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Jimmy-J 25-09-2016 19:24

Re: US Election 2016
Who would the rest of the world vote for?

adzii_nufc 25-09-2016 21:28

Re: US Election 2016
That's exactly what I expected from an online Poll. Can comfortably say the majority are just nodding Trump for the troll.

Pierre 25-09-2016 21:56

Re: US Election 2016
If I lived in America, I would probably vote for trump. I probably wouldn't vote. But if I had to.

Reason being, I don't thing the Obama and the democrats have been a good government for the USA. A vote for Clinton is basically another term for Obama policies so I would want something different. And in 4 years if it's a shitstorm then get rid.

RizzyKing 26-09-2016 04:14

Re: US Election 2016
I'd vote for trump over clinton because he will quickly find out how really powerless the position of president is and there is just something about clinton i don't trust. Like a growing number of americans i don't rate obama that highly i think he promised much and delivered little. I think when the time comes majority will vote clinton but I'm not convinced it would be the best thing for the US.

Damien 26-09-2016 08:39

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by RizzyKing (Post 35860541)
I'd vote for trump over clinton because he will quickly find out how really powerless the position of president is and there is just something about clinton i don't trust. Like a growing number of americans i don't rate obama that highly i think he promised much and delivered little. I think when the time comes majority will vote clinton but I'm not convinced it would be the best thing for the US.

Historically speaking, at this time in his term, he is popular amongst Americans:

Damien 26-09-2016 17:40

Re: US Election 2016
First debate tonight and given the expectation game it's almost certainly going to go to Trump. As long as he doesn't lose his temper and sounds 'normal' he will be perceived to have won. Clinton is already seen as a policy wonk and rather boring so she can't win by being detailed or calm, her best chance is to rattle Trump whose shown his temper quite often so far.

adzii_nufc 26-09-2016 19:29

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35860601)
First debate tonight and given the expectation game it's almost certainly going to go to Trump. As long as he doesn't lose his temper and sounds 'normal' he will be perceived to have won. Clinton is already seen as a policy wonk and rather boring so she can't win by being detailed or calm, her best chance is to rattle Trump whose shown his temper quite often so far.

Even if he loses his rag, people will lap that up and love it. There's nothing good that can come from this race. I'm still quite lost for words that one of these goons will be the next POTUS. :erm:

Damien 26-09-2016 23:10

Re: US Election 2016
Washington Post continuing to dig into Trump's charities:


Donald Trump’s charitable foundation has received approximately $2.3 million from companies that owed money to Trump or one of his businesses but were instructed to pay Trump’s tax-exempt foundation instead, according to people familiar with the transactions.

In cases where he diverted his own income to his foundation, tax experts said, Trump would still likely be required to pay taxes on the income. Trump has refused to release his personal tax returns. His campaign said he paid income tax on one of the donations, but did not respond to questions about the others.

adzii_nufc 27-09-2016 00:30

Re: US Election 2016
Same two stories each day now. Clinton emails (Which made a pretty poor attempt at implicating Obama) The newest ones call the FBI investigation a sham, which is a pretty fair observation but isn't really anything we didn't know. Handing out immunity to the two key witnesses that could implicate Clinton when they clearly failed to submit everything they new, that's a botch right there. Printing it everyday doesn't make it fresh though.

Then there's the Trump ones, he's a dodgy businessman etc. Again nothing really new there, the blokes as dodgy with money as they come, the stereotypical example of rich man dodging tax. He's always come off as arrogant arse. He'll go through a whole term with more scandals along the way.

Just Anti-Trump, Anti-Clinton reporting from both sides. Ideally they'd both face proper investigations and get nowhere near the White House. Clinton's too well protected and connected for the FBI to have made any actual effort and Trump has too much money for anyone to even bother trying. I love statements like 'No one is above the law' Sometimes the justice system in the US says quite the opposite. Change it all. Obama third term. Not sure where the Obama hate has come from lately. Who'd want him out for these two?

Roll on, starts soon anyway, awaiting the Clinton coughs and her trying to be a Politician, then waiting to see Trump trying not to be a Politician, waving his arms about yelling random tripe... Basically doing what South Park targeted him for.

TheDaddy 27-09-2016 05:10

Re: US Election 2016
Did he really say happy camper in the debate or did I dream that. Can't believe he has got this far to not bother in the debate at all.

denphone 27-09-2016 06:20

Re: US Election 2016
After the debate IMO Hilary Clinton just came one step closer to being president of America in November.

Damien 27-09-2016 07:47

Re: US Election 2016
Yup glad to be wrong. It seems like Trump didn't even cover the basics for it. You would at least think he would have some training or soundbites for some of the possible questions but he doesn't seem to care. He didn't have rebuttals or answers for some of the most basic questions. He is treating the whole thing like a joke.

People laughed at Bush but at least he had a grasp of the issues.

Pierre 27-09-2016 10:38

Re: US Election 2016
I've just watched the whole debate.

Trump was not as polished as Clinton.

There were at least 3 (that I counted) WTF moments from Trump.

Clinton didn't particularly shine either. She talked well, as you would expect, but didn't say much.

Trump didn't go after her as much as he should have done. She has a record to go after
, Trump hasn't and he didn't use that to his advantage

Clinton got off lightly and in regards to the debates is Clinton 1 Trump 0.

We'll see what happens in the next two.

Hugh 27-09-2016 13:02

Re: US Election 2016
Trump hasn't got a record?

What about his
- bankruptcies (because he says he can be a great President because he is a great businessman)
- non-payment of suppliers, and then litigates (lack of trust and lack of honesty)
- casual sexism and racism (calls women slobs and pigs)
- lack of rational judgement, as he says he likes to react rather than think things over
- dishonesty (he campaigns on keeping jobs in the USA, but offshores most of his business, and employed immigrant labout to build his buildings and golf course)
- lack of empathy (he thought the 2008 crash was a good thing, because it meant he could buy property cheaply, because 'it's just business'
- consistently lies, flip-flops on policies, then denies changing his mind even when it's recorded on TV
- is not reality based (he thinks just because he says something, it's true, and denies there are other valid opinions than his)

Here is a list of his lies and exaggerations from just one week...

Damien 27-09-2016 13:03

Re: US Election 2016
Before the debate the Trump campaign said, in contrast to Clinton, that he was preparing for the debate by playing golf and eating cheeseburgers. Most thought this was expectations management and he would appeal calm and have a few talking points. It appears it may have been right.

It's not clear what his strategy was. They knew Clinton would be well prepared because for all her faults work ethic isn't among them. The pundits assumed he would seek to appear calm and authoritative and that contrast with his media image would win it but he didn't do that. He struggled to even be his showbiz self frequently tripping over his words.

I still wonder if deep down he doesn't want the job. Every time he is doing well in the polls he seems do something stupid. We don't know if this will harm him of course but it won't help him.

Anything he'll probably find some minority group to blame and take the focus of his performance.

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