't have a nod to Carrie at the end, unless it came later.

But my bladder was at DefCon 4 after a large coke need help. :D

General Maximus 30-12-2017 19:39

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 35930423)
I am very disapointed it didn't have a nod to Carrie at the end, unless it came later.

it did and it was very soon after the credits rolled so you must have shot out the door pretty fast for a wee. It says something like "in loving memory of our Princess Carrie Fisher".

Chris 30-12-2017 21:51

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Yup, there was an end credit note accompanied by a snippet of Princess Leia’s theme on piano. At the screening I was at, the lights stayed down until after that point.

Hom3r 31-12-2017 00:16

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
Thanks guys.

I could only stay for a short while.

Kabaal 31-12-2017 19:03

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode 8)
I thought it was good but wasn't amazed enough to be dying to watch again when the bluray comes out. Which is kinda weird as some films that aren't that great i really enjoy rewatching.

I started reading the Star Wars books lately so maybe they raised my expectations too high. Started with the Thrawn Trilogy and on the X-Wing ones at the moment and i'm enjoying them much more than the movies.

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