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RizzyKing 21-03-2017 14:02

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered 29th March!
Article 50 does not allow for anything other then a hard exit it's just not possible and even if it were the EU is petrified that the UK won't be the last to leave so will be looking to be as harsh as possible in an attempt to scare other nations from doing it. That will fail already there are eastern european countries already fed up of the EU quite the turnaround in less then a decade and some are blatantly ignoring the rules in certain areas with no consequences from the EU. Very radical reform is needed if the EU is to have a future and it needs to abandon the federal superstate ideal that's driven most of the damage to the EU.

pip08456 21-03-2017 14:15

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered 29th March!

Originally Posted by RizzyKing (Post 35891073)
Article 50 does not allow for anything other then a hard exit it's just not possible and even if it were the EU is petrified that the UK won't be the last to leave so will be looking to be as harsh as possible in an attempt to scare other nations from doing it. That will fail already there are eastern european countries already fed up of the EU quite the turnaround in less then a decade and some are blatantly ignoring the rules in certain areas with no consequences from the EU. Very radical reform is needed if the EU is to have a future and it needs to abandon the federal superstate ideal that's driven most of the damage to the EU.

I agree with you 100% RK. The only form of "soft" Berxit I could see was something like a 5yr "transition" period which I was doubtful of anyway.

I stated way back in this thread "Hard" Brexit was the only option.

passingbat 21-03-2017 16:31

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered 29th March!
BBC accused of Brexit bias. (What a shock; I never would have guessed ;))

Roll on the Grauniad readers...

pip08456 21-03-2017 16:37

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered 29th March!

Originally Posted by passingbat (Post 35891094)
BBC accused of Brexit bias. (What a shock; I never would have guessed ;))

Roll on the Grauniad readers...

It's not just in the Telegraph but quite a few.

It's not something we haven't known though.

RizzyKing 21-03-2017 17:37

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered 29th March!
I loathe paying the licence fee and never watch or listen to anything bbc as it doesn't represent me or my beliefs beyond condemning them. Media bias was clearly evident on both sides and did nothing to help people on either side but the bbc loves to show the country as a mess.

Mr K 21-03-2017 20:20

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered 29th March!

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 35891095)
It's not just in the Telegraph but quite a few.

Yes, the Mail as well. :p:
Politicians from all sides, as well as newspapers, have tried to bully the BBC over the years. They are there to tell it as it is, not the message the Govt. or anyone else wants. Do you trust Murdoch's Sky more?

This tweet from Nick Robinson (a Conservative activist in his youth) sums it up.

Do not adjust your set. Normal service from the BBC means you will hear people you disagree with say things you don't like. (That's our job)

Damien 21-03-2017 21:43

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered 29th March!
The hard left Labour MPs, and all of the SNP, accuse it of bias well. Especially Laura Kussinburg, there was a petition to get her fired by left-wing activists IIRC. I think there might be a bias across a lot of media outlets for the status-quo, journalists attempt to fit what is happening into existing frameworks, but I don't think any of the television networks are that biased.

I think it's harder for news organizations though because people are becoming more partisan and there is less common ground from which to begin a discussion. When basic facts are disputed, the role of experts dismissed, and everything being a matter of opinion then that leaves no option but to be been by biased from one of the two sides. Corbyn loses a by-election and has historical low polling? Biased mainstream media narrative. Inflation increases as the pound falls in value? Liberal media undermining Brexit. They can't win.

People want their existing views confirmed and represented. Hence the popularity of hyperpartisan news sites which openly boast about addressing the perceived imbalance in the media, mocking 'the other side' for doing the same thing, and then printing nothing but stories which pander to their audience.

But Tory MPs are obviously going to say they're biased and there is a clear incentive to attempt to influence them to provide a positive spin on Brexit as we enter the Article 50 talks. At the leading broadcaster if they air a story about a negative consequence it could have an impact.

Mick 26-03-2017 21:36

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered 29th March!
Just seen footage of some ******* remoaners, at the London Pro-EU March yesterday, video is on facebook page, so I cannot link to it here, those morons were sticking their 'Love for the EU' propaganda crap and stupid signs on top of the flowers that were being left at the make shift memorial at Parliament, where the PC that was killed.

What a bunch of morons, no respect at all, none for democracy and none for someone who died a hero, in the line of duty. Some guy was removing them, trying to keep the memorial, clear of them and he was being called a fascist and racist, these clowns still don't get why the leave vote won. :afire: :rolleyes:

Ramrod 26-03-2017 21:44

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered 29th March!

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35891122)
Politicians from all sides, as well as newspapers, have tried to bully the BBC over the years. They are there to tell it as it is

rotflmao :D

1andrew1 26-03-2017 21:52

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered 29th March!

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35891122)
Yes, the Mail as well. :p:
Politicians from all sides, as well as newspapers, have tried to bully the BBC over the years. They are there to tell it as it is, not the message the Govt. or anyone else wants. Do you trust Murdoch's Sky more?

This tweet from Nick Robinson (a Conservative activist in his youth) sums it up.

It's the Brexit Broadcasting Corporation. They admitted they let the country down during their Brexit coverage. They failed to correctly challenge the £350m statement and just said that the opposition disputed the figure. And they admitted that they gave equal airtime to opposing experts even when one of the expert's views was fringe. This gave the expert more credibility than he had. And don't get me started on Ukip Question Time or the Andrew Brexit Marr Show! And they admitted to following newspapers' news agendas which invariably means the Daily Mail. :td:

Osem 26-03-2017 22:11

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered 29th March!

Originally Posted by Ramrod (Post 35891828)
rotflmao :D

Me too. Never heard such unmitigated guff... :D

1andrew1 26-03-2017 22:39

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered: 3 DAYS FROM NOW!
Despite the mistaken beliefs of some, we just don't have the expertise to leave the EU fully at the moment.

UK set to keep EU regulation after Brexit
Theresa May is looking to keep Britain under the remit of some EU agencies after Brexit, in an admission that the UK does not have the time or expertise to replace European bodies with a new British regulatory regime within two years.
As the prime minister prepares to officially fire the starting gun on Brexit talks on Wednesday, officials close to the negotiations say that the UK would have little choice but to take part in some EU agencies after 2019, the scheduled date for Britain’s departure from the bloc, despite pressure from some Brexiters for a clean break.

Chris 26-03-2017 22:45

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered: 3 DAYS FROM NOW!
Good. There's no need to rush. The point of sovereignty is that we can take these decisions for ourselves, remaining within these frameworks for as long as it suits us.

1andrew1 26-03-2017 22:55

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered: 3 DAYS FROM NOW!

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35891840)
Good. There's no need to rush. The point of sovereignty is that we can take these decisions for ourselves, remaining within these frameworks for as long as it suits us.

Those who felt that hard Brexit was the only option will doubtless be throwing a few hissy fits when reality dawns!

passingbat 26-03-2017 23:09

Re: Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered: 3 DAYS FROM NOW!

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35891838)
Despite the mistaken beliefs of some, we just don't have the expertise to leave the EU fully at the moment.

Old news Andrew. This was discussed several times, a good while ago, on The Daily Politics.

Apparently it's how it's been done in similar circumstances (I seem to remember Hong Kong was mentioned as a example), and is the most efficient way of proceeding.

You 'import' all the laws and then sift through them to keep, modify or dump.

It's a scare story from a remoaner news paper that has a globalist world view. Sensible people can simply ignore it.

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