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denphone 08-12-2015 19:21

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35812046)
We've still to watch S4. No SA on VM so it's torrents.:(

We tend to get the GOT series with some of our Christmas or Birthday money and when they are on offer as we hate paying the full price for things.

Tezcatlipoca 09-12-2015 01:19

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35812046)
We've still to watch S4. No SA on VM so it's torrents.:(

You could subscribe to NOW TV just for the duration.

General Maximus 21-02-2016 16:41

Re: Game of Thrones
Just had a look at my tv calendar and season 6 doesn't start till 25th April this year! :wtf:

heero_yuy 21-02-2016 16:56

Re: Game of Thrones
Rather enjoyed this bit though from season 4:


General Maximus 21-02-2016 17:23

Re: Game of Thrones
me too, I was ecstatic. I haven't read the books so I didn't know what was coming and given that they seem to love killing off the good guys and let the bad guys triumph I wasn't expecting anything good to happen. As he was being sick I was expecting somebody to whisk him off to see a doctor or something but then as I saw him deteriorate and in absolute agony a smile came to my face. When he finally died I honestly said to myself "the ****ing little **** has finally got what was coming to him". We always like to see bad guys die in our films and tv series but I have never been so emotionally engrossed as I have with this one and it is a testament as to how amazing the series is.

After that they got my hopes up and I was devastated when Oberyn died in 4x08. I really thought he was going to kick The Mountain's ass. He was doing so well and could have won but he let his emotions get the better of him and made a mistake.

Paul 22-02-2016 19:47

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35823065)
Rather enjoyed this bit though from season 4:


I think everyone loved that scene (except perhaps Joffrey ...).

Horizon 23-05-2016 23:48

Re: Game of Thrones
Surprised no one is talking about the latest eps of GoT.

Slow, but steady this season except this latest episode. One of the best endings ever.

General Maximus 24-05-2016 08:29

Re: Game of Thrones
Hold the door!

On a serious note though (and this is bugging me), if the pixie people made the White Walkers surely they have the power to unmake them/make something magical which can wipe them out. The dragon glass isn't a good enough excuse because of how rare it is and the fact that you have to kill each individual walker.

Horizon 27-05-2016 01:48

Re: Game of Thrones
... I suppose its like the machines rising up against people in the Terminator films, the white walkers just became more powerful than their "masters."

I also wondered why the white walkers haven't invaded yet. Yes, there's a big wall to keep them out, but they could simply just go round it into the sea. It's not as if they could drown or freeze to death...

pip08456 27-05-2016 03:36

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35823065)
Rather enjoyed this bit though from season 4:


Yep, the little jumped up spoilt, warped and twisted brat deserved it.

I came late to this series, only started about 6 weeks ago and binge watched up to present.

Now I'm hooked!

Hugh 27-05-2016 14:44

Re: Game of Thrones
Valerian steel can kill White Walkers as well as dragonglass.

I think the reason the White Walkers don't just take over is that they can't take temperate climates, which is why they only attack beyond the Wall when it is the Long Winter.

Horizon 27-05-2016 17:32

Re: Game of Thrones
....ahhh, but as they're dead you wouldn't think something like temperature would make a difference to them. Although in the last episode most of them weren't keen on fire, so you maybe right there.

General Maximus 27-05-2016 17:46

Re: Game of Thrones
now here's an idea, as there are so many dodgy dudes in Westeros that like to kidnap people and torture/experiment (Cercei's meister) how about somebody kidnapping/ambushing a white walker, sticking him in a crate and carting him off to Kings Landing and then we see him unveiled in some sort of arena similar to the slave fights Ser Jorah was in. It could be the grand finale which the winner has to compete in in order to win their freedom. I would definitely like to see one captured just so we get a bit more information about them. For starters I would like to know the answer to the above for fire/heat. At least the humans would be able to establish some geographical borders/boundaries where they know they would be safe if they knew White Walkers were heat sensitive.

Paul 28-06-2016 01:00

Re: Game of Thrones
Just watched the final season 6 episode - wow, so much packed into it.

General Maximus 28-06-2016 10:07

Re: Game of Thrones
yup, I was very pleased with it. I don't know whether it is a coincidence now that they haven't got a book to go off but this season they covered a lot more ground and jumped around a lot more. In previous seasons you would have an ep about Joffrey & Kings Landing and wouldn't see Kahleesi and the following ep would be vice cersa. I loved how the finale jumped around so much to cover everyone and I am ecstatic that Kahleesi is finally on her way. I am very much looking forward to seeing Winterfell restored to its former glory in the next season and I am hoping there is a bit of a time jump to reflect this (e.g. 1 year ahead) so we can see everything rebuilt. That would also bode well for Sam and Cersei too. Sam can be well underway with his studies and Cersei can be settled in as queen. I am looking forward to seeing Cersei rule with an iron fist and be an absolute bitch :). Hopefully they'll go back and show us what The Mountain has done to that sceptre.

I love happy endings and it is great to see that after all these years karma is coming back with a vegence. Sansa is back home and Arya is kicking some ass; I can't wait to see who she moves on to next. I think she said she had ~50 people on her list.

I imagine next season will primarily focus with Kahleesi's invasion of Westeros and taking power. I am of two minds about it; I want her to take Kings Landing and paste the Lannisters but I don't want her to fight the Starks, they are all good guys :( If she takes control next season then that will leave season 8 (the final season) to for the White Walker invasion. Although I am sure it is going to be colossal and feature some major defeats and devastation surely it should be easy enough to win? The White Walkers and susceptible to fire and all you need is Kahleesi's dragons to fry everyone and if that fails line your massive army up (and those of all the united houses in Westeros) with archers and flaming arrows :confused:

Anyways, can somebody invent time travel so we can jump forward to this time next year and watch it!

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