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weenie 07-08-2014 23:48

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35720068)
Might have to go to the doctors tomorrow, had a hard lump on the back of my neck for the last week. Yesterday, it was roughly the size of a ping pong ball, so know something is wrong. But being typical male, burying my head in the sand. Trouble is, 2 different GP's have said something different for it. One reckons it is my blood sugar going too high, whereas another said it is a sign of infection. Which is bizarre because I have no other symptoms of an infection anywhere in my body. Weird.

Hope you get it sorted soon Mark, you may just need a course of antibiotics if it is caused by an infection especially if the lump is getting bigger.

rhyds 08-08-2014 09:39

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
I've been smacking my head against the breeze block wall of telecoms again today...

Long story short: I moved my calls and broadband from BT to plusnet on the 16th of July. BT for some reason then decided I still wanted broadband with them, so not only did they charge me a July bill (paying for services from the 21st of July to the 22nd of August) for my old package, they also threw on a £25 broadband only deal, leaving me with a July bill for £52 for services I couldn't use (as my calls and BB were being billed to plusnet).

Now BT say "ignore this bill until your final bill arrives". The problem however comes from the amount of time BT say they will take to produce that final bill (30-45 days). Now that takes the wait over another billing date, so I'm now stuck waiting for that and hoping BT don't start getting aggressive over chasing the £52 they claim I owe them (I cancelled my direct debit as I'd rather not pay money for services I've never used)...

weenie 08-08-2014 12:50

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Awkward people who makes things so difficult for everyone involved including the very people who are trying to represent them "their loss adjuster" as they refuse to even liaise with them. Why do that :shrug:

heero_yuy 08-08-2014 14:09

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Vodafone. For changing the details of my 3G dongle so you have to buy a data package rather than just a top-up.

Checked I had credit on it before going down to Cornwall but nothing connected. Even took the lappy into Penzance to be in range of the 3G signal rather than the useless 2G elsewhere but the thing kept going to the top-up page but it's so slow that in 1/2 an hour it never actually loaded up enough to tell me about the credit.

Back home I bought a top-up voucher because I thought the credit had expired, turns out it hadn't but now you have to buy a data package that expires after a month even if you haven't used the credit. At least the nice scots guy on the help line (Answered in about 3 mins) topped up my balance to a full £30 for free and set up the packages (1 Gig each) to run on the next three months.

I asked how long it would take for the dongle to become active and he said just re-boot the PC, and lo! it worked. So a + for Vodafones telephone support and a - for not telling me about the changes.

weenie 12-08-2014 01:22

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Hate not being able to sleep, too many thoughts in my head trying to predict what will happen next with the insurance companies, as neighbour seems to be still ignoring requests from their insurance for a loss adjuster to do a site visit. :mad:

arcimedes 12-08-2014 07:33

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Stupid computer :mad: Logged in just now and decided to logon to banking. I got the sign in wrong ( it happens occasionally) tried to go through the resetting procedure, it wouldn't work (could logon via phone so not all bad).

Then the PC started talking to me; somehow I had pressed something on the keyboard (its wireless (the keyboard) and windows 8.1) Then typing on keyboard didn't work it was displaying different characters to what I typed.

Rebooted and everything back to normal and I could now reregister for online banking. Good start to the day :rolleyes:

dilli-theclaw 12-08-2014 11:38

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
I might be missing something here but I just heard back from he blue badge people who tell me that the picture I uploaded was 'scanned on its side' and I need to send them the original to rescan it. I'm not sure why they can just rotate the picture 90degres?

joglynne 12-08-2014 12:02

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35721049)
I might be missing something here but I just heard back from he blue badge people who tell me that the picture I uploaded was 'scanned on its side' and I need to send them the original to rescan it. I'm not sure why they can just rotate the picture 90degres?

I would imagine the process is automated so maybe there is no room for initiative.

MalteseFalcon 12-08-2014 12:43

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Had my routine eye test this morning. Optician says there has been a significant change for the worse in my sight and gave me a letter to take to my GP as soon as I had finished there. Now got an appointment for tomorrow morning, to see if I am being referred to hospital for more tests or to have more blood taken or what.

Now worrying myself silly about tomorrow. Would rather lose hearing than sight.

peanut 12-08-2014 18:27

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35721061)
Had my routine eye test this morning. Optician says there has been a significant change for the worse in my sight and gave me a letter to take to my GP as soon as I had finished there. Now got an appointment for tomorrow morning, to see if I am being referred to hospital for more tests or to have more blood taken or what. Now worrying myself silly about tomorrow. Would rather lose hearing than sight.

Normally I would have thought they optician would refer you to the hospital directly rather than going through the GP. Still, good luck for tomorrow.

My moan, I didn't receive the best news from my Nephro consultant today. :(

dilli-theclaw 15-08-2014 11:07

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
I am more than mildly irritated to find that it seems that my community transport people have given my address to someone I would much rather not have it (re interfering old busy body from my blind group).
I am so not happy right now.....

MalteseFalcon 15-08-2014 11:42

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Make a complaint dilli. They aren't allowed to give out your address to other people without your permission. Complain and tell the busy body to get lost.

joglynne 15-08-2014 12:00

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35721849)
Make a complaint dilli. They aren't allowed to give out your address to other people without your permission. Complain and tell the busy body to get lost.

Spot on Mark. You have a right to your privacy and the busy body should be told to buzz off and annoy someone else.

weenie 15-08-2014 14:39

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35721843)
I am more than mildly irritated to find that it seems that my community transport people have given my address to someone I would much rather not have it (re interfering old busy body from my blind group).
I am so not happy right now.....

I don't think they have the right to give your address out dilli but I could be wrong, I think if I was you I would request that they never do that again without your permission. I know when people have asked me for someone's mobile number or address I have said no but I will ask the person if that is okay after all I would not like my address or phone number given out plus it's only manners to respect someone's privacy.

heero_yuy 15-08-2014 14:59

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Vodafones web site, there's always something wrong with it and its painfully slow too. Took 3 attempts to top up my PAYG phone today, site bombed out with stupid errors. You'd have thought that the one part of the site that would work properly is the part that gives them momey. Idiots. :mad:

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