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moriah 02-05-2017 02:19

Re: North Korea
It seems that Pres. Trump want to meet Kim Jong Un when the circumstances is right.

Mr K 02-05-2017 08:08

Re: North Korea

Originally Posted by moriah (Post 35897112)
It seems that Pres. Trump want to meet Kim Jong Un when the circumstances is right.

Has North Korea got a golf course? Otherwise it ain't happening :D

heero_yuy 02-05-2017 08:45

Re: North Korea

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35897116)
Has North Korea got a golf course? Otherwise it ain't happening :D

Certainly seems to as his father had proved:


The round I have in mind took place in a setting far more punishing than any Open venue, and the 18-hole tally makes Miller’s sizzling score look like a number posted by a weekend chop. I’m referring to—what else?—the 38-under-par 34 reportedly fired by the late North Korean despot Kim Jong Il, a man known to his people as Dear Leader and to you and me as Dear Top-the-Leader Board. According to official North Korean state accounts, Kim’s round, the first he’d ever played, was highlighted by five aces.

No doubt his son will eclipse that. :rofl:

OLD BOY 02-05-2017 09:25

Re: Beware Trump - NORTH KOREA

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35895680)
I think that you should open your eyes. We already have a Trump and North Korea thread. Your new one has been merged with this one.

I think that fatty dictator in Pyongyang, should be the one to shut up with his silly threats.

I agree. You can't just ignore these people. Carry on ignoring them and their resentment will grow and worse will ultimately follow. Fat boy Kim craves attention and ignoring him will drive him to even more dangerously outrageous behaviour.

But Kim is just a front. There is an even more dangerous military establishment that is propping him up, and if he doesn't tow their line, well, you can guess what will happen.

Pyongyang is where the elite live in North Korea. The vast majority of his slaves are working on the land in the countryside. If Trump's efforts fail to calm Kim down (and let's face it, everyone else has failed), one of America's blusterbombs on Pyongyang might be the only answer to this corrupt and dangerous regime that can work.

Then at last those poor starving people in the countryside of North Korea can be liberated and the world could be a safer place.

As long as the US has learned to manage the peace, of course, otherwise ISIL will move in.

---------- Post added at 09:25 ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 ----------


Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35897116)
Has North Korea got a golf course? Otherwise it ain't happening :D

Don't be silly. Why would Trump want to play Kim on a golf course when he knows he would need to let him win by a ridiculous margin? Never going to happen!

Uncle Peter 05-05-2017 16:24

Re: North Korea
Trump should just offer him out, Mad Max style. Two men enter, one man leaves.

Get it on Sky PPV: Dramatic entrance music, MC and all the trimmings. Never mind your Joshua v Klitschko

TheDaddy 05-05-2017 17:04

Re: North Korea

Originally Posted by Uncle Peter (Post 35897684)
Trump should just offer him out, Mad Max style. Two men enter, one man leaves.

Get it on Sky PPV: Dramatic entrance music, MC and all the trimmings. Never mind your Joshua v Klitschko

Mullah Omar offered the same deal, him and George Bush alone in the mountains with a klashnikov each. George bottled it just like Vietnam.

Uncle Peter 06-05-2017 14:03

Re: North Korea

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35897691)
Mullah Omar offered the same deal, him and George Bush alone in the mountains with a klashnikov each. George bottled it just like Vietnam.

One eyed sniper versus idiot who doesn't know the difference between the two ends of a rifle. I see why Bush passed on that one.

Two rather rotund chaps with tiny hands duking it out to the death sounds far more entertaining.

TheDaddy 06-05-2017 20:48

Re: North Korea

Originally Posted by Uncle Peter (Post 35897771)
One eyed sniper versus idiot who doesn't know the difference between the two ends of a rifle. I see why Bush passed on that one.

Two rather rotund chaps with tiny hands duking it out to the death sounds far more entertaining.

He could've evened it up a bit by not using his good eye I guess.

I'd like to see the two berks go it to, they could have preliminary rounds to get to pick stipulations like in the wrestling for home advantage and choice of match etc start of with a smallest hands contest, then silliest hair and finally a death match live on PPV it could even be the main event of ufc or wrestlemania.

Mick 08-08-2017 21:01

Re: North Korea
BREAKING: U.S President vows North Korea, will be met with "fire and fury" if it threatens the US, with it's breakthrough in to it's Nuclear capability and it now has a Nuclear Warhead small enough to fit in to a ballistic missile, according to U.S Intelligence Officials.


Donald Trump has told North Korea it will be met with "fire and fury" if it escalates the nuclear threat it poses.

The US President said the rogue state it faced a threat "like the world has never seen" after the Washington Post said North Korea has made a breakthrough in its weapons programme.

The newspaper said the regime of Kim Jong Un has successfully made a miniaturised nuclear warhead that can fit inside one of its intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Mr K 08-08-2017 21:46

Re: North Korea
Just the sort of diversion the Donald needs atm. Wouldn't surprise me if he was funding North Korea's missile programme.

Damien 08-08-2017 22:01

Re: North Korea
Well we're all doomed.

Mick 08-08-2017 23:33

Re: North Korea

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35911517)
Wouldn't surprise me if he was funding North Korea's missile programme.

Nothing surprises me, how much you stretch something far beyond the realms of bizarre, with no substance. :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 22:54 ---------- Previous post was at 22:41 ----------


Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35911526)
Well we're all doomed.

In what way ?

Trump may not be experienced militarily, but he has experienced US Generals surrounding him. They know, or should do not to go in, guns blazing. This is not a situation to be taken lightly.

It's not like Trump has not tried all other avenues, like to apply pressure with China, who has the capability to stop this but chooses not to, so what is left to do ?

They have gone down so many Sanctions, that clearly, fatboy Kim, clearly is determined to provoke and threaten the U.S and now they have the nuclear capability, they are a major threat, they may not be able to hit U.S mainland just yet, but could strike Japan or South Korea.

Regardless of who is President, this has been a recurring problem for years, decades, does the U.S and the rest of the world just sit back and allow Kim Jong-Un's dictatorship state, to grow their Nuclear power ?

---------- Post added at 23:33 ---------- Previous post was at 22:54 ----------

North Korea State TV just now:

North Korea is carefully examining a plan to strike the U.S Pacific territory of Guam with missiles. They are prepared to carry out the strike when Kim Jong-Un gives the order, which they say could be at any moment.

RizzyKing 09-08-2017 02:13

Re: North Korea
It's a safe bet that special forces will have already trained to take control of the few sites in North Korea that are capable of launching an ICBM and likely with quiet agreement from China and Russia as neither of them need this instability continuing for any length of time. This will have been a training scenario for some years as you didn't need a mensa level IQ to see where this was all going and scenarios as well for Pakistan should an extremist islamist party take power. Despite Trump's rhetoric small unit operations to neutralise any missile's North Korea has is the most likely action as that would be more surgical and agreeable to both China and Russia over any sort of missile strike or bombing by aircraft.

North Korea does possess a lot of conventional weaponry but it's years out of date and not upto much beyond mass bombardment of the city of Seoul to cause mass civilian casualties and they would only get a few salvos off before being hit by land and air forces. At this point how much stability or even common sense remains in the upper echelon of the NK regime is anyone's guess and I'd be surprised if some form of military action doesn't happen within the next couple of month's. Dangerous times for all of us and could end up being a devastating demonstration of what happens when you ignore a problem you don't think can be a problem outside of their own border's.

Damien 09-08-2017 07:09

Re: North Korea

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35911531)
In what way ?

In a 'were all dead' kinda way.

I just mean because they've got a nuclear warhead. Not because of Trump (although that's a bit scary too)

Hugh 09-08-2017 08:20

Re: North Korea
From Twitter

Can someone tell Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un that there are better ways to settle who has the world's worst haircut than via World War 3.

"How did the Nukey War start, Oldfather?"

"Well ..." [I stoke the fire] "It was Hashtag International Cat Day..."
If I couldn't laugh, I would cry.

I thought we had left the threat of Mutually Assured Destruction behind us in the 90's?

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